Pre/Post fight routine?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Razgriz, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Valued Member

    Just back from two comp's in the past 10 days its something I have been thinking about a lot.

    I think it can play a large role in how you do and how you react afterwords.
    At the most recent one, ITF TKD Inter services sparring when I lost in the final, I was really annoyed.

    Was quite flippant (very out of character)to a couple of people who were congratulating me on silver and went into the stands, put my music on and verged on the edge of self pity.

    What made it worse was I had to fight the same guy in the team event. Surprisingly I did a lot better in this one and came close to being ahead, but alas still lost.

    So whats your routine? Looking Day before, during the day pre fight and after fight. As well as the days following.

  2. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    Organisation is my routine. I pack all the things i need at the comp.

    I tend not to eat. But if i do...something very light like an apple and water.

    But generally I'm walking around chatting and joking like its a day out. The only time I ever lost my rag was when I lost quickly in a wrestling was a silver place finisher and I worked really hard that year (despite the bad knee).
    Apparently had a face of thunder and stormed off.

    But in general Im pretty normal before and after
  3. Razgriz

    Razgriz Valued Member

    Yea organisation cannot be overstated.
    Its an interesting thing, you spend months training and staying in shape, arrive on the day and you can be done in less than one round!


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