Olympic Weightlifting - Is there a 'Starting Strength' equivalent?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Princess Haru, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Is there a standard textbook like Rippetoe's 'Starting Strength' for Olympic lifting? I've recently noticed there is quite a difference between the Clean, and the Power Clean (or at least as I thought I knew it) and I know next to nothing about the Snatch:rolleyes::weightlifter:
  2. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    nothing as widespread as SS, but you should be able to find beginner's programs and plenty of articles about training beginner weightlifters if you look for a bit. i don't have any links on hand, but i've seen a few here or there.

    re: the oly lifts themselves: there's not that much difference between the clean and power clean, it's just that rip's power clean method sucks so much it could polish half the world's oly bars to a squeaky clean (lol) finish. they're both essentially the same lift: clean deadlift the bar, variable hip bump, shrug and pull under, get under bar, punch elbows forwards. the clean relies more on timing since the bar doesn't rise as much and you have to squat down earlier, whereas on the power clean you can just pull as hard as you can and take more time to descend, since the bar will travel further up.

    the snatch and power snatch go by the same mechanism but with a much wider grip and catch position (overhead instead of rack)

    it's pretty well explained here:
  3. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

  4. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    My coaches program. I train like this when i'm with him.

    = Overhead Squat warm up at lower weights if not confident =
    Snatch Heavy Triple (Power if new)
    Clean and Jerk Heavy Triple (Power if new)
    Clean and Jerk Assistance 5x3 (Jerks from the rack, power clean or clean high pull)
    Front Squat 5x3

    = Overhead Squat warm up at lower weights if not confident =
    Snatch Heavy Triple (Power if new)
    Clean and Jerk Heavy Triple (Power if new)
    Snatch Assistance 5x3 (Over head squat or power snatch or snatch high pull)
    Back Squat 5x3

    Front Squat Heavy Triple (try for new 3RM)
    Snatch High Pull Heavy Triple
    Clean High Pull Heavy Triple
    Deadlift Heavy Triple

    all clean high pulls must come to the bottom of the ribcage and all snatch high pull must come to the sternum
  5. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    sometimes we replace the assistance on monday and wednesday with the overhead press and incline bench respectively

    but keep the assistance the same for atleast 4 weeks
  6. Jeffkins

    Jeffkins Sleuth Diplomacy

    From what I've seen, it looks something like this:

    Rank Beginner

    6-10 x Doubles - Snatch
    6-10 x Singles - C+J
    3-5 x 5 - Front Squats
    3-5 x 5 - Press

    Progression should be largely dictated by form. When form is still looking pretty good for the last sets on the snatch or C+J, increase weight.



    Clean variation
    Jerk variation
    Front/Back Squat


    Snatch variation
    Front/Back Squat

    If the workout goes smoothly, use a weight a bit below your max and then if it feels right, increase the weight for each set as you feel you can.
  7. icefield

    icefield Valued Member


    JV Askem's stuff is pretty standard and helpful, although if you are looking to complete and wish to learn the full lifts a coach is a must. Personally unless you are going to compete the power versions (and the split version of the jerk and snatch if you really want some fun) are all i feel you need as far as athletic development and fun
  8. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    I only found when trying to do the full Clean how much I was relying on a strong high pull to get to the rack position in a Power Clean which kinda breaks down around 50kg for me. I don't know if any arm bend is okay on a Snatch or Power Snatch, not covered in any videos I've seen so far. All I can see which is consistent is from the second pull there is a jump and catch, with the Clean at rack position and Snatch with arms straight and overhead, then complete the Squat movement to stand.
  9. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    on the snatch the arms have to bend otherwise the bar doesn't stay close to the body but the arms have to go to full lockout without any pressing movement what so ever . No pressing only momentum. on both the squat snatch, power and even the split snatch you drop under the bar its just a question of how far you drop lol
  10. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Dan johns 'from the ground up' is a pretty solid place to start.

