Bicep workout

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Boxer123, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    The author of the article I posted, Bret Contreras, is a CSCS and working on his Ph.D. in sports science. A fairly credible individual in this regard. Even he was surprised by what he found if you read the whole article (which it's plainly obvious you didn't). On the other hand, your source was authored by someone who has no advanced degree in sports science and nothing to boast about certification-wise.

    Citing an error to prove you don't have much clue about what you're talking about is actually an excellent way to discredit your opinion.

    Really? Because you said "@Nojon-chinups work the back, shoulders, and lats, not biceps." Sounds very different from what Fish just wrote.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2013
  2. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    I stopped doing chinups because it was starting to increase the size of my biceps (not something I want), and they were getting easier, switched to pullups, sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, usually more difficult. I'm still doing dips though.
  3. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    @matveid: yeah, but the fact that you are not completely acquainted with certain facts about anatomy also indicates that you might be prone to being unable to recognize which sources are legitimate and which are not. kuma, being a significantly more experienced person in the relevant context, is much more capable in that respect, and you are in contradiction. i know with whom i'd throw in my hat ;) (j/k, i actually hate hats). plus, the mistake was exactly about the same thing that is being discussed here (the biceps), and you've shown in the thread a fundamental misunderstanding as to how muscles work. muscles do not work in isolation, they contract even on the movements that are completely opposite to the ones they create by shortening (in a synergistic or stabilizing role), and will also contract to help other muscles contract, which is why one can perform stronger movements while using whole-body tension. if the muscle is among the prime movers in a movement (which the biceps is in any movement involving loaded elbow flexion), then it will get worked. therefore each and every 'curl' variant (except a leg curl, obviously :p) will work the biceps, as well as the brachialis and brachioradialis (although it might not be categorized as a 'biceps exercise' because more stress might be applied to another muscle.
  4. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    If this was the movie 300, then Fish just front kicked Matvei into the pit of death.

  5. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Ah, but what I said can be easily verified in any book you care to open on the subject or just doing a pull-up yourself and feeling which muscles are exercised.

    No. I've quite explicitly stated that the biceps are worked in the pull up. My point was that you're stretching it quite a lot to call it a bicep exercise per se. The rest of that I agree with and didn't intentionally contradict you about.
  6. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    newsflash, the first thing to fail when i do any sort of arm pulling are my elbow flexors. and the chin up is universally considered THE bodyweight exercise to do for building the biceps, despite the fact that it's also used to build the back.

    or, as i said in my post:

    and the first thing you posted in the thread was this:
    upon which a million strong men and women who got big biceps by doing chinups suddenly felt the simultaneous urge to issue a deep, strong laugh.
  7. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    What exactly is your training background Matvei? It doesn't sound very extensive so if I were you I'd accept the fact you were wrong, take some advice from it, and keep training.
  8. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    Who exactly called it a "bicep" exercise?
  9. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Yeah, I erred in that. I read chinups (which are a good bicep exercise) as pullups. It all went downhill from there.:bang:
  10. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    I've trained with a former student and colleague of Lance Dreher (former Mr America and Mr Universe) for about 3 years. And I'll gladly admit that I was wrong. I took chin ups to be the same as pull ups (I see the terms used interchangeably in print and digital media). From that misunderstanding went this whole thread. I shouldn't have assumed. Thanks everyone here. Cheers.
  11. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    We said chin-ups for about 3 pages and even included a photo. It's hard to see where the confusion came into play...
  12. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    I like Chris Jones, more for the entertainment :p

    [ame=""]Curls For The Girls: Volume 4- Arm Routine - YouTube[/ame]
  13. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    I ignored the illustration and got right into opining. As I said before, the terms are used interchangeably depending on who you ask, and I assumed to much. Shall it suffice to say I was wrong and apologize? We can get the thread back on track, then. :)
  14. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    Fair enough.
  15. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    Im still trying to figure out how the following actually increase the size of the biceps??

  16. Jeffkins

    Jeffkins Sleuth Diplomacy

    The lunge might help grow biceps femoris... :rolleyes:
  17. Oldi

    Oldi Valued Member

    That article Kuma posted to is part of a really interesting series. Another interesting piece from the same site (I hate it with a passion nowadays but back in the day I was an avid reader) is this one: Bastards on Biceps.

    I like Chad Waterbury's stuff in general, and am inclined to agree with his comment that if you can execute 15 one arm chins your biceps are about as big as they are ever going to be without chemical assistance. Which sucks for me, I have arms like a gibbon but without the simian strength which do not lend themselves to chins.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2013
  18. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Chin ups, curls and BTN pulldowns.

    Also why does a half kneeling millitary press get mentioned in a bicep thread? Or whatever the walking lat rais thing is?

    The size or shape of my guns couldn't be lower in my training priority but hammer curls, reverse curls and chins have always served me well.
  19. bodyshot

    bodyshot Brown Belt Zanshin Karate

    I like pull ups, I like curls, I do each about once a week in addition to dips and pushups, Im not totally ripped or big as a house but Im lookin alright and Im actually pretty strong. I guess Im saying that all the upper body exorcizes use my bi cepts in some way or the other.

    Heres my advice to op, I ran into a muscle head at a gnc store the other day and swaped workouts just for something to talk about and heres what he said about arms.
    Grab some dumbells you can do about ten reps with then instead of resting for two minutes use resistance bands, after you do two minutes of resistance bands go to the dumbells again for another set of ten, he claims its how he built his guns, and he did have an impressive set of bi-cepts.
  20. therger

    therger New Member

    Some biceps exercise are given below!
    P richer
    Rod curling
    Dumbbell curling
    Single Dumbbell.

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