Your best skills for the street - Profile yourself?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Sonshu, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Sonshu

    Sonshu Buzz me on facebook

    We are all different and all individual despite the fact many people do the same arts eg. Aikido, Kick Boxing etc.

    What for you are your best techniques for Street based self defence. This is different from sparring and which you like best but what do you feel offers you the best chance in each of these catagories. (NOT WHICH STYLE DOES IT BEST) but what you feel works for you

    Strikes (hand strikes, elbows etc)
    Weapon (is it a rattan, bo staff or a simple knife or none?)
    Kicks (this covers knees, all kicks etc)
    Grappling (do you know any standing locks or chokes)
    Ground Work (Arm bar, triangle, GNP?)

    Which are you best at - pick one?

    Even Footed

    Are you able to intimidate people and can you hold your nerve in the posturing before trouble bits?

    I can intimidate people
    I cant really do it
    Not sure
    I can hold my nerve
    I am not good at keeping my nerve
    I am unsure
    I am good at both?
    Bad at both?
    Untested in both?

    Have you ever been really pushed in a real fight e.g Its lasted full on longer than 20 seconds (this is a long time for all action fight)?

    Yes I have been pushed real hard
    No I have not
    Have been tested but not really pushed?
  2. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Well, I've got about a decade of experience in arnis. So I've done a fair amount of weapons work. And I began in taekwondo before going to kickboxing, so I kick alright. Same with hand striking. Grappling I have very little experience. Same with groundwork.

    Honestly, I think I have to go with something you didn't list. Footwork. I think I have pretty decent footwork. And I think that's paramount in most situations. (Or positioning in the case of grappling.)

    Probably offense at this point. Oddly enough, given the years and years I spent being a very defensive (even overly passive) sparrer.

    Hard to say. Ironically, I think I was much more intimidating when I was depressed and single. Because I feared the consequences less. Now, I have a wife and child. Good friends. Aspirations. Generally I'm happy. And when I'm happy, the sudden need to switch to intimidating and hostile is jarring. I don't do it very well. When I'm happy (or even just normal), I can get caught like a deer in headlights. I remember a couple of specific incidents in DC traffic as examples.


  3. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    Hmmm. Despite all the kicking I've done, I hate it. I'd have to say locks or fists. I'm small but I can go toe-to-toe when I have to (and here's hoping I don't have to too often, lol). Much like Ap, I also think we need to be well-grounded in footwork. Otherwise you end up where you don't want to be.

    Defensive fighter here. That's just the way I am.

    Dude, I'm 5'3". I'm not even intimidating to an oompa loompa or a munchkin.

    Nope, not outside of class.
  4. wild_pitch

    wild_pitch Melt The Guns!

    i have really used all of these things at one point or another. but most often i would use hand striking, low kicks, throws, trips, chokes. i am a fan of environmental weapons. ie. pickup and use anything you have handy as either an offensive of defensive weapon.

    i am pretty even footed, but IMHO if you are in the position where you have to fight, you always want to be the one who makes the first move. sucker punches are your friend.

    i can intimidate people and am generally pretty calm when i need to be. honestly most of my ability for itimidation comes from my physical size.

    i have been pushed hard in a number of different situations.. not so much in the last number of years tho. i have also been in large groups vs. one *swarming* on both the receiving and giving sides.

    interestingly enough once i started training in martial arts my need to get myself into these situations seems to have greatly diminished.. but hey maybe it is also becasuse i am getting old. =)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2005
  5. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Strikes without a doubt, although were I to get in a street fight, I think one of the first things I would do is stomp a foot or ankle.

    Offence (in class at least) I'm always attacking.

    I'm untested in both, I think my intimidation skills would be average though.

    Never been in a real fight (i.e. adult vs. adult).
  6. itchyfeet

    itchyfeet Valued Member

    Have to say striking is the name of my game. Elbows, knees and shins. Starting Doce Pares to add practical weaponry.

    Defensive for sure

    Not sure about intimidating people as I'm only 5 feet 7" but I have quite a cool and calm persona which I've been told is 'unnerving'. Oh yeah, and because I'm Oriental, people automatically think I was born with Kung Fu skills.

    Not been pushed real hard since I was 14 year old. I used to be a bar manager where I had to deal with a lot of problem situations, but the aggression was never targeted towards me I'm glad to say.
  7. Sonshu

    Sonshu Buzz me on facebook

    I do all of them

    Strike - all types elbows etc
    Weapons - Katana and knife mostly but others covered at times
    Kicks - Thai style with knees
    Grappling - clinch and striking, balance control + locks/chokes
    Groundwork - Street stuff, GNP, how to get up with cover etc

    I swing through all of them so I guess even footed, when I have an option to finish it I go all out and to start with I am mostly defensive.

    I think I am ok at both and have been tested in both

    Yes at aged 21 - big fight outside a club and I was badly outnumbered, resulted in 4 people going to hospital and 9 with criminal records and 4 doing time. Not nice.
  8. PlumDragon

    PlumDragon "I am your evil stimulus"

    My legs; I can run like a sun of a bitch. But if I couldnt do that...

    Hand strikes, preferably from the palm or palm heel.
    Weapons, I spent a good deal of time training with a 3 foot stick. Im confident I could keep someone at long range for as long as I needed, or take em out if they were able to enter. Im getting better with the rattan sticks of arnis as well...

    I try to even it out while Im sparring, but in a real situation, Id probably be more defensive than not.

    I can hold my nerve.

