Glucose = sugar?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Prophet, Oct 1, 2005.

  1. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    Is glucose sugar? Is it "a" sugar, or is it simply sugar.

    I had an arguement recently about this. I allways thought that "Glucose = Sugar" But It was argued that "Glucose = a sugar"

    Kind of a weird thread, but I need clarification. :)
  2. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

  3. Another Muay Thai Guy

    Another Muay Thai Guy Valued member

    I'm pretty sure glucose is a sugar. In fact, isn't everything ending with the suffix "-ose" a sugar? :confused:
  4. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Yep. For example, two other sugars (off the top of my head) are lactose and fructose

    Nope, otherwise we'd be putting a hose in our porridge, baking caskes with a rose and I'd stir my nose into a cup of tea. :D*

    *I've had a very strange day, can you tell?
  5. GojuKJoe

    GojuKJoe Valued Member

    Sucrose is another sugar. It's the common sugar you buy at home.
  6. Anomandaris

    Anomandaris New Member

    sucrose is common household sugar.

    glucose is a type of carbohydrate, more commonly known as a dissacharide as it is formed from 2 bonded carbohydrate molecules.

    different arrangements of these molecules create the different types of dissacharides which are sugars.

    glucose is one of the sugars your body uses more often, but it requires salt to be properly absorbed.

    (sorry but we recently covered carbohydrates in biology)
  7. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    Sucrose-glucose is table sugar. Glucose-glucose is dextrose. Glucose-fructose is fruit. In milk, there is galactose + glucose forming lactose.
  8. Another Muay Thai Guy

    Another Muay Thai Guy Valued member

    Yes. :D

    A glucose molecule in itself is a monosacharide. You can't really have a disacharide "glucose" molecule, as this becomes something else; maltose in this case. When more than one molecule bonds together to form a polymer, it becomes a storage molecule such as amylose or amylopectin.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2005
  9. Anomandaris

    Anomandaris New Member

    I did type Dissacharide didn't I!

    yes, you are quite right it is a monomer that forms up larger dissaccharide molecules, such as sucrose.
  10. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    I don't quite understand the argument. Glucose is a sugar and glucose is sugar.
  11. Another Muay Thai Guy

    Another Muay Thai Guy Valued member

    I think the situation is that glucose is always sugar, but sugar isn't always glucose.
  12. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    I know, its weird. I kept saying "glucose IS sugar", but he wouldnt agree. Then I would ask "if its not sugar, then what is it?" and he would say "its A sugar".

    Weird eh? Its all a matter of wording. I know it IS sugar, but it is also A sugar. I guess we are both right :p
  13. BoxBabaX

    BoxBabaX H+F Baba ^^

    i cant believe i missed out on this thread, one of my favorite topics is carbohydrate macromolecules :cry:

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