Daily stretching

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by forero, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. forero

    forero Valued Member

    Hello :)
    Is stretching daily a bad idea? I often work my legs such that they are a little tight for a day or two afterwards. Is it ok to stretch them lightly on off-days?
  2. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    Wait for it... use the search function.

    However to gve you an easy answer you should be doing light stretching as a cooldown from workouts etc. and then you can do deeper stretching on off days. There is not issue in stretching every day if you dont strain yourself
  3. bonita

    bonita Valued Member

    i think streaching every day is a good thing. i do alot of yoga and think its good to do it every day.
  4. forero

    forero Valued Member

    Thank you both:)
  5. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Depends on how you're stretching. If you are using dynamic stretching then that's fine. If you are using more intensive methods to increase your static flexibility then I would avoid that.

    If you aren't sure about any of that, use the search function :)

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