Journal update

Discussion in 'Suggestions, Problems and Tests' started by hongkongfuey, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. hongkongfuey

    hongkongfuey Kung Fu Geek

    Apologies to all of you who have been struggling to get your journal working over the last few weeks.

    I've had an update from the Journal's developer that a new version for Vbulletin 3 will be ready 'very soon', and hopefully by this weekend. As soon as this is available, I will transfer the old journal across to the new site.

    In the slightly longer term, there are a whole host of new features planned to improve the journal facility beyond all recognition.

    Thanks for bearing with us on this one.

    I would also recommend looking at the following thread (post #11) if you are keen to get your journal up and running sooner than this :
  2. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    id just like to be the first to say: ABOUT BLEEDIN' TIME!!!!

  3. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Just remember - you get what you pay for. Want a refund? :D
  4. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    so, i get my journal back?
  5. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Eventually - yes. Old journal data will be integrated with the new journal.
  6. Greg-VT

    Greg-VT Peasant

    Very cool, Yoda.... very cool. Yet not unexpected. :D
  7. Jim

    Jim New Member

    I still can't get into the journal area. All it says at the top is 'Get A Journal'. I can't even read other people's.
  8. Lanakin

    Lanakin It's all about discipline

    You're trying to read other people's journals? SHAME ON YOU!

    Seriously, though, we need to be patient and let them do what they do. We'll get our journals back. Just as soon as they're done reading them and learning all of our secrets, that is...

  9. booksie_girl

    booksie_girl Lucy the Terrible

    I probably shouldn't say this, but mine works perfectly, so the update isn't critical for me :p. Hope it comes out soon though. Can I still get a refund? Should have days of my time back :D
  10. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    How come my journal was fine up until Tuesday last week and then I lose it? Will this update help me or has something else happened?

    I get the same response as Jim - Get a journal and it says I have no authority to look at others journals
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2004
  11. Yama Tombo

    Yama Tombo Valued Member

    I've tried to start a journal, but it won't allow me to start one or even look at others, whats up?
  12. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter


    *Runs screaming from the room.......
  13. WhiteWizard

    WhiteWizard Arctic Assasain

    Look at the main page thats all i'm saying
  14. hongkongfuey

    hongkongfuey Kung Fu Geek

    We are currently testing some new journal software which is fully compatible with the current version of the software. Until this new software is installed users who have joined since the new site went into operation will not be able to view or create journals. I hope to have this operational by the end of this week.

    Apologies for any inconvinience.
  15. Yama Tombo

    Yama Tombo Valued Member

    NO, NO! Man, even before the testing of the new software, it did not let me start a journal.
  16. hongkongfuey

    hongkongfuey Kung Fu Geek


    We are now on a new VB3 journal system. All the old journal entries are transferred and the journal should now work for everyone.

    There may be some teething issues with the new journal, but we have put it live as quickly as we could because of the amount of issues that users were having.

    Report any errors (or questions) with the new journal here :

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