
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Rob_InDaUk, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Rob_InDaUk

    Rob_InDaUk Grandmaster Sandwich

    Just out of curiousity..

    How far do you guys run? Lets see who is the MAP King Of Roadwork :D
  2. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Anywhere from 3-7 miles

    My most frequent "Road Run" is 5 miles.
  3. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    2 miles, running is hard work when you have A.D.D. :D
  4. JediMasterChris

    JediMasterChris Columbo

    3 and a half miles usually.
  5. thiaboxr2

    thiaboxr2 New Member

    2 miles 3 days a week.
  6. ashy_knux

    ashy_knux New Member

    i run 3 miles and i take a little rest and run back 3 miles
    3 days a week
  7. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    I'd luv ta run. I just need something to get me out the door on the cold, dark mornings.
  8. ashy_knux

    ashy_knux New Member

    i think you should set a future goal like a fitness level you would like to reach and then just keep your eyes on the prize.
  9. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    The hardest part of running is getting your as out of the door.
  10. WhiteWizard

    WhiteWizard Arctic Assasain

    I used to run 5K three times a week not so much now which is a shame. i must run again
  11. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    I usually go on a five mile run 3-5 times a week, but I confess to having lapsed recently :(
  12. johndoch

    johndoch upurs

    I dont run very often, but prefer to cycle as its better on the old knees.
  13. Kinjiro Tsukasa

    Kinjiro Tsukasa I'm hungry; got troll? Supporter

    I prefer walking; running is too high-impact for my old knees. Walking in very hilly areas is good, but walking on beach sand is even better. Dry sand if you're looking to work your leg muscles, wet sand if you're going for distance (I've walked over 10 miles non-stop on wet beach sand; too bad I don't live close enough to a beach to do this anymore).

    For those of you in cold climates like mine, what do you substitute for outdoor running/walking for the 6 months (or whatever) that the entire outdoors is covered in miserable, slippery ice?
  14. WhiteWizard

    WhiteWizard Arctic Assasain

    in one word treadmill
  15. Chlo

    Chlo New Member

    I don't run as much as I should but when I do about 3 miles...I just find it really boring and when you're bored you notice things hurting :(
  16. merlin_1_sco

    merlin_1_sco New Member

    i run about 4 miles 4 times a week, but i do it in the fields next to my house so it is mmuch harder than normal, also doing it up hills is even better.
  17. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    I used to run approx. 2-3 miles .... 3x per wk when I wasn't doing 3 hours of cardio (kickbox) classes per week.

    I tend to now run for enjoyment. Running in a light rain around a track by lake or in the sand along the shoreline while listening to my cd player.... or with the dog.
  18. Bonic

    Bonic New Member

    I run a timed mile 6 times a week.
    - peace
    - Bonic

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