knee bent sideways

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by matt271, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. matt271

    matt271 New Member

    i was at the gym and we where doing a take down drill. i was standing and the guy was trying to take me down. he warped his leg around mine from the outside in, not inside out, and when he tried to take me down he bent my knee sideways. i felt a pain burst from the outside side of my knee. this was on thursday. after it happened i took a lil breather then grappled a lil more in that class. i found my leg moved slow and i was real careful with it. then walking home it hurt to walk downhill. then friday morning i couldnt even straiten my leg. by sunday i could straiten it enough to stand with both my heels on the floor, but my knee is still bent a little bit. if i try to force it straight i feel pressure on my knee cap. now its monday and if i bend it more then how much u bend it to sit down, and put any weight on it, it hurts a LOT.
    at first i thought it was just sore, maybe swelled up under the knee cap or something. but now its been a few days and its not all better. i dunno if i should just wait longer or if i should get it checked out at the hospital. i hate going, it wastes the whole day...
  2. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    There is a large possibility you damaged or tore a ligament. Having had torn a ligament, I highly suggest you see a doctor. You *may* need surgery.
  3. matt271

    matt271 New Member

    wow. yeah ill get it checked out tomorrow then.
  4. Heathman

    Heathman New Member

    It's a bummer to have to see a doc but I had a similar injury...during a take-down the guy threw his weight at me instead of letting me position him and he landed against the lateral aspect of my knee and and pushed it in. I ended up with an ACL reconstruction and a lot of residual trauma to the meniscus. Better to get it checked out early rather than makethe problem worse by waiting.
  5. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Sorry mate but SURGERY AHOY! You have seriously damaged a knee ligament, if not snapped it. I can't believe you didn't go to the hospital straight away.
  6. Jack_Brando

    Jack_Brando New Member

    ya know, its also possible you dislocated the knee

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