Z-Day Plans and Preparations#1: Know Thine Enemy

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by StevieB8363, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. StevieB8363

    StevieB8363 Valued Member

    Some of us know that it's coming: the day when the dead will walk and feed upon the flesh of the living. Even the CDC has issued a Z-Day advisory, the closest thing yet to an official acknowledgement of the harsh reality of the zombie threat. So for those of us who believe, I wish to start a series of threads on Z-Day plans and preparations.

    This thread will give an overview of the various known types of zombies, their strengths and weaknesses. While there has been extensive research into zombies by government/military personnel, and most notably by the "Umbrella Corporation", they are somewhat reluctant to share their findings, so most information here will come from historical sources and contemporary documentaries such as Night Of The Living Dead. As there are many such documentaries and I haven't seen them all, please feel free to add/correct any information I post here - after all, lives will depend on it someday!

    I'll start with the four basic known types of zombies: supernatural, viral, chemical, and "Judgement Day".

    TYPE 1: Supernatural

    Overview: supernatural zombies are the oldest, most traditional zombie. A recently deceased person is raised through occult means, to do the bidding of the summoner. Usually occurs as part of a curse, or because of a personal grudge.

    The good news: Since they are presumably the origin of the term "zombie like" supernatural zombies are most likely slow and somewhat uncoordinated. Additionally, since the raising of a supernatural zombie requires a powerful shaman, some careful preparation and a good deal of mojo, there is seldom more than one. Since they must be individually raised, the bite iis not infectious.

    The bad news: Supernatural zombies are driven by the will of the shaman, or possibly the soul of the deceased. Thus they need not conform to the physiological rules that limit other zombies. A supernatural zombie may well have superhuman strength, headshots or even decapitation will not necessarily kill them. Dismembered body parts may even continue to attack. The only ways to stop a supernatural zombie are immobilisation (eg hacking off all limbs), magical rites (not usually an option) or total destruction of the body - preferably by fire. Since supernatural zombies are typically raised for a specific purpose or target, they will not wander aimlessly through the street until they get run over by a bus. They will stalk a designated target, often lying in wait. Thus their low-profile makes them harder to spot, and if you are the target you won't likely know until one bursts out of the closet.


    Speed: 2/10 (Typically walking pace)

    Strength: 10/10 (Superhuman)

    Resilience: 10/10 (Must be dismembered and destroyed)

    Infection rate: 0/10 (No known infection)

    Probability: <1/10 (Unless you disturb an ancient burial site, tread on the toes of a shaman or live/work in an area known for occult practices (like Wall Street) your chances of encountering a supernatural zombie are almost nil.)

    Overall threat level: Very High. Pound-for-pound, supernatural zombies are the strongest and toughest known type. This, plus their "stalking" behaviour, makes them exceptionally dangerous to the designated target.

    TYPE 2: Viral

    Overview: Viral zombies are widely considered to be the most likely of the zombie types to be the bringers of "Z-Day". Infected with a virus that kills, then reanimates the host, they are blood-thirsty, contagious and hard to kill. Usually slow, but some have been observed running at normal human speed.

    The good news: Usually slow, viral zombies are easy to run from (unless they have you surrounded of course). Since viral zombies rely on the brain/central nervous system of the host for command and control, they can be "killed" (rendered completely motionless at least) by headshots, decapitation, severing the spinal cord or by major head trauma. Thus they are more vulnerable than the supernatural zombie, albeit still hard to kill.

    The bad news: The worst aspect of the viral zombie is of course the infection rate. The bite is known to be contagious in all cases, with death and resurrection occurring in 6-24 hours. Thus the viral zombies will increase in number, with any victim not eaten alive turning into a zombie themselves. Viral zombies are typically stronger than they were as humans.


    Speed: 2-6/10 (Usually walking pace, but have been observed running at normal human speed.)

    Strength: 8/10 (Enhanced human)

    Resilience: 9/10 (Major head/neck trauma required for kill.)

