Yoseikan or Iwama/Takemusu in Costa Rica

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by futureaikidoka, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. futureaikidoka

    futureaikidoka New Member


    I've been practicing Karate-Do Shotokan for six years and now I'd like to join an Aikido dojo of either of these two styles; I've been researching for a couple of days and sadly the few schools available in my country are too far away and I don't count with the money nor the time to travel to them often.

    I'd very much appreciate if you could help me find a good dojo near me.

    If you need a specific region, anything close to Guadalupe will be perfect.

    Thank you.
  2. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    Do you have info/web address to the clubs you want to join? The only advice anyone should be giving you is go to all the ones you can until you find what you think is good for you. The style is not really the most important its all about the teacher and his standards. I live for Iwama style but ive met plenty bad iwama teachers too. Just try them out
  3. futureaikidoka

    futureaikidoka New Member

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