Yamada Sensei in Scotland

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by aikiscotsman, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. aikiscotsman

    aikiscotsman Banned Banned

    Just wondering if you lot know that one on the Aikikai schools in Edinburgh are brining Yamada over in the first weekend of October this year. There will be a web site from next month. The course is booked for Medowbank sports centre, Edinburgh. THis has got to be one of the best courses this country will have .
    I think it might be the first time an 8th dan has taught aikido in Scotland since Saito Sensei(although he was 9th dan)

    Cant wait to train with him. www.nyaikikai.com
  2. aikinoob

    aikinoob noobism is curable

    Yamada Sensei is one of the most gracious and friendly people you will ever meet.

    His aikido ain't half bad either ;). Point being, definitely check this out even if you don't do aikido.

    It's probably pretty reasonable priced as well.

    [edit] if he does a nikkyo on you, go ahead and plant your face in the mat cause kneeling to him doesn't count as "down". trust me on this one.
  3. aikiscotsman

    aikiscotsman Banned Banned

    Thanks for that. cant wait to see him, he is one of the few old tokyo hard boys ive been wanting to train with for a long time. This is going to be ahuge course people will have to book very early for this. there is going to be more truned away than can make it. I checked out some movies of his on kazaa and he is the dogs Testies. Amazing form.
  4. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Thanks for the info..

    I spent three weeks is NY in the fall of 2000, Yamada Sensei made me very welcome during my stay. I was even offered accomodation at his dojo even though I had a hotel on the upper west side.

    I will travel for this one. :)

  5. aikiscotsman

    aikiscotsman Banned Banned

    I will post the web address from next month, when i get it.
  6. com160

    com160 New Member

    sounds cool, i'll try to be there,

    some nice videos on the web site www.nyaikikai.com

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