What can Qi do?

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Britzy, May 8, 2005.

  1. Britzy

    Britzy New Member

    Hi i'm a complete noob, ive tried to read this forum, but regularly come across very long hard to say words lol. Im interested in this internal arts thing. I would like to know what Qi or chi can actually do.. In this i mean can internal (martial?) arts be used for self defence?if so which ones? Is it possible to do really strong blows or chi missiles lol?The missles were kind of a joke.

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    Internal arts are the biz for self-defence m8 :)
    Qi itself does little or nothing other than act as a kind of cosmic food to sustain life - BUT when developed into jing and/or shen it becomes useful in a martial context...
    follow the magic footprints.....
    Best regards
    N :Angel:
  3. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Agree 100%

    Although I suspect our usage of the word "Biz" may differ :Angel:
  4. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Qi at its maximum human expression:


    Last edited: May 9, 2005
  5. Shadowdh

    Shadowdh Seeker of Knowledge

    Oh god no... gerard you just got detention...

    Yoda... whats your usage of the "biz"...

    Qi isnt magic thats for sure... its a term used to convey some difficult to define/explain ideas etc... that is all... ;)
  6. daftyman

    daftyman A 4oz can of whoop-ass!

    What can Qi do?

    It can part the foolish from large amounts of money by running empty force seminars.

    If anyone's interested I'll run one myself for the vary reasonable fee of $800! :D

    That's each btw!
  7. Shadowdh

    Shadowdh Seeker of Knowledge

    LOL VR... only 800... course its $ so 1/2 it and we have £...
  8. Wanderer

    Wanderer Valued Member

    For a starter and most people;

    Consider Qi as the air or oxygen, Qi Gong as breathing exercise and mobilize your Qi flow along your channels.

    Such as Yi Jing Jing or 8 brocade.

  9. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    Qi in internal MA is physiology plus intention, which when put together leads to increased functioning. Qi can also just mean plain old functioning in your body, like digestion, and fluid metabolism. It can make you better at what you do, but don't look for any magic or mysticism-- the only people who see that are the romantics and naysayers.
  10. Shadowdh

    Shadowdh Seeker of Knowledge

    Another great post re Qi from Hwardo... brilliant mate...
  11. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    yep, nice one hwardo. physiology+intention=improved sensability/efficient functioning

    improved sensability/efficient functioning = better qi

    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  12. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    Thanks guys :eek: .
  13. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Qigong or energy work is:

    The practice of learning to control the movement of the life force internally, using only the mind to direct energy in the body (BK Frantzis).

    Magic or mysticism, mmm. There is a saying in Qigong practice which goes:

    It is very dangerous to continue immoral activities once one has begun to practice qigong. Dr. Yan says that crimes, sins and simple wrongdoing record themselves as signals in the body. These signals interfere with qigong progress (Yan 1994a: 8). Yan Xin writes: "Within the higher realm of qigong there is a rule: do not try to harm others or you will harm yourself. Virtue is very important. Without it, one's qi will decrease or be totally lost" (Wozniak, Wu & Wang 1991: 75).


    Wozniak, J.A., Stevenson, W. & Hao W. (1991). Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences. Champaign, IL: International Yan Xin Qigong Association.

    Yan, X. (1994a & b). Basics of Yan Xin Qigong I & II. Champaign, IL: International Yan Xin Qigong Association.

  14. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    A nice safe explanation for rational, sensible people....
    Functional, practical, useable.... :)
    Straightforward, simple, to the point.....

    Also wrong imo :D lol
    (but hey, I guess I'm just a good ole fashioned romantic naysayer then.... :rolleyes: )
    Last edited: May 17, 2005
  15. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    You are an old dog (or should I say a Fire Horse like me :D ), so you know qi business well


    Take care,

  16. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member


    There's always room for a little romance....it's all in the perception.

    ...but majic & mysticism?

    You say potato, I say potato

    Gerard, being righteous never helped anyone, your prejudices shine through almost everytime you post. What are you trying to say exactly?

    immoral? crimes and sins? Harming others? without virtue?
    Because we agree on a common definition of qi, you somehow connect it to that? You sound like a religious fanatic.

    Yes, Gerard that is what we are doing.
    I'm sure both you guys have amazing chi powers...being so virtuous and all..
  17. gerard

    gerard Valued Member

    Mate. Just practice and relax.

    Tension is no good, it will inhibit qi flow.
  18. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member


    That's what you do.
  19. Kata-Kid

    Kata-Kid New Member

    As a newcomer, not even 'belonging' here (i'm no Aikido or Qi-Gong practitioner), i was wondering; What whould be deemed 'an immoral life'? Everybody, who's a tad serious about their MA, will naturally live a healthy life, treating their body with respect. I'd think that was a 'morally correct life'?

    If i sound patronizing on that, please apologize (i just hate it when people, who don't know about other peoples lives, tel them how to live).
  20. Shadowdh

    Shadowdh Seeker of Knowledge

    ...probably better translated as breath work...

    gerard you are once again accusing those of something which you are the most guilty of...

    KK... a good question and one that arises in most discussions of what is Qi/Chi/Ki.... etc...

    IMHO I think that immorality or what is Qi and questions like these are incredibly subjective... what is immoral to one is not to another... (though there are some actions/ideals which are universally accepted as immoral I am talking about the eat fish on a friday type...) and the same thing applies to Qi... although the most rapid deriders of belief are usually those who are the mystic qi believers... as Geo said... almost religiously fanatical...

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