    Infection rate: 8/10 Any bodily fluid is contagious when introduced to the human bloodstream.

    Probability: 10/10 (It's only a matter of time people!)

    Overall threat level: High. Scientific research brings the viral zombie closer to reality each day. It may be that a zombie virus already exists, and it's only a matter of time before it is released on an unsuspecting population.

    TYPE 2b: "Rage zombies"

    Overview: "Rage zombies" are those seen in "28 Days Later" and the sequel "28 Weeks Later". Rage zombies also appeared in "I am Legend" - these were significantly smarter than the average zombie, and were observed to set traps and employ dogs to attack a target. They did however suffer from a severe allergy to sunlight, making them easier to avoid. Rage zombies are a viral subset, the infection does not kill, but instead turns the host into a mindless, rage-filled killer. Though not technically zombies because they aren't actually dead, they are included here because their behaviour pattern is the same as other zombies, thus similar tactics and plans are required.

    The good news: Since rage zombies aren't actually dead, they have the same vulnerabilities as normal humans (although they are insensitive to pain and fear). Rage zombies can be killed by blood loss or denial of oxygen, so stabbing, shooting and even strangulation will be effective.

    The bad news: The most immediate concern for those faced with a rage zombie is their enhanced speed, with not of the unco-ordination that typifies "dead" zombies. Rage zombies are much faster than the average human thanks to their overworked adrenal glands. This greatly raises their threat level because even a single rage zombie can run you down. Even worse than their speed is their infection rate. The rage virus in "28 Days Later" is transmitted through bodily fluids, but with the added danger that it will enter a new host through any mucous membrane as well as through broken skin. A single drop of blood in the eye of a victim will cause infection, and the incubation period is around 15-30 seconds. Thus the rage zombies will spread much faster than other viral types.


    Speed: 8/10 (Enhanced human)

    Strength: 8/10 (Enhanced human)

    Resilience: 7/10 (Tougher than a normal human, but vulnerable to all the same causes of death.)

    Infection rate: 9/10 (Infection can occur through mucous membranes)

    Probability: 8/10 (Unlike the "T-virus", the rage virus does not raise the dead, so it's less likely to be researched. Could be a result of military research, but the military seems to have less money than Umbrella Corp.)

    Overall threat level: Very high. The high speed of the rage zombie makes them exceptionally dangerous. Additionally, the ease of transmission and near-instantaneous infection rate of the rage virus means you or your friends could be infected and "turn" before anyone realises - spelling doom for you all.

    TYPE 3: Chemical.

    Overview: Similar to the viral zombie in behaviour and resilience, the chemical zombie is raised through exposure to toxic waste or radiation. This means the "first wave" could be quite large if said waste happens to be spilled/dumped into a graveyard. Interestingly, chemical zombies are the only ones this author can recall having the power of speech. In one of the "Living Dead" movies, (the author apologises for his bad memory here), a zombie is briefly interrogated by humans, saying "Only brains can stop the pain of the living dead!" Another zombie in the same movie (ITARC) says, "I love you! I should be the one to eat your brain!" While they can speak, chemical zombies cannot be reasoned with - they still want to eat you. They may attempt to use their vocal powers to convince an unwitting human to open a door. Chemical zombies were also seen in "The Re-animator". These were tougher than other chemical zombies, with even body parts having a life of their own.

    The good news: Slow, often necrotic and easy to spot.

    The bad news: Equal in toughness to the viral zombie, head/neck trauma required.


    Speed: 2-4/10 (usually walking pace, may hustle a little if "fresh")

    Strength: Variable. Since toxic waste revives, but not restores the dead, chemical zombies appear to be limited by the physical strength provided by remaining muscle tissue. Could be as low as 2/10 (feeble, necrotic) or high as 6/10 (normal human strength compared to size) depending on state of decomposition.

    Resilience: 9/10 (Head/neck trauma required) Necrotic zombies will break more easily, but still require a "headshot" for the kill.

