Advice on Losing Weight

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by special43543, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. special43543

    special43543 Special Member

    hey guys, I am 18 and about 5'9 and weigh around 160lbs. I want to cut about...10-15lbs and start lifting weights as I do not now. I have read on these forums that if you want to lose weight as well as gain muscle mass, you should cut the weight first. So, in that theory I am going to start doing HIIT with my BJJ and start watching what I eat a bit more. What types of foods should I eat? I think I am going to shoot for about 2000 calories a day. Thanks for any help you guys can offer.
  2. nightcrawlerEX

    nightcrawlerEX Valued Member

    Your intake of carbs is verry important. If you eat too many you put on weight, if you eat not enough then you loose weight (and if not done properly muscle mass).

    Best advice:

    Situps X 500
    Pushups X 200
    Running X 5K (cardio)
    Punching heavy bag X 10mins hard out (cardio depending on how you do it)

    Cardio exercises burn the most fat

    P.S. 160lbs dosent seem that overweight, seems skinny to me.
  3. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    No, no, no, no!

    Shoot for as much calories as you need to keep energized. Also start lifting now. You will lose bodyfat as well as gain muscle (yes, both at once!) if you're a beginner. The workload from lifting and the additional muscle will only help burn off the fat.

    How can you even have anything to cut at that weight anyways? Trust me, you will not like how you look at 5' 9" ,145-150lb. You'll just look skinny as hell. You should aim to get big and strong, not small and frail.

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