What's the difference between push hands and sticky hands?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by nintyplayer, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. nintyplayer

    nintyplayer Valued Member

    I've seen both and they look almost identical to me. What's the difference? Does one train something that the other does not?
  2. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    There are many different methods-can you be more specific? Methods vary between different systems.Northern Mantis sticking practices aren't the same as Wing Chun's which aren't the same as FMA's,and I Ch'uan push hands is different from T'ai Chi push hands.

    They all obviously train some level of tactile sensitivity.How deep into that, and what is developed beyond just that....it depends on the system.
  3. YouKnowWho

    YouKnowWho Valued Member

    If you are talking about Taiji push hands and WC sticky hands, you may say that

    - Taiji push hands is used to train throwing,
    - WC sticky hands is used to train striking.

    Of course both can be used to train throwing and striking.

    It may be easier to convince a Taiji guy to use push hands to traing striking than to convince a WC guy to use sticky hands to traing throwing. Why? I don't have answer for that.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013

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