Too Much?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by ns_oni, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. ns_oni

    ns_oni Valued Member

    How much weight training etc would it take to stunt your growth during adolescent years?

    thanks :Angel:
  2. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    Stunt your growth? Muscularly? Or skeletally? I suppose putting a lot of pressure on bones and joints would make them stop growing...

    And if say, your pecs exploded (ala Coach McGuirk from Home Movies), then they wouldn't grow much...

  3. Colucci

    Colucci My buddies call me Chris.

    Holy crow, is this a tricky one. Well, here we go...

    It's not that any certain "amount" will stunt your growth. It's more to do with the intensity of the exercise itself. You need to take into account the hormonal changes caused by weight-training, which when combined with a body's natural hormone fluctuations, can confuse the body into "stopping growth" prematurely. Also, becuase children and teen bones to not solidify completely until puberty, they are not always physically capable of withstanding an intense bout of weight-training exercise.

    These are the main reasons that most professionals will not encourage weight-training in pre-teen children. And even teenagers need to be aware of the effects of certain kinds of exercise, and monitor their progress accordingly.

    I'm not going to take a 13-year old boy and have him doing deadlifts with 75 pounds. But I'd have no problem putting him through repetitions of "deep knee bends", or bodyweight squats. Calisthenics are absolutely fine, as they work around the body's own resistance. But external weightloads are generally not recommended until the onset of puberty, at the earliest.
  4. ns_oni

    ns_oni Valued Member

    hmm thanks that explains it abit.
  5. smally

    smally New Member

    training stimulates growth if done with good nutrition ive always been learned
    it has two effects first cartillage will be kept open for longer giving u more time to grow and u will grow more at the same time

    further stick to medium weights not ultra high thats an other thing i learned
    also try to keep it all under an hour if u have to train two hours a day split them then ull produce more growth hormone and testosterone and keep the bad hormones low.
  6. TigerAnsTKDLove

    TigerAnsTKDLove Ex-TKD'er 2005.

    well im 16... i do a very advanced gym class which is recommended for active teens its called excel. we weight train everyday for about 30 minutes. i have noticed on me muscle mass in my arms and in my calfs. i can bench over 100 which my max before was 80-90 something like that. and also dont lift weights that you don't think you can't lift i did that and uh, i had to go get a massage cuz i threw out my back very badly and my neck felt all weird.

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