    Infection rate: Unknown. Supporting evidence requested.

    Probability: 5/10 With huge quantities of toxic waste being produced every year, it's possible one batch or another might be capable of raising the dead.

    Overall threat level: Medium. Chemical zombies are typically necrotic to some degree, because it's easier to dump chemical waste on dead people than live ones. This reduced their strength/speed and endurance because they will continue to decompose. At present, it is presumed transmission would be limited to chemical exposure, so numbers would be relatively low.

    TYPE 4: Judgement Day

    Overview: "Judgement Day" zombies are raised from the dead by some unholy force. Oddly though, they seem to follow the same rules as viral and chemical zombies. Since the first wave consists of the already-dead they will be slow and necrotic, but the bite is contagious and "turned" zombies will be faster and tougher.

    The good news: First wave necrotic and slow.

    The bad news: Like most zombie types, a headshot is required for the kill. The bite is contagious. Even worse, on Judgement Day, humans who die by any means will return as zombies. This was seen in "NOTLD" when the token black guy holes up in the house, but succumbs to a gunshot wound and is zombiefied by the time Patricia Tallman returns to rescue him.

    The really bad news: Since "Judgement Day" is presumably a world-wide event, all sufficiently fresh dead will rise. This means very few safe areas, containment impossible. The only viable survival plan is escape to a remote area - don't count on the military to come and save you.


    Speed: 2-6/10 (Depending on freshness.)

    Strength: 2-6/10 (Depending on freshness.)

    Resilience: 9/10 (Headshot required.)

    Infection rate: 8/10

    Probability: <1/10 (Even for the religiously inclined, a Judgement Day Zombie Apocalypse seems to be a remote chance.)

    Overall threat level: High. Contagious, with the added kicker of any dead human returning as a zombie.

    The above is a first draft, compiled from memory. I would appreciate any corrections/additions, particularly regarding chemical zombies on which I am somewhat hazy.
  2. Griffin

    Griffin Valued Member

    If this type of thing comes about, it wont be the dead, it will be the living.
    Perhaps a virus of some sort, and it will be one mindless savage hoard going at it like rabid... oh wait! nevermind LOL

    Jeez, 2b would be a bloody nightmare, Kind of like the Omega Man but worse!!
    Well written by the way. Good fun these threads :cool:
  3. LOL

    You forgot the MAFZ - Martial Arts Forum Zombie...
    Risk level low due to so much time on forums i/o training! :D:D

  4. Rand86

    Rand86 likes to butt heads

    Like the book, you mean? :hat:
  5. StevieB8363

    StevieB8363 Valued Member

    A valid point, but since they never leave their chair, it's hard to assess anything. "MAF Mummy" might be a better term...

    Indeed. 2b is the most dangerous zombie type overall - I should upgrade the threat level to "Extreme". And thank you - I firmly believe that the zombie apocalypse should be given full and thorough consideration. Remember the riots in the UK a few months back? A basic zombie plan would have helped a lot of people.

    "I Am Will Smith: The Legendary Omega Man", has been recycled a few times. In Charleton Heston's Omega Man, the "zombies" were fully aware, had their natural intelligence, but had picked up a sunlight allergy and an aversion to technology. But since I'm not aware of any "Luddite" virus, the recent movie seems to be more likely.

    EDIT: Prompted by "Old-kyukoshin", I have thought of a fifth zombie type, worthy of mention because of it's high probability.

    TYPE 5: Natural disaster zombies.

    Overview: Natural disaster zombies are ordinary humans caught in some calamity, such as fire, flood, earthquake, or even zombie apocalypse. There is no specific source of infection; instead the disaster creates a mind-numbing aura that causes weaker individuals to lose their higher intelligence and wander around like sheep.

