What is uke's responsibility?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by aikiwolfie, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    Thanks,Koyo.I may have the book by Shioda in my library.My now hard to get to library.I really gotta have a yard sale.

    I read in this forum quite often including the stickies.Quite informative.

    I may have related this before, but one of the guys from my teacher Myles' inner circle of oldest friends is one of Yamada's(New York City) upper level guys.He visited up here once or twice years ago when Myles was still here.Really good stuff the man has.Oh, I guess some would say he has a "fighting mind".Pugnacious would probably be more accurate!Casually demonstrated lots of hidden blows on me while showing examples of usage.Unfortunately those were the only times I got to have him do things unto me.Since then I've only seen him on a couple of social occasions,and very briefly when he let me stay at his place in the city but he was going out of town for a few days.Too bad.He really showed how effective it is.Or as we Yanks say in baseball,he could bring it.

    No one I've seen or heard of in my town seems to put the pedal to the metal.With no one around here even in the neighboring towns to further my learning or even practice in my chosen field I'd take up Aikido if there were.There's even a club which states they're not martially oriented.Huh?What's the point?

    But I guess I'm funny that way.
  2. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter


    Izumizu please adjust the file size of your photos.
  3. izumizu

    izumizu Banned Banned

    Done. Had to use the crop function, and didn't want to crop too much as to change the depth of view of the pictures.

    I know somewhere on my computer I have a tool that allows me to adjust for web posting...thumbnails, 400x800...just have to find it first. I'll use that if I can find it from now on, but I never really intended to be posting any photos on MAP to begin with! Oh, well.:eek:
  4. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    At our dojo we are encouraged to resist Sh'te (Tori) throughout the technique. When our sensei's demonstrate a technique they will often show how if Uke puts on any resistance and your in the wrong position/don't have their balance/are just plain doing it wrong that the technique will be completely ineffective. They will break down the technique to show where uke is most likely to resist, which I find incredibly valuable.

    My question is at what point does genuine resistance become too much and you are just being a "dick", for want of a better word?

    Our Dojo has visited other dojo's for seminars and other training situations and there have been occasions where some of our members have had "words" with practitioners from other dojos because we refuse to go down easily. Some members from other dojos get quite bent out of shape because we resist. As far as I'm concerned it's their problem, most of the guys at our dojo ain't going down unless you put them there. myself included, but are we coming across as bad Aikidoka in others eyes?

    If I'm having a technique applied on me I will look for any opportunity to get out of it. Obviously om not punching, kicking, screaming and biting to get free but i will look for opportunities where Sh'te isn't applying the technique effectively. For example: Sankajo Ni (from either Shomen or yokomen uchi) when the lock is first applied, if Sh'te isnt standing in the right place and applying the lock correctly it's quite easy to punch them in the face with your free hand. I dont do that but I let Sh'te know that i could reach his face. And on the osie when Sh'te changes hands, if the lock isn't kept on i will get my hand free and hit or push Sh'te while im face down on the floor. Every time I have done this at my dojo i have been thanked by Sh'te for letting them know and they in then do the same.

    I think it's Uke's responsibility to push Sh'te to the limits in every way, and if their technique is ineffective then let them know about it. otherwise what's the point?
  5. makotokai

    makotokai Valued Member


    All techniques should be applied after the Uke has been properly unbalanced. We do this by using kusushi. Also any attempt to apply a technique should be done after an atemi. These two principles usually allow the uke to resist as much as they like. If we meet too much resistance