I've joined the 200 club :D

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by jabcrosshook, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. Wohoo... go me! Today I benched 200lbs :) Don't really know what the point of this post was, but just thought I'd tell you all so you could boost my confidence ;)
  2. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Congrats! :)

    If you don't mind me asking, what did you start at and how long did it take you to get there?

    And more importantly, how long do you reckon it will take until you join the 300 club. :D
  3. Vigilance

    Vigilance Valued Member

  4. I started lifting properly at the beginning of summer. Before that I hadn't really done much of note. I never did any 1RM tests when I started, so tbh I wouldn't have the first clue!!!

    Hmm... :p
  5. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    Super Way Kewl!!! Congratulations!!! Now get that bar on your shoulders and go Squat!!!
  6. iamraisen

    iamraisen Valued Member

    thats great buddy. whats that around 90kgs?

    the most important question is how much you weigh. if you weigh 250lbs then its not much of an acheivement and if you weigh 50 kgs you should go into powerlifting ;)
  7. GhostOfYourMind

    GhostOfYourMind Bewaters lil Iron Monkey

    Awesome job. Reminds me that.... I need to workout today! 10x3 bench and row, then 3x10 DL, here I come!:D:D:D
  8. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Nice :)

    I'm about the same, and I started lifting in June, I'm just under, at 87 Kg, but it's 90 including the bar... :rolleyes:
  9. iamraisen

    iamraisen Valued Member

    i'd be interested in seeing what i can bench actually as i havnt since july when my gym membership expired. i am, however, way stronger than i was back then (since acquiring my own freaking bar :D)
  10. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    Congrats mate! :) Is that a one rep max or what?
  11. 91, basically. I got 92kg out, so me be chuffed :D

    I weigh 74kg at the moment. The funny thing is that I've only been properly benching for about 6 or 7 weeks. I'd been doing dumbell benches before that, and now I can use the gym at college, I've got into benching as equipment is better and I can have spotters etc. Used 3x10 for a couple of weeks to get me used to using a bar rather than DBs then took it up to 5x5.

    Next target = 100kg :)
  12. Pobeli

    Pobeli Valued Member

    I think it's between 90 and 91, actually.

    I haven't benched recently, but last I could do was 105 for 5 reps. Pretty pathetic considering I weigh about 145, but I mostly concentrate on my squats and deadlifts anyway.

    Oh yeah, and congratulations. What are your squat and deadlift numbers?
  13. iamraisen

    iamraisen Valued Member

    not too bad. a 1.5 bodyweight bench is very rescpectable so once you hit 110kg you can claim you are da hardKore
  14. Crimson_Stone

    Crimson_Stone Stay Puft

    CONGRATZ!!! Keep up the hard work. ;)
  15. TheMachine

    TheMachine Valued Member

    good job. how much do you weigh?
  16. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    well done!

    is that weight including the oly bar?

    once you reach the 3 wheeler club (3x 20kg each side) let us know :)
  17. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    :eek: How many 'clubs' are there? In weightlifting, not stuff like mile high etc.
  18. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    i only know of the double wheel and triple wheel clubs for benching. :D
  19. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    Good job. I wish for you many strong lifts.
  20. redsandpalm

    redsandpalm shut your beautiful face

    Great stuff

    - I always say that once you top a 100kg bench you're playing with the big boys. Looks like you won't be too long arriving.

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