pull-up pain!

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by tetsu ryu, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    When I do palms facing away pull-ups my wrists hurt. Should I stop doing them? I don't know if it is specifically the pull-ups that hurt my wrist or not.. Or if maybe it was from a past injury.. Both of my wrists feel uncomfortable when I do them and my left wrist sometimes has a little bit of pain in it. They don't feel wonderful when I do chin-ups either.. It feels like more than mere wrist fatigue.. I'm hoping it's just an inflamed tendon of some sort. It primarily hurts when I bend my wrist downwards. Are there some wrist strengthening exercises I could do to help prevent this from happening again once my minor injury heals?



    p.s. Yeah that's right, I said love! :love:
  2. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

    Lay off the pullups for a while and see how that goes.

    Try adding some grip/wrist training into your program.

    If you wanna do pullups so bad try the commando or neutral grip version, should be easier on the wrists.
  3. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    I'll take off the rest of this week and start back again monday. I'm taking some glucosamine pills as well. Any suggestions on some good wrist/grip exercises?
  4. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

    Ross got some aricles about wrist ocnditioning on hise site, also check out waterbury's oldschool grip training on t-nation.
  5. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    Thanks, I appreciate it!
  6. bwhite55

    bwhite55 Valued Member

    yeah, neutral grip is always a way to help out ease wrist pain...also listen to your body, there is a soreness you get when you are doing the right stuff and there is a pain you get when you do the wrong stuff, when this happens stop till it goes away, and if it doesn't there's nothing wrong w/ going to your doctor. if ross has stuff i'd check it out cuz ross is awesome. also reverse wrist curls, grip exercises always help out.
  7. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Could be something unrelated that caused it. I got wrist pain from allowing my wrists to flex all the way back when benching. Took a month or two to fully recover. I then got wrist pain again from doing barbell upright rows. I'm now doing them with Flexsolate wrist straps* and I'm having no problems. If you think part of the cause might be having your wrists at an awkward angle while chinning, you might want to try them. I think they're fairly expensive though.

    And you might want to consider adding a few grams of fish oil daily, as well as taking the glucosamine.

    * They're not the usual straps that you wrap around. They're like two loops, one end you can tie onto the bar and one you put your hand through.

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