Considering starting strength- but already fat?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Knight_Errant, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    The title says it all. What I really want to do, after a while of messing around with crossfit, is to get onto a simple, linear barbell training scheme and get enormously strong.
    The problem is, I'm under the impression that gains in lean mass like those experienced by starting strength trainees come with an increase in bodyfat levels.
    Now, I'm already fatter than I should be. Not enormously fat, but I'm beginning to develop the pot belly so common amongst slightly older men. This depresses me.
    Will starting strength make me fat? And should I add some running and maybe some burpees?
    I await your advice...
  2. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    you could start with a month of fat burning exercises and less cals since its the summer anyway. I think a lot of people have to tailor SS to their own needs, generally only the skinny guys can do 15 rep pullups
  3. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    the fat is because rippetoe makes them drink a gallon of milk each day, and it's admitted (saw this in the wiki, not sure it's in the book) that that's unnecessary for people who already carry good amounts of fat. i train inconsistently and lift around 2x a week, and i grew a bit fatter on 2 liters a day, so if you lift 3+ times a week you should be safe with 2 (or just do it without milk and eat craptons of meat)
  4. Gripfighter

    Gripfighter Sub Seeker

    for those of us who have never read the SS book is there a diet plan or something in it that goes along with the programme, is that what you mean ?
  5. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    there is, sort of...
    it involves a LOT of food and a gallon of milk a day. I plan on following it without the gallon of milk.
  6. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    maybe try intermittent fasting, fasting on rest days and going protein mad on training days. Martin Berkhan seems to have no problem being incredibly strong and incredibly lean.
  7. Late for dinner

    Late for dinner Valued Member

    On the stronglifts web page he has a blog section that discusses how not to put on excess body fat and how to reduce body fat if it is a concern. He adds cardio after the lifting session as one method of doing this. Mehdi also says not to eat carbs before you do your lifts and discusses diet and the amount of sleep you will need.



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