who are you

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by gt3, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. gt3

    gt3 Member

    If I was to ask you "Who are you?" how would you reply?

    Most people either aren't sure of themselves and are insecure or they say they know exactly who they are and are very confident. But I challenge those of you who are so sure of who you are to describe yourself. How would you describe yourself? would it be a list of identifications with things such as "I am Brian, I am a white male, i am 25, i am from san diego, i am a computer programmer, i am a college student, i am an aspiring guitar player" and so on... Are you all these things and if so in what order? Or does order not matter? Or are you none of these things, and if you're not then who are you?
  2. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    I am me, and there is no other like me. If you'd really like to know who I am, hang around with me and find out for yourself.
  3. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    I am Medi
  4. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    i am that guy with the cool hair and constantly bruised legs
  5. Handsup

    Handsup New Member



    yes. I AM sure of myself .

    I know myself inside out.

    I know about my martial arts, my personality, my skills, my weaknesses, my philosophies on life, my thinking patterns, my rolemodels, my heros, my admired people, my fear, my love, my passion, my loyalty, .....damn ...i really know myself ....

    so there you go champ...

    I know and respect myself HIGHLY....

    I think that if one doesnt have the respect for one'sself first...then respect for anything thing else will be hard to come at...

    .....and besides ....theres only ONE of YOU in the entire UNIVERSE.....damn....now if thats not precious...than i really dont no what is..

  6. gt3

    gt3 Member

    Most people know themselves to be a bundle of fears and desires. Everything they do is based on fear or desire.

    If you had no desires you'd have no fear. If you had no fear you'd have no desires--you'd just be content and living in bliss. Many of us realize we're in the game of constant alternating pain and pleasure and keep trying to find a way out of it while others think the game is all there is.

    To say "I am my_name" seems silly because how can you be a name. All these typical identifications occurr because we don't know, we only know what we've been told. Everyone is pretty much told that they are their name and birthdate and their body and left to fend for themselves. So we go through life thinking this but also accumulating more identities because these identities aren't satisfying enough. But the question remains: "Who are you?"
  7. Ikken Hisatsu

    Ikken Hisatsu New Member

    thats just like, so deep man. pass it to the left dude. ooooh yeah.
  8. gt3

    gt3 Member

    you seem to base your identity based off what you own. 'MY this. MY that' but how do you own these things? is not all knowledge a collective human knowledge. Surely you didnt invent every aspect of 'your' martial arts, personality, skills, philosophies and so on
  9. thepunisher

    thepunisher Banned Banned

    Who am I ?

    Well, I'm myself. I have unique traits that are good and bad, I have lived in three countries, learned three languages, been doing various sports since 1991 and experienced what love is like in a couple of relationships. I have a good relationship with my family and abhore violence. I consider life an experience and hope to fulfill the dreams I have and experience lots of unique things and learn alot more than I know now. But to really get to know me, the best thing is to get to know me......(thats a hint !).

  10. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    It's not silly because when I say "I am Medi" in response to "Who are you?" people go all wide eyed and they're like "really?" and I go "You got it, baby" and if its a chick we might start making out or something.
  11. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    I like medi's answer.

    You are what you think.

    some of you will have seen this before.

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.
    Watch your words; they become actions.
    Watch your actions; they become habits.
    Watch your habits; they become character.
    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    Fears and desires are natural and should be embraced to be overcome.

    regards geo
  12. gt3

    gt3 Member

    Some new agers and psychologists are big on this but i think you are what you don't think. The problem is we think thoughts are real and so we attach ourselfs to them as real and act on that. When we think our negative thoughts are real then we suffer, when we think our positive thoughts are real then we are happy, but neither one is real. The real is beyond the mind. A lot of people seem to think that if they stopped thinking they would literally die or something. But really the mind is like a calculator, it's best to only turn it on when you need to calculate something, if you leave it on all the time and think that it is you then it will run you and that means that you'll be run by out of control analyzing (I was like this once and had insomnia hehe)

