Ok. Here is what hurts..

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by tetsu ryu, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    I'm pretty sure I have a bruised hand bone at the lower palm and it hurts when pressed but not when moved. It has gotten somewhat better but it's still a nagging pain. Also during periods when I sit a while I stand up and straiten my legs my left knee hurts like crazy.. What is up with that? My right knee is fine though. I think I recieved both of these injuries doing parkour. Obviously I need to lay off of it. And I am.. I was supposed to train today but didn't. And when I heal up I'll go MUCH lighter. But is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process? Besides just sit around? :rolleyes: Yoga.. Pilates.. I'll do anything! (desperate) Oh, and I think I might have just a wee bit of tenis elbow from pullups. Ok Docs, help me! :D
  2. Cait

    Cait da Bionic is BACK!



    Never fails. Also, if the pain in the knee persists, go see a dr.
  3. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Which palm testu (right or left)? Sorry to hear about the injuries but I know if you follow cait's advice you'll be back to fighting fit soon.

    Some things you can do while injured:

    1. Keep your diet under control
    2. Can still work on your arms and back

    eg. for core work do light barbell presses using a Swiss ball, push press, supermans, dumbbell curls, tricep extensions, tricep kickbacks, bent over rows, lat pulldowns

    3. Ab work (crunches with med ball, weight plate etc.), push ups with dumbbell rows, planks...

    4. Swim, walk (keep that knee moving but keep it low impact)

    Good luck :)
  4. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    Thanks! I appreciate the advice you two! I've got a pretty good diet so I'm not too worried about getting out of shape or anything. I'll work on squat form and trying to bend my knees to where they are comfortable this week. I'll incorporate stretching as well. Thanks again! :D

    Oh and the injury is on my left hand.
  5. donb

    donb restless spirit

    This sounds more like soft tissue bruising, not bone. In addition to what was already mentioned, Ibuprofen is good to get rid of any inflammation, lots of water and increase circulation distal to the site of pain so that you can get rid of any lactic acid deposits in the area.
  6. tetsu ryu

    tetsu ryu Death is always a option!

    I got it x-rayed and tested and they said it wasn't a fracture but I still have to rest it a lot, 1-2 weeks with no exercise that puts ANY pressure on it if I want it to heal, does that sound right? I've been taking ibuprofen along with a glucosamine sulfate pill to help the healing process. I'm resting this whole week off.. But I'll start up with leg wokouts for next week. ;)
  7. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Good to hear its not a fracture tetsu :) You won't regret taking the week off!

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