Shadowboxing with Dumbbells?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by TaeAno, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. TaeAno

    TaeAno Certified Ninja

    Are there any pro's and con's to Shadowboxing with dumbells?
    Does anybody recommend it?
    Will this help improve any attributes? (Strength, Endurance, Speed)
    Is it SAFE? (I'm only 15 years old)

    I currently only own two 10 lb dumbbells and I think it may be a bit too much.

    Opinions would help!
  2. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    There's a thread in the "what not to do section" just use the weights as weights and shadowbox separately
  3. JaxMMA

    JaxMMA Feeling lucky, punk?

    Just get 16oz gloves. Like Moi said...use weights for lifting
  4. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Do NOT use weights for shadowboxing. The point of shadow boxing is to work on your combinations and footwork, also it's a good warm up before bagwork or focusmitts and sparring. Holding dumbbells while shadow boxing will not make you more explosive nor will it give you stronger punches. All you will do is hyper extend your elbows and then you'll be in for a world of hurt.
  5. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Or you can get that porno looking shake stick and try it.... ;)
  6. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    The general opinion around here is not to use weights when shadow boxing, as there is a risk of damaging the joints if you lock your arms out. That said I do sometimes use a very light weight, somewhere between a battery up to a 1kg weight, making sure the arms never lock out. As has been said you can just use 16oz gloves.

    I suggest shaow boxing with the weight/gloves, then removing them and shadow box empty hands, this is great for developing speed imho.

    The other alternative is to use bungee cords. Below is a clip of me using them as a plyometric drill to increase explosiveness and speed.

    [ame=""]YouTube - 100 Punch Challenge.wmv[/ame]

    Check out the members workout videos for more ideas on plyometric exercises.
  7. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    I'm very envious of your training shed, Simon. One day, I'm gonna get one of those!
  8. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I certainly have no excuses for not training. It is 16 x 8 with full electrics and lighting.

    It does the job, I would love a garage though.

    Sorry about the numbers on the picture, they were used to describe the contents on the home gym thread.

  9. Custom Volusia

    Custom Volusia Valued Member

    Agree with gloves and VERY light weights...def NOT 10 pounders. As a newb with it I would start barehanded and work up to gloves.
  10. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    This is a subject that I've posted about before... initially I held that it's not so great to punch with weights. These days however I haven't heard a convincing argument as to why someone shouldn't.

    I don't suggest breaking out 10lb DB's and punching.... of course not. But smaller lighter weights I don't have a problem with. In fact there are boxing mitts that are made to hold a small cylindrical weight in the hand while you punch. It's made to be removable. I believe these were made by Everlast a while back.

    The most often posted oppositions to punching with weights are two:

    1) You will damage your joints and hyperextend your elbows

    My take - Not with some common sense. If you just charge in and pick up 5lb DB's and start punching away yes... you're likely to run into some injuries. But if you are punching with proper form and understand that you're not supposed to be punching full power and locking out the elbow then you're going to be ok. With anything you add resistance to there is the risk of injury. Use your head and know your limitations. Always error on the side of caution. I'd say sticking with weights under 2lbs is a sensible way to go. Though of course this will very depending on your size and strength.

    2) The direction of the weight/resistance is incorrect for what you are trying to achieve

    My take - I don't think it is... I believe one of the big issues in punching with weight is that the weight is being pulled by gravity primarily down. Which is the same direction peoples gloves and guard creep when they are hit by fatigue in a fight. So that same downward direction is actually the direction of fatigue. Once you manage to get some momentum behind that weight you actually are going to get some resistance in the direction that you are punching. That is beneficial to your form if you maintain strict form AND you realize that you want to be punching at speed. Not in some slow-as-molasses version of your normal punch speed. You're not trying to convert fast twitch into slow twitch here. So being able to maintain speed is key to punching with weights. Proper form as in not dropping your punches is also paramount. Most beginners have very noticeable problems with throwing a punch and then bringing it back low. It's classic novice boxing 101... so this habit unless corrected is only worsened by punching with weights of any weight. No need to ingrain the bad habit by adding weight to it.

    That being said... punching with weight constitutes a very, very small part of a strikers regime anyhow. Most young punchers would do better to train with a heavier glove... just working a bag with 16oz gloves can be tiring enough to start inducing errors in form... so really there are lots of places one could start before punching with weights.

    In terms of building power and plyometric speed etc into punches... there are also any number of methods you could use before punching with weights as well... not the least of which include explosive press ups, explosive rows and explosive bench press.

    So overall punching with weights given a dose of common sense and an the watchful eye of a well trained coach... yeah fine... have it. At home by yourself with little attention to form and the hope of getting stronger punches... naw give it a miss... there are other far more effective places to start working towards those ends.

    @ the OP - yes your 10lb DB's are not going to do much for you. Punching with that much weight is decidedly NOT what you want to be doing. Good on ya for asking on the forum. I'd suggest nothing over 1.5 to 2lbs. In fact I'd suggest you start out much much lighter than that even. Seriously. You're in no hurry... it's not a race... so start out much, much lighter. Take it progressively. Even at that it's always going to represent a very small part of your entire workout regime.

    That being said - If anyone wants to post up their arguments why they think it's not a good idea or counter arguments to what I've posted then by all means. I'm keen to get your views and see if they can be backed up in a credible way.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  11. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Here are a selection of the gloves that I mentioned:


    Attached Files:

  12. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    another of similar design


    Attached Files:

  13. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    again here are some... these are similar to what I've trained with... the emphasis on the actual weight per gloves is mine... this should give you some idea that coaches and those boxing seriously are NOT approaching this like they are somehow trying to mix absolute strength and a punch.

    Attached Files:

  14. ChangNam

    ChangNam Valued Member

    Shadow is a game for it self,,. I do shadow with out gloves. Forget about the dumbells. And try to think about ur shadowboxing.. And pretend ur opponent is there.

    What are u training kid ??
  15. Custom Volusia

    Custom Volusia Valued Member

    Slip: before when it comes up people seem to always be talking bout using 5 or 10 pound dumbbells vice a few extra ounces or maybe even up to 2 or 3 pounds. I think that is why the negative references to it before.
  16. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Yes agreed... often times people new to training have concept that more is more. In this case actually less is more. Jeez... for once that stupid slogan finally lived up to it's name. :p

    But yes agreed.... the lighter weights make a lot of sense... the heavier ones... not at all.
  17. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    I have used a lighter weight training in the upward and low block movement and in the forward medium and high punch.It seems to help me develop striking power. And concentration and more confidence to block a kick. The forearms and their ability to ward off an attack are a major concern to me as to my defensive attitude and confidence.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  18. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    It is now everyone’s responsibility to hid this thread from KE!

    To me the poundages are just too low to increase strength and there are better ways to increase endurance, be it for many punches or keeping your guard up.
    Like the crucifix!

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