
Discussion in 'Aikido' started by T-2065, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. T-2065

    T-2065 New Member

    Hey! My first post! (woot! :) )

    I'm having trouble deciding which martial art to choose to do. I decided that I wanted to do a martial art a month ago, but my list is still between Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Karate or Kung Fu. Very different martial arts I know, but I'm fascinated by all four.

    So, I just wondered, how come you chose Aikido?

    Also, is 21 too old to start?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. djm

    djm New Member

    Was young. Believed the huge promises of personal power Tohei Koichi wrote about.

    My first art was JKA Karate. Would recommend starting with aikido for the great foundation you get in falling. Having been comfortable falling would have saved me more than one nasty injury.

    LOL. What the hell! Give it a shot, OJIISAN. There's always Geritol and Ben Gay for those off days.
  3. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    See this post and the URL in my bio.

    No. If you don't start before your 4th birthday, no dojo in the world will accept you as a student.

    :rolleyes: Come on dude, work with us here. There is no age limit.
  4. Bulldogman

    Bulldogman New Member

    That was a good read. Thanks for putting it out there. I'm trying to decide myself between Aikido and "Hybrid Martial Art" (incorparating Grappling, Mui Thai, Jeet Kun Do, Kali and I forget what else).

    I really like the movement in Aikido and as you said, I have no interest in hurting anyone. I'm just fascinated by the science of the various Martial Arts. I'm looking for something I can continue to do as I grey and hopefully get good enough that I can share and pass along what I've learned.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2006
  5. munenori

    munenori New Member

    I think one of the most important considerations, which many a noob may miss purely to inexperience, is the quality of the teacher/club. I would suggest that any one of these arts would serve you well if it was correctly taught in a professional environment. Are all these styles well represented in your area?

    On the advantages of Aikido:

    There are many good clubs/teachers around.
    There are styles to suit all tastes (except raspberry :) !)

    I think 21 is an ideal age to start. You are old enough to know a little of life and take responsibility for your own learning. The more you put in the more you get out and all that :rolleyes: The founder was still training in his eighties.

    Go and watch a few classes.



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