Whats so bad about satanism?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Banpen Fugyo, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. bcullen

    bcullen They are all perfect.

    Here we go again. :rolleyes:
    Please read up a bit on what's being discusssed before posting -- at least pages 14-22 should give you some more insight on whats been happening. :)
  2. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    Do you not read anything?

    For the 500th (literally) time:

  3. Trinity

    Trinity New Member

    yah Siphus is write it has nothing to do with the Christian version of satan its about do what you bloody want and try thing out everything if you want to try molestering children try it out dont worry about who else it harms how about rape that would be fun do them while you are on drugs as well it feels better, self indulgance is what lifes about why should we have bounderies on what we do. Yes i wish the whole world was like this it would be a loverly place to be.

    ps: All sarcasm intended
  4. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    IX Do not harm little children.

    V Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

    Obviously this thread is too much for some people to handle. I mean, if your counter argument doesnt even counter anything that was written IN THE VERY FIRST POST, then this is pointless. Apparently people are too ignorant to even read what anything is about, and spout off at the mouth. Just close the thread. And in the mean time, maybe you should take some things from the satanic bible into considerations. Such as:

    II Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
    III Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
    IX Satan is the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!
    I Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

    Stupidity -- The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.

    Herd Conformity -- That's obvious from a Satanic stance. It's all right to conform toa person's wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.

    Lack of Perspective -- Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, every day. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. Do not be swayed by herd constraints -- know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world.
  5. Trinity

    Trinity New Member

    Siphus i apologise i read the first post all the way through and i am sorry i thought where saying that being a satanist is OK. It is alot more involved than what you posted i have had experiances the crust of it may sound good but it is very deceptive. Satan doesnt care if we believe in him all he wants is us not to worship God and to have no need for God in this life.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2005
  6. AgamemnonXVI

    AgamemnonXVI New Member

    Sorry, It is alot of stuff.
    - and They should call it something different if it has nothing to do with satan.What other versions are there. It is the same in the tora and the koran.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2005
  7. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    That didnt really make a lot of sense to me... but I think you apologized for something? I dunno...

    I highly doubt you've had any real experiences with a satanist, or satanism. Maybe you have experiences with what you BELIEVE TO BE SATAN, in the christian term, but as I have described, over and over over, (is this really so hard for christians to understand????) there is no SATAN as a "he" or she or it. Satanism IS REPRESENTING THAT WHICH OPPOSES CHRISTIAN BELIEF.

  8. PsiCop

    PsiCop Antonio gets the women...

    I've personally done a very great deal of research on Satanism. The Satan you worship is only one type. There are many different kinds of Satanism, although the Humanist version you describe in your original post is the most common. There are many smaller groups that worship Satan the being. Other's worship his spirit. Others worship his ideals.

    To be a full and well-rounded individual, one must research all sides. Those who look into Christianity exclusively can never have a complete understanding of the great mystery. Even if one does not choose to engage in Satan worship, they should still look into it with an open mind. Dogmatic beliefs are what cause religious discrimination and hatred from all sides.

    I personally hold no religion. I do believe in a Creator. I do believe in spiritual forces in this world that are beyond our understanding. If I ever wish to truly understand, I'll have to study all aspects. A single-minded pursuit of knowledge is never successful.
  9. Maverick

    Maverick New Member

    Well that shows how much you know about Satanism. I've never heard of a Satanist molesting children however I have heard of Christian priests doing it...
  10. PsiCop

    PsiCop Antonio gets the women...

    Interesting point, Mav. One must always remember, though, that doing malicious acts depends on the person. The religion of the person is of little consequence.

    There are many Satanists who are upstanding and giving individuals.
    There are many Christians who lie, steal, cheat, and uphold the values of Lavey Satanism (ironically).

    Religion doesn't matter. It's the individual who makes the choice.

    *Rant* Just like these Texans who exclaim, "Oh that George Bush, he's such a great leader! He's a traditional Christian with good values." ...... That statement is so common and ripe with hypocrisy, it makes me sick.

    (Please excuse me, but religion does tie into politics very heavily.)
  11. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    All you have found is a way you are happy with - stop deluding yourself that it is THE way.

    Taoism is absent of spirituality? Your religion makes up its own conditions of spirituality and holds up all else in comparison and finds it unworthy?? what sort of shenanigan is this?

    Next you'll tell us that atheists can't be spiritual..or satanists for that matter.
    We all have spirit - it is what people make it that counts - not of holy spirit/god as set out by some mysterious higher authority you lay claim to.