    From his "23" workout to sum liftalogica are pretty basic to the pacific barbell template (heavy snatch and jerks superset with preacher curl and most muscular poses apparently :eek:)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  11. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    i dont like from the ground up because it revolves cleaning the weight up and then front squatting it. you're front squat will vastly outgrow your clean

    so front squats are best done out of the rack. cos if you can squat it for a triple, you can clean and jerk it for a single

    ^ That's from the ground up
  12. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    My clean 1rm and front squat 3rm aren't that far apart acctually. Maybe I'm odd.
  13. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    that was exactly my point.
    the clean 1rm and front squat 3rm are usually very close

    but cleaning your 3rm front squat for a single then front squatting it is bloody hard
  14. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    The problem is lack of equipment, racks, platform space, the right plates (pretty much in that order).
  15. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    I have the same issue e.g. No racks
    I've used another dan John program and modified it unconventional with from the ground up to provide a solution.
    I'll type it up tomorrow, heard to bed, got work in 5 hours
  16. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    The program i'm using for a friend is dan john program with some modification to include strength work. i'm doing the same program plus PLP to get more loading.

    Olympic Lifts
    Week 1:
    Day 1 - Hang Clean High Pull 5x3
    Day 2 - Hang Snatch High Pull 5x3
    Day 3 - Hang Clean High Pull 5x3
    Day 4 - Hang Snatch High Pull 5x3

    Week 2:
    Day 1 - Clean High Pull 3x3
    Day 2 - Snatch High Pull 3x3
    Day 3 - Clean High Pull 3x3
    Day 4 - Snatch High Pull 3x3

    Week 3:
    Day 1 - Power Clean (Heavy triple) + 5 Front Squats (In Warm Up)
    Day 2 - Power Snatch (Heavy triple) + 5 Overhead Squats (In Warm Up)
    Day 3 - Power Clean & Power Jerk (Heavy triple)
    Day 4 - Power Snatch (Heavy triple) + 5 Jump Squats (In Warm Up)

    Week 4:
    Day 1 - Power Clean (Heavy Double) + 5 Front Squats (In Warm Up)
    Day 2 - Power Snatch (Heavy Double) + 5 Overhead Squats (In Warm Up)
    Day 3 - Power Clean & Power Jerk (Heavy Double)
    Day 4 - Power Snatch (Heavy Double) + 5 Jump Squats (In Warm Up)

    Week 5:
    Day 1 - Power Clean (Heavy Single) + 5 Front Squats (In Warm Up), 3x3 Power Clean
    Day 2 - Power Snatch (Heavy Single) + 5 Overhead Squats (In Warm Up), 3x3 Power Snatch
    Day 3 - Power Clean & Power Jerk (Heavy Single), 3x3 Power Clean +3x1 Jerk
    Day 4 - Power Snatch (Heavy Single) + 5 Jump Squats (In Warm Up), 3x3 Power Snatch

    Strength Work (Can do it every day if you want)
    Deadlift 60% 2x5
    Pressing Movement 2x5 (medium load)
    Pulling Movement 2x5 (medium load)
    Lower Body/Upper Body Hypertrophy (alternate, medium load) 20-50 reps total
    Prehab Lower Body/Upper Body (Alternate, light load) 1x20
  17. cloystreng

    cloystreng Valued Member

    I can't see this program working - there is no squatting at all. Did you just forget to put it in?
  18. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    It's a rackless program for someone who wants to learn to snatch tio
    You could put some form of split squat in daily, in place of dead lifting.
    Preferably I'd be squatting heavy 3 times a week and doing the other program I posted.
  19. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    This has kinda drifted OT since the beginning but the real problem for me could be summed up as: No Coach, (sometimes) no Rack, no Bumper plates, no proper Platform, just gym floor space. As far as Coaching goes my only local options would be a Crossfit Foundation course and/or some PT just on the Oly stuff.

    I still wouldn't have any access to Bumper plates/ Platforms as training regular at Crossfit would be too expensive, its a bit of a trek, I'm not accustomed to training with anyone let alone another 5-10 people, and there is the injury aspect from training with weights to crazy time goals.
  20. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Most crossfit gyms have open gym times, and there will be plenty of people there that no the OL lifts real well, I learned to snatch at crossfit Tyneside. Guys are awesome there.

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