    I think this should just be shortened to just "Watch your thoughts". Words don't become actions, thoughts do (when you decide to act on them). But thoughts can become words because thoughts are the ancestor to every action. Thoughts also become habits, most people think the same thoughts over and over and over. When is the last time you had a totally fresh and sponteneous thought
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2005
  13. Sheyja

    Sheyja Valued Member

    I am.
  14. gt3

    gt3 Member

    The only provable answer! :D

    But just 'being' isn't satisfying to most people. It sounds boring, or like being a vegetable in a hospital bed. And if you just 'are' and i just 'am' then we'd have everything in common and basically be the same, what fun is that, i wouldn't be "special". It is in this desire to be separate and special that all false identities and suffering are born.

    Some sage's would say the "I am" is real and knowing it is being 'awake' and all other identities are no different than falling asleep and dreaming. The thing is that most people are trained to think the real is in the dream so they want to fall asleep and dream, but in that dream everytime something bad happens they want to wake up. It's the same when you're having a good dream and you want to stay asleep but when you're having a nightmare you wish to god you'd wake up. But once you know that pain and pleasure are actually the same then you'd want to wake up and stay awake. But what's it like to be awake if you cannot describe it with words?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2005
  15. Sheyja

    Sheyja Valued Member

    *Small humble bow*
  16. Lefty

    Lefty Yummy!

    I am Spartacus!
    I am Jack's raging bile duct.
    I am Sam. Sam I am.
    I am Kaiser Sose.
    In Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man.

    But mostly I am full of it.
  17. gt3

    gt3 Member

    You left out: "I am what I am" --Popeye
    and: "I am that I am" --god or somethin
  18. Capt Ann

    Capt Ann Valued Member

    I would start by telling you who I am not.

    I am not what I do, or my job, or where I live, or my accent, or the color of skin. I am not the kind of music I like, or whether I dye my hair orange or purple or have tatoos or piercings. I am not the kind of car I drive or whether or not I hang out with the in crowd. These things are outside me, like the clothes that I wear, and just like the clothes that I wear, one day I will take them all off and set them aside, but I will still be me.

    Who am I?

    I am a child of the Living God, created in His image, designed by Him individually, with a unique purpose and destiny. I am a younger sister to Jesus Christ, destined to grow up in all things to look like Him, until I act like Him, love like Him, give like Him, forgive like Him, and enjoy intimacy with God like Him. I am the apple of my heavenly Father's eye, His precious possession, His priceless jewel. I am a co-heir with Jesus Christ, who is heir of all things in this universe. I am destined to be above only, and not beneath, the head and not the tail. I am destined to rule in life through Christ Jesus, and to overwhelmingly conquer through His love. At the same time, I am a servant, called to lift others, equally priceless in my Father's eyes, to see their full potential through knowing Him. I am my brother's keeper. I am your neighbor.
  19. gt3

    gt3 Member

    Saying what you are NOT is all you can do with words in the form of accuracy and provability. I'm not against anyone who is religious though there are some scary religious types out there and it's sometimes hard to tell who the scary ones are from the harmless ones. A lot of things done in the 'name of christ' are scary.

    I grew up around a lot of christians and catholics (and even went to church a few times :p) and they talked a lot about love but it was very conditional love. And i do not believe real love can be conditional. conditional love isn't love, it is only the conditions. To say or think "I love you because you are christian like me" or "i don't love you because you don't believe in christ", or "I love you because you are attractive and my type but i wouldn't if you changed" isn't real love at all, is it? It is only really saying "I LIKE you IF"
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2005
  20. Damien Alexander

    Damien Alexander New Member

    I am I!


    "to you,I may be a greying,overweight,middle aged man.
    But when it comes to me and mine,I am the omnipotent one!
    The lord and master of your universe,
    I have a shotgun,a shovel and 10 acres of undeveloped land.
    DO NOT F*** WITH ME!"

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