    The good news: Oddly, the bite of the natural disaster zombie is not contagious. In fact, being bitten by a natural disaster zombie will often inspire the victim to acts of self-preservation. Long term exposure to the aura and related zombies can however infect other humans if they are not "zombie ready". The natural disaster zombie is not usually aggressive and rarely attacks unless threatened. Typically weaker than standard humans.

    The bad news: Natural disaster zombies will gravitate toward objects or humans that seem to offer hope of de-zombification, such as cars, cell phones, food/water or humans who appear to be "in charge". The primary danger of the natural disaster zombie is it's kleptomania, as essential items may be taken by bewildered zombies. Most of the physical danger from the natural disaster zombie comes from it's herd instinct and tendency to panic. An apparently harmless herd can swiftly become a zombie stampede, which will crush unwary humans caught in its path. There is a danger of direct attack from the natural disaster zombie, but this is frequently a reaction to provoking a zombie while in its "agitated" state. Natural disaster zombies also attract predators that will seek to rob or exploit them. Be alert for any individual who seems to be moving with purpose and looking around a lot.


    Speed: 2/10 (Walking pace. Will only run if shown suitable bait.)

    Strength: 3/10 (Natural disaster zombies are in fact only half the strength of normal humans. They can reach as high as 8/10 when in the "schizoid" state, but there are usually warning signs.)

    Resilience: 4/10 (Easily dissuaded in most cases, may grab listlessly while asking stupid questions. Can be killed by any means that would work on a human, but with less effort.)

    Infection rate: Highly variable depending on type of disaster and social norms. "Z-Day" preparations have been proven to provide almost 100% protection against infection.

    Probability: 10/10 (Sooner or later, you will find yourself in a crowd of natural disaster zombies. It's a given.)

    Overall threat level: Low. Usually more inconvenient than dangerous, but can stampede if alarmed. Basic Z-Day rules such as "don't stand in the middle of a crowd of zombies" will provide almost complete protection. Easily avoided thanks to their habit of gathering in large open spaces.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  6. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    I have what I consider a near foolproof zombie protection scheme. My plan is to hide behind Big Mikey and dare the zombies to come and get me. As long as I keep him plyed with vodka and ginger ale I'm good. Maybe hire Fish o Doom with cake and cookies....
  7. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    I am working on a full body suit made of aramid fibres to reduce the chances of infection. I also think that there would be some advantages to rigging up lasers to defend your base, as opposed to relying mostly on guns.
  8. StevieB8363

    StevieB8363 Valued Member

    I was planning to discuss weapons etc. in a later thread. This one is about identifying the various types of zombies, and establishing default "zombie rules".

    Does anyone have any additional information or corrections to make to the above list?
  9. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    What about Zompires or vambies?

    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm

    Take a sleeping tablet and go back to sleep or train harder but do something.
  11. Oddsbodskins

    Oddsbodskins Troll hunter 2nd Class

    This is why I checked where B&Q keep the chainsaws :D
  12. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Only that with a chemical zombie isn't there an increased risk over time as more of thier brain is eaten away? At the start they might retain some humanity. That and there seems to be nothing on radiated zombies gaining superpowers which is vital information for my contingency plan.
  13. Rand86

    Rand86 likes to butt heads

    ... but in the end they probably won't be able to even move, as the area responsible for motor skills would get eaten away as well.
  14. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Eventually but if the chemical acts slow enough to make the zombies any sort of threat before that happens then presumably there'll be time for them to go completely ape doo doo before they're disabled. Fallout's pretty much my bible on this and the ghouls in there agreed with me :p
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2011
  15. Rand86

    Rand86 likes to butt heads

    *scratches head*

    That's a disturbingly plausible "chemical warfare" scenario... *shudder*
  16. StevieB8363

    StevieB8363 Valued Member

    I'd be fascinated to see any source material on "radiated zombies". As for chemical zombies, from what I recall they continue to decompose, meaning they become less dangerous over time.
  17. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

  18. StevieB8363

    StevieB8363 Valued Member

    Which doesn't help those of us who haven't played the game.
  19. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Hence the links

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