Hip Problem

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pobeli, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Pobeli

    Pobeli Valued Member

    Hmm... I think there is something wrong with my hip. Believe it or not, I think that this problem has actually come from stretching. I'm not really sure how to explain it, but it feels kind of like muscle soreness in my right hip, yet something about it makes me think it might be a joint-related problem. It seems to hurt most when putting my right foot behind my left, rotating my right knee forward, or crossing my right leg over in front of my left. Anyone have any idea what this could be, or should I just wait it out/go to the doctor? It doesn't hurt terribly, but I'm afraid that if it gets worse, it could become a serious problem.

    PS. Yes, I searched first.
  2. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    My advice--go see a doc or physical therapist or athletic trainer or someone who can inspect in person and run some functional tests.

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