Kuk Sool Won Info

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by martial_girl, Nov 9, 2003.

  1. martial_girl

    martial_girl New Member


    I am interested in going with the Kuk Sool Won form of martial art and have one question:

    On the official website it mentions learning "acrobatics". What is the extent of acrobatics you learn?

    I would love to be able to learn any kind of gymnastics if I'm not too old yet! I have thoroughly researched and cannot find much helpful info about this. Any info would be greatly appreciated if any of you study/studied Kuk Sool. :D Thanks in advance!
  2. Jointlock

    Jointlock Valued Member

    I do not practice Kuk Sool, but I do study Hapkido a close relative of Kuk Sool.

    Because of the extensive throws and jointlocks they practice a lot of falling. I have seen a couple video tapes done by In Hyuk Suh (founder) and there was a lot of flipping yourself, falling forward, straight back, to the side, forward and backward rollouts, and rollouts over obstacles. That is all parallel to Hapkido. They go beyond that and eventually do front and back handsprings, and two one and no handed cartwheels. There might be more but that is all I know for sure.
  3. Zabuza

    Zabuza Valued Member

    hmm, I was in it untill my yellow tape thing :) I was looking for a martial arts with alot of acrobatics so I tried it out, turned out the only acrobatics we were trying, trying not learning, was aerials (no hand cartwheel) but I guess you learn backhandsprings maybe backflips later on, alot of breakfalls though, I learned BHS in my backyard on grass though :)
  4. -Pyro-

    -Pyro- New Member

    I take Kuk Sool Won right now. Every class, as 'acrobatics' we do front and shoulder rolls, side falls, front falls, back falls, hajens(sp?), cartwheels, one-handed cartwheels, handsprings, front flips, and when you're brown belt you're allowed to do elbow cartwheels, aerials, backflips, and back handsprings.

    Added to that, every once in a while we do diving rolls over long distances and diving rolls over high objects.
  5. Shyguy

    Shyguy Sapphire

    I do not learn Kuk sool Won, but I would like to tell you that i am an acrobatic, and if you are learnig the martial arts style to defend yourself they can really come in handy.
    Good Luck!
  6. Shelltkd

    Shelltkd New Member

    Hey, im pretty new to kuk sool, but we do acrobatics, the higher ther grade the more daring. We do things mentioned above and advanced break falls like jumping from hights and over obstacles.
  7. Sandy

    Sandy Valued Member

    Question to -Pyro-, Shelltkd & martial_girl

    Hi folks,

    Are you still here? If so, I tried a Kuk Sool Won class recently, but this is how I found my class:


    So how are you finding it? Having a better time than me? Any info would be greatly appreciated, as I'm trying to decide whether to give this class a second chance.

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