How do I lose........The fat back.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Hapuka, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    Fat is back again on my back. Are there any exercises I can do to help tone my back?

  2. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't we been over this before?

    Anyway, short answer: You can't "tone" and you can't spot reduce. If you want to lose fat adjust your diet and expend more calories in exercise.
  3. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Less time on the internet and more time putting into practice the wealth of information you have already been given in the questions you asked before :)
  4. ninjapiratecapn

    ninjapiratecapn Est. 1986

    Eat 5-6 healthy, small meals a day, every three hours or so, with lots of whole-wheat quality carbs and proteins. Do more cardio, and build more back muscle through strength training.

    There is loads of info on this out there on the Intarweb; do a search and you will be pleasantly surprised.
  5. JTMS

    JTMS Valued Member

    I picked this little trick up in the USMC. If you want to lose weight RUN!
  6. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    that really really really sounds like a good advice. it really really really seems worth giving a shot. :)
  7. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Thanks Neryo ;) :love:
  8. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    well, it does seem like good advice :D

  9. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Hapuka - you have already been told in other threads the answer to your question. You have also been told to use the Search function. You have ignored the advice that people have given you and have posted the same question again.

    If you are going to ignore our advice, theres really no point in your posting here, is there?
  10. klaasb

    klaasb ....

    SHe is probably looking for a more easy, less demanding method.

    Well, there isn't any.

    Maybe if you type fast enough, you can loose weight and still play the computer instead of working out ;)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2007
  11. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"


    Hapuka was a girl, last time I checked. ;) :D
  12. klaasb

    klaasb ....

    Sorry, fixed it
  13. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho


    That was not a very smart question, I mean come on! Stop sitting on your fat butt and go for a run!
  14. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Good idea Hapuka ,make sure you have the right winter gear though. ;)
  15. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    Got the gear now I just need to find a good place to run. I'm thinking around the park where there isn't too much traffic.
  16. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Don't think, just run. The longer you spend planning it the longer it will take for you to achieve your goals. Leave the computer, stick those shoes on and go for it!

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