why do you

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by TkdWarrior, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    do cardio?

    I just have simple question...
    why the hell do you do cardio?
    what goal or purpose you feel cardio will accomplish?
    do you do it to get thin(???) or to loose fat fast(??) or just to fun( wierd)

  2. Colucci

    Colucci My buddies call me Chris.

    When you say "you", do you mean "you" me, or "you" you? :confused: :D

    "I" personally don't do any specific cardio right now, because my schedule can't handle it. I have 3-4 weight-training workouts each week, and once a week I have what I consider GPP when I unload our weekly delivery at work. Shlepping untold numbers of dumbbells, weight plates, and boxed cardio machines out of a truck and into a warehouse for half-an-hour definitely counts as work. Goal-wise, it's all performance related.

    Last time I was doing cardio intentionally (probably May or June), it was for fat loss. Either standard H.I.I.T. running for 10-15 minutes at a shot, or H.O.C. running 4-6 laps around a track with 2 kettlebell stations per lap.
  3. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    you try getting into a ring with no cardio training, and see how long you last. not to mention that cardio is useful in every day life, not just martial arts.
  4. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    nah I only do realistic martial arts, and in RMA fights never last more than 2 seconds :p ...

    now answer me.
  5. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    I did. we dont all do martial arts solely for the relatively small chance of being attacked (and you dont want to get into an arguement over whether muay thai or taekwondo is more realistic)

    heres a few reasons-
    1. you get jumped and run. you run, come to a dead end. if you have good cardio you are still fresh, while your pursuers are tired. if not, you are knackered and get beat down.

    2. try training for a good amount of time without any cardio. I am gasping like a fish and can hardly move at the end of every lesson, judo or muay thai. with no cardio, I cannot train as hard or as long as I do, and so I would be a worse fighter.

    3. it is better to have something and not need it, then to not have it and need it. this applies equally to cardio- there is no harm in having a good level of endurance. NOT having a good level gives you no benefit at all.

    besides, I have seen fights last for much longer than a couple of seconds. and I have seen people gas in "street fights" quite often. the level of adrenalin means neither of them is going to go down without a bit of punishment, and when you live in an area where everyone is built like Mark Hunt that is a LOT of punishment.
  6. mystererae

    mystererae Valued Member

    Why do I do cardio? That depends what you mean. I run a lot because I am a soccer player and a cross-country runner. We also have a cardio kickboxing class three times a week, a really good workout for fighting, and I do that partly because everyone else does, partly because it helps with sparring, partly because it keeps me in good shape, partly because...

    you get the idea. It has a lot of benefits.
  7. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    oh yes oh yes... I want to... I can bet TKD is more realistic..
    oh BTW I started off with MT for 2/2.5 yrs then changed to TKD.

    anyways how difficult it was writing a proper reply..

    thnx guys :)

  8. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Try grappling. I guarantee if you don't do any cardio then you will drop after about 2 minutes.
  9. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    I think a big reason that people do cardio is to lose/keep off fat. Figure 30%bf at 200 pounds (I have a feeling it gets worse than that) thats 60 pounds of stuff that doesnt pull its own weight.
  10. Zertz

    Zertz New Member

    Endurance is good, I may be skinny but I don't last very long on the run.
  11. laruz114

    laruz114 New Member

    How exactly did you come to that conclusion?
  12. HammerFist

    HammerFist New Member

    I run because I enjoy running.

    I do high reps of weights, mixed with sprinting, rowing and body weight exercises to condition myself for sparring.
  13. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is as simple as that.

    Warrior, instead of finding reasons to support the fact that you don't do/like cardio, try doing some, simple as that.
  14. TkdWarrior

    TkdWarrior Valued Member

    No If you look at my workouts.. You'll see I do lots of bodyweights exercises. and Cardio is part of it... don't worry about me not doing it ;).
    I m finding reasons because I want to know what people think of it exactly...

  15. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Uh...for cardiovascular exercise, just like it says on the tin.
  16. GhostOfYourMind

    GhostOfYourMind Bewaters lil Iron Monkey

    EXACTLY! Go into a ring and grapple or step onto the wrestling mat without any cardio training and see what happens. I guarantee if you're wrestling, you'll get pinned because the other guy can go harder and longer and absolutely school you. Sure, wrestling matches only last anywhere from 3-4 minutes, but that's 3-4 minutes of pure hell where every single muscle in your body is working at maximum contraction/effort and needs as much oxygen as it can get. Wrestlers will train every day for a month or two of cardio just for one match. That's why "we" do cardio. To go harder and longer, and to stay much stronger. (nice lil rhyme eh? :D)
  17. Radok

    Radok Love myself better than U

    Plus, in a real fight, adrenaline is very taxing. It makes you stronger, but wears you out. If you have better stamina, you will be ready to handle the adrenaline rush better.

    Also, if you want to avoid a heart attack...

    Plus it helps at sparring, of course.
  18. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    Cardiovascular health is important. But I think cardio is way overrated nowdays (what the heck is a cardio room? you need a separate room for cardio??).
  19. Wesker

    Wesker Professional Lurker

    So I don't turn into a fatty.
  20. Long_Distance_R

    Long_Distance_R New Member

    the real stuff

    Ok too put an end to this thread wich nobobdy covered. When you do cardio you pump blood fast, right. so every time you do cardio your heart will be able to pump your blood more eaisliy as for instants if you run hard and long youll get your heart beat up to like 180. for say in like two weeks of running and you run the same pace as you did on that hard run your heartbeat will be about 170 and so on. Thats when you slim down and lose weight. And thats the process of getting a healthy heart and the whole reason for doin cardio.
    your matches only last 2 seconds heh? But wat if you get in a long hard fight.
    youll know the difference ;)

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