    Never been in a fight like this, and I plan on keeping it that way. In the end, I practice martial arts for more than the fighting element.
  9. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug


    Depends, difficult to say.

    Good at both with a lot of practice. It helps being 6'2" with a large frame and having a face that looks like it would crack if I smiled. I learned that standing your ground and not showing that you're scared (which I often am in that sort of situation) allows 99% of situations to be diffused. You've just got to leave a bit of space so they can back down without loosing to much face.

    Nope, 5 seconds tops.
  10. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    Well, I do JJJ and Eskrima so it encompasses most things above mentioned.
    Personally I go for elbows, some kicking (prefferably knees), sticks/knives of course and grappling.

    I'd say even footed.

    Can I intimidate... heeeeeeeeelllll no (I am from the southern part of The Netherlands, mellow people :D). But I'm reasonably good at keeping my nerve.

  11. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    Hand, elbows and knees, learning grappling and groundwork and picking them up okay.

    Offence, I can't defend to save myself (Which is a lot less funny than it should be).

    I'm to fat to really look intimidating, not sure about holding my nerve, I get scared if things start to build up towards a fight but usually I don't foul up to badly.

    Nope, not really. I've pushed people over and tripped them up but never had to punch anyone. I've been threatened with a weapon once (Not sure if this is for here or the above) and didn't completely panic but had the shakes afterwards.
  12. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Tested twice, but never pushed.

    My other answers are in the quote--I suck at this computer stuff.


    Last edited: Aug 24, 2005
  13. JazzHands

    JazzHands New Member

    We are all different and all individual despite the fact many people do the same arts eg. Aikido, Kick Boxing etc.

    What for you are your best techniques for Street based self defence. This is different from sparring and which you like best but what do you feel offers you the best chance in each of these catagories. (NOT WHICH STYLE DOES IT BEST) but what you feel works for you

    Strikes (hand strikes, elbows etc)
    Weapon (is it a rattan, bo staff or a simple knife or none?)
    Kicks (this covers knees, all kicks etc)
    Grappling (do you know any standing locks or chokes)
    Ground Work (Arm bar, triangle, GNP?)

    I do Kempo. Lots of hands, low kicks, everything else only if it presents itself.

    Which are you best at - pick one?

    Even Footed

    Definitely offense. After reading some of the other posts, I'd probably attempt to let them throw the first punch if there are witnessed around, but after that it's all strikes.

    Are you able to intimidate people and can you hold your nerve in the posturing before trouble bits?

    I can intimidate people
    I cant really do it
    Not sure
    I can hold my nerve
    I am not good at keeping my nerve
    I am unsure
    I am good at both?
    Bad at both?
    Untested in both?

    I'm 5'10" but skinney (no matter how much I work out, not fair) so I probably look like an easy target. I can keep my nerve, but I couldn't intimidate my way out of a wet paper bag.

    Have you ever been really pushed in a real fight e.g Its lasted full on longer than 20 seconds (this is a long time for all action fight)?

    Yes I have been pushed real hard
    No I have not
    Have been tested but not really pushed?

    Haven't been in a fight in my adult life. So far so good.
  14. Trampler

    Trampler Fire upon the Void

    Weapon. England law forced me to buy a crane sword.

    When you are attacked, don't think about sparing the guy. In sword art is only offence that can defend you.

    True warrior walks his path with his sword sheated. I don't intimidate people and i can hold my nerve. My sword has never been drown without asking.

    Yes, but i've never pushed myself.
  15. hux

    hux ya, whatever.

  16. hux

    hux ya, whatever.

    strikes and kicks..I am "grapple retarded".

    Offence, definitely. I am a bull-ish sparrer, no reason to think I wouldn't be the same way in a "street fight".

    I can intimdate people due to my appearance witout really trying. I'm just a big guy and I guess I look kinda mean. *sniffle*

    nah. I'm too laid back to need to fight outside of class or a ring.
  17. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    Originally Posted by Trampler
    Weapon. England law forced me to buy a crane sword.

    Noboby told me either that they were mandatory , I'd better see if they've got any in tesco's tommorow,
  18. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    strikes and kicks. dont really have any experience with weapons, and only a bit of judo. but I think if someone took me down I am confident of my ability to defend myself there as well, so long as they arent huge :D

    mmm, id say a bit of both depending on whats happening. Ive only had a couple of fights and from the resistance the other dudes put up it wasnt much of a test.

    I dont have any problem holding my nerve, I mean i dont become a gibbering wreck on the ground :D but I would hardly think of myself as intimidating. 5'8 white boi whos about 150 pounds soaking wet, well maybe if i was beating up on some schoolchildren

    Kind of hard to say, my first real fight outside of the schoolyard started off as a drunken sparring match. it took me a while to realise he meant to take my head off. but i think my endurance in a fight is pretty good.
  19. karate P.belt 2

    karate P.belt 2 New Member

    the underlined stuff is my response
  20. Topher

    Topher allo!

    Strikes: Love the elbows, throat chops, palm strikes, quick WC close range punches.
    Weapon: I havn't trained in any but i can hit you with a stick as good as anyone :D
    Kicks: Stamp kicks (knee level), knees, push/snap kicks (groin/lowerbody) and maybe low level roundhouse.
    Grappling: Have trained in some takedowns, headlocks, chokes (guillotine choke)
    Ground Work: None but would want to do some. Our federation goes grappling seminars and i think it is sometimes trained in advance classes.

    Probably defensive, unless i was sure i was in danger, then i would hit first (i.e. i was grabbed).

    Unsure. Depends on the situation i guess.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2005

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