Anyone Use Compression Underwear?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Starsky, May 5, 2014.

  1. Starsky

    Starsky Valued Member

    Does anyone use compression underwear under their gi?

    I sweat quite a bit during training and notice I get a bit stinky. Whilst looking for heat tranferring technical underwear, I spotted lots of compression garments which I usually associate with rugby / soccer / tennis.

    The "compression" part of the title would suggest to me they could be restrictive when performing some movements?

    Any experiences? Do they actually speed up recovery?
  2. southernKarate

    southernKarate New Member

    i just bought some compression shorts with a box and its a lot more supportive, i feel more comfortable. i do have a top as well that i use when weight training, they do seem to draw away the sweat .
  3. yorukage

    yorukage Valued Member

    I've worn them a lot in training. They are nice, one thing, since they are compression shorts, if your junk gets shifted into an annoying position, they will stay that way for a while or until you correct it manually. That's the only issue I've had with them. Don't know if they speed recovery, but that is the theory behind such things because they get the blood circulating deeper into the muscles.
  4. Starsky

    Starsky Valued Member

    Thanks. Hopefully they will be a little more comfortable and less odorous than the boxers I usually wear!
  5. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    I wear them when I kickbox. Aside from being quite comfortable and not too stinky, they give my hips a reasonable amount of support when I end up doing kicking marathons. That could be psychosomatic, but either way it's still a positive thing.
  6. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    No, I think you're onto something there

    I noticed my leg (hip and knee) was less "achey" when kicking (during and after) with compression gear, which I'm willing to put down to greater support afforded to the joints (i.e. they're not being flung around all over the place so much).

    I wear full-length leggings, which don't restrict my movements at all (I kick vertical, too).
  7. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I remember a post by Mitch saying he'd got some compression leggings for jogging and they had properties that replicated the blue tape physios put on injured muscles.

    I'm sure he said he'd had positive results.
  8. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Yep, I'm a big fan of compression gear, I think it helps during training and reduces tiredness/DOMS afterwards.

  9. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    i started using compression shorts pretty much exclusively about a year and a half ago to prevent my thighs from chafing (thighs big enough to rub when i walk + humidity-triggered allergies + 30+ ÂșC heat = not very good), and have never regretted the switch. they are extremely comfortable, and allow full freedom of movement where needed while restricting movement of that which should not move. only bad thing i've noticed is that at least for the ones i got, sweat tends to go right through them, which is a bit of an annoyance on the summer months, but while i'm trapped in a hot country, i'll take it over having to walk in a permanent horse stance :p
  10. Unreal Combat

    Unreal Combat Valued Member

    Is there actually any scientific evidence that backs up the positives being highlighted in this thread regarding wearing compressive clothing. Would be an interesting read.
  11. Starsky

    Starsky Valued Member

    Glad to hear about the stink reduction! Pair of compression tights ordered from Amazon and due to arrive before Thursday night's training session.

    I usually end up with pretty sore quads for a day or two afterwards so it will be interesting to see if they make any difference!
  12. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    wouldn't know specifically about wearing compression clothing (the quality and degree of compression of which will vary a lot), but afaik there are known benefits for compression in some contexts (in weight training, increased intramuscular pressure is supposed to help generate stronger hypertrophy reactions, for example)
  13. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Pro tip! I always add a little bit of talc/baby powder to my shorts anyway, works a treat for me. But then I always shower before training and those shorts can stick a little, 'cos I have manly (slightly chubby) thighs :p. It also helps with the smell.

    They are definitely worth the money though. Since wearing them I've not had to take a small time out to let my hips rest from over kicking when I kickbox or train at home, which used to happen a fair bit before.
  14. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    this^^ has been my experience as well. Just put them on as comfortably as possible and adjust as needed. I use cyclist's shorts, which have extra padding in the groin. Very handy in case of training with newbies or someone having a bad day. lol.
  15. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Really? Where did you learn this, if I may ask?
  16. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    another tip-I've found that compression shorts get more comfortable with wear. If you don't like them at first, give it some time.
  17. afhuss

    afhuss Valued Member

    I wear compression drawers and shirt under my gi...particularly when I'm doing back to back classes or seminars. When you get all sweaty and are training hard for an extended period of time, cotton boxer briefs can bunch up and create a rash. Compression drawers prevent that.
  18. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    I wear compression shorts at bjj and during running, they keep everything "snug" and keep the hips and lower back warm, which is great for avoiding injuries.

    Fwiw I wear them over normal tight boxers, which I thought everyone else does?
    How do you wear yours?
  19. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    Can you guys post some links to suppliers please?
  20. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    I use skins, though I on't know if they're any better than other brands.



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