Covid Vaccine check in

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by aaradia, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I heard the same from my colleagues in New Jersey. Their vaccination rollout seemed very efficient
    Xue Sheng likes this.
  2. hewho

    hewho Valued Member

    My arm is sore, but I did follow it up with a shoulder workout. Otherwise feeling good! Get it done
  3. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    NJ, NY, and I think Conn. and possible Massachusetts are collaborating on reopening
    axelb likes this.
  4. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Ah, I am finally able to register for vaccine! I am waiting for a code and for available dates! :)
    Mitch, Anth, axelb and 1 other person like this.
  5. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    Getting number 3 tomorrow. This should be an mRNA type as I have O/AZ for my last 2.

    I know quite a few people who have had it recently, all of which has been traced to their children's schools. Fortunately they have all got through it with "mild" symptoms.

    My daughter has her number 1 jab next week as they opened up the booking system for over 12s.
    Mitch likes this.
  6. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    My daughter also has her first jab next week and I know she will MIIIIIILLLLLLKKKK it for all she's worth. :)
    To be fair mine and my wife's jabs made us feel pretty poorly although I don't think kids feel it as much?
    axelb likes this.
  7. PointyShinyBurn

    PointyShinyBurn Valued Member

    Plenty of the side effects, specifically the flu-y ones, are more common in kids than adults. Probably for the same reason they're much less likely to suffer badly from the actual disease, which is their immune system is much more active than our old decrepit ones.
  8. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    got the covid.. per a study I recently read vaccine + Covid, your antibodies are pretty strong..... and my job is likely gong to require me to get the booster just the same... going to schedule the flu shot first
  9. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I've really struggled to get a booking for my flu jab.

    I'm taking that as a good thing, as that means the take up is really high.
    axelb likes this.
  10. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    I got my Pfizer booster THE DAY I hit six months. I got my flu shot the same day too.

    I am overweight. And I deal with a high risk population at my workplace.

    I would have probably mix and matched my booster with the Moderna booster. But mixing and matching wasn't available at the time, nor was Moderna or J & J boosters for that matter. I had a choice of waiting for an unknown period of time until that went through the approval process, or getting the same shot right away. So I opted for boosted protection right away. Studies about a dropping efficacy with Pfizer were concerning me greatly.

    If we need another booster, depending on what the science says at the time, I will probably mix and match with a Moderna booster.

    I also decided to get any side effects out of the way in the same day and got my flu shot the same day. One day of potentially worse side effects or two different days of side effects. I chose one day.

    Side effects were not too bad. I did miss work due to extreme fatigue. But the fatigue hit me later than the second shot. The muscle aches in my lower back that I had the second shot were barely noticeable on the third one. Sore arm was about the same.

    I did notice a raise in my temperature. It wasn't high enough to be called a fever officially. And I didn't feel feverish. But I do think it was the flu shot. I think it was the flu shot because the Pfizer did not raise my temperature at all last time, but the flu shot did last year - if I remember correctly.

    I normally run low. I have been taking my temperature every day since this pandemic hit. My normal is 96.9 to 97.4. The day after the shot I was 99.something.

    I never did flu shots before this pandemic, but I think I will do it every year from now on out. I am getting older after all.
    axelb likes this.
  11. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I had my Pfizer booster on Saturday.
    A bit of a sore arm the day after, but barely any other affects. I'm not sure if this is a good sign? The last 3 vaccinations, O/AZ, flu and this Pfizer had barely any noticeable effects on me.

    It has been hard to book here also, fortunately my GP was doing weekend sessions to get through a lot.
    I'm grateful that they go the extra to get through them.
    I always used to have it done in an normal appointment or at the pharmacy, and it was limited supply so we would have 2 months to get it done. They have definitely ramped up supply and available appointments, even though it has been very hard to book anything.

    They did the flu vaccination this year and last in the doorway to the GP, very quick and efficient, it was 1 person every 5-10 minutes.
    (It did feel a bit like a dodgy deal doing it on the doorway :D)
  12. jmf552

    jmf552 Member

    My wife and I got the J&J back in March. I had flu-like symptoms for a day, my wife for a couple of days. We just got the Pfizer booster last week. I had no reaction to it at all, not even soreness. She's felt bad for three days.
    axelb likes this.
  13. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    @Simon & @axelb you should be able to book a flu jab for free at your local Boots Chemist. I had mine done there a few weeks ago. You can book through the Boots website I believe.

    Infection rates are supposedly still high in UK schools, and I'm teaching a lot of school age kids at TKD, so I'm drumming my fingers waiting for my 3rd jab.

    I've been to the cinema twice recently, to see Dune, and must admit to feeling slightly uncomfortable sat next to strangers for 3 hours.
    axelb likes this.
  14. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    @Mitch, I did exactly that.

    No spaces available with my local GP.
  15. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    You shouldn't need to go to your GP, just get it in your local chemist? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
  16. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    That's not a standard thing accross the UK, some areas everyone who goes to the chemist has to pay, plus we currently have a shortage of flu vaccines and many chemists are busy with the 3rd stage covid roll out, it's a mixed bag overall.
  17. Xue Sheng

    Xue Sheng All weight is underside

    Not Covid, but I am getting my flu shot this week
  18. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

  19. jmf552

    jmf552 Member

    I got an interesting reaction from the Pfizer COVID booster...COVID Toes! It is a real thing, look it up. People with COVID sometimes have skin inflammation and swelling in the toes. But now they are discovering a small number of cases where the mRNA vaccines cause it also. I got the Pfizer booster last Friday. The syndrome started a few days later, which I read is typical.

    It is not a huge deal for me. It is just the pinky toe and the next one over on my left foot. It looks awful and it hurts a little, but it doesn't keep me from doing anything. I thought I had injured it in BJJ class, but I couldn't remember any injury. Then I looked up causes of toe discoloration and all sorts of stuff came up on COVID toes. Mine looked like a lot of the photos.
    axelb likes this.
  20. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    I got my Moderna Shots earlier in the year and just got my Moderna booster this month. Shots #2 and #3 gave me mild flu like symptoms and a sore arm for about 24hrs. I did my first two at a local college where they hundreds of people processing through... my booster was done with a few minutes wait at my local pharmacy... in each case pretty quick and easy.
    Anth, Dead_pool, axelb and 1 other person like this.

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