    At least Taoism is not full of false promise - it is honest. It is also harmonious with nature and the nature of man and does not set people against eachother in conflict- it seeks to unite dualism(natural to existance) not divide and demonise. It does not provide a road that leads to disharmony and divisions like your religion does and the the other big 2 like it, that remove man from his natural way and place him in a world of dellusion...

    The books speak a lot of wisdom unfortunately it is all twisted by the context in which it is placed.

    Obviously you are happy to go along with it, others can still think for themselves-

    BTW Taoism was first and foremost a philosophy NOT a religion.
    And a good one at that. Taoist religion is another matter and not something I involve myself in. Worshipping deities is not for me, as i can just as well explore my own spirit in taiji/qigong practice or through other non religious means like meditation MA and interacting with people, nature etc. Spirituality is a state of mind. No religion or anything else has tabs on it.
    Christians should be the last to throw stones. Their house is a mess.

    I do not label myself as Taoist. I seek a way, that is all. One that best serves me and others(which of course would naturally follow), and I have found the philosophy of taoism to be of great value. It is not the only philosophy I have found useful.

    In the end If I can say like good ol' Frank " ..I did it my way" I'll be happy.

    Follow the way to the way and be lost.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2005
  12. onyomi

    onyomi 差不多先生

    Problems with Satanism

    Well, for one thing, if Satan is just an intellectual construct that means the denial of Christian faith and morality then that doesn't really make it a religion so much as a philosophy. Also, I'm sure there are some people who actually worship Satan as a being rather than treating Satanism as a personal philosophy as described. Although their stance makes less sense, I think it would be more deserving of the title "Satanism."

    My problem with the Satanic philosophy as described is that it seems to appeal to all of man's baser instincts, rather than being uplifting. It basically says: mind your own business and indulge yourself as much as possible. So if you indulge yourself in all the sins Christianity condemns: gluttony, greed, jealousy, rage, adultery, stealing, etc... it doesn't seem like it will result in you being a very happy person or being a well-liked member of society. It sounds more like it will either turn you into an outcast if not land you in jail. It also seems that if everyone followed these tenets (which far more people do than probably realize it) that the world would be a violent, dangerous, corrupt, unstable place. This philosophy also seems to favor going with your "gut" instincts over long-term planning. Sure you can indulge yourself in drugs and prostitutes right now--it'll feel good won't it? But what do you do when you've spent all your money, are a drug addict and have a venereal disease?

    The purpose of many religions is to give the believer a kind of inner peace that surpasses human nature. This philosophy, when taken to its logical endpoint, would seem to result in a "believer" that is unhappy, dissatisfied, un-loved and probably in poor health.
  13. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    How can people think that a way of life/religion/philosophy like Satanism, which basically has the doctrine of the survival of the fittest at it's core, isn't evil. The beliefs themself may not be evil, but where do they lead. A society where everybody only looks after themelves, selfish, not caring about other peoples needs or feelings. I'm not big on faith, but I don't see anything constructive in Satanism either.
  14. MaS_OyaMa

    MaS_OyaMa New Member

    I usually make pretty interesting posts-- but this is going to be short and sweet.........

    Lay off the crack.
  15. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    MaS - unless you have something to contribute to the topic, please do not post in the thread.
  16. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    GEO hit the nail on the head. Dillusion is a bad thing. "christians should be the last to throw stones, their house is a mess" that is the most truthful and intelligent thing i've seen all day. think for yourself and not follow the masses. even if you act like it, you are not a sheep.

    Onyiomi i think you have a very skewed idea of happiness. satanisim combined with common sense can yeild great results.

    Jesh "Life is the great indulgance. death is the great abstinance"
  17. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    Hollow words.
  18. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    How so? they've never been more true. The point of life is to enjoy it to the fullest extent possible, not to sit around on your ass and be bound by the rules of an invisable racist, phsycopath, who by the way would probably have better things to do than give a damn about you.
  19. Maverick

    Maverick New Member

    Can I just point out that we are inherently selfish organisms anyway (like all life on the planet) just in more subtle ways than you'd expect.

    Think about, you never do anything you don't want to do.
  20. Sheyja

    Sheyja Valued Member

    Very true, in fact I think I remember from science class (ahh weren't they great) that the only creature ever to perform an altruistic act (an act with no selfish end/personal gain) was worker bees, who'll kill themselves for the queen even when they can't reproduce. But even that only stray from altruism a little.

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