Think i've hurt my back!

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by Matt B, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Matt B

    Matt B Valued Member

    I hadnt done my lower back / leg weights day for a few weeks until about 10 days ago. Felt absolutely fine at the time and teh day after, as is usual, ever single muscle in my legs ached as did my lower back. Thing is, my lower back still hurts now!

    I have hurt it in the past. About 15 months ago I was half asleep and picked up a not so heavy dumbbell (20kg odd) VERY badly, which did hurt my back. I'm now wondering if i've got a weakness there and have aggravated it.

    The pain is pretty much a dull ache. If i sit at work (which is pretty much what i do 99% of the day!) it aches after a while. Nothing i can't put up with without pain killers. What is annoying me more is not training on it as i don't want to hurt it more.

    I'm reasonably confident it will go away with time and that rest is good. I pick up weights properly now and will be paying better attention to my dumbbell deadlift form in future to see if that was the cause/part-cause. But i think perhaps adding in some core work couldnt go a miss. Any thoughts?
  2. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

  3. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I have recently been suffering back pain and tried sport massage which only worked for a short period.
    I went to a Paul Chek Exercise Specialist who told me that certain Type 1 fibre muscles had stopped working and major muscles in my glutes and legs had taken over. The result of this is my pelvis has tilted slightly forward contributing to the back pain. I am now working on tiny core strengthening exercises designed to get these small muscles firing again.
    So I agree that core conditioning is the way to go, but in my case it is not major nutcase workouts it is tiny core movements (not easy incidently).
  4. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    I find that raising my back and/or legs and holding that arched position for 30 seconds helps.
  5. Matt B

    Matt B Valued Member

    Going for a review with one of the gym instructors either tomorrow or Friday to go through a range of core exercises. I'm going to get my stretching routine (actually Superfoots!) going at last too. Probably aim to do the core work at home 3 times a week on the same day I've been to the gym (to do weights) in the morning. I gave up doing much core work because frankly i couldnt after a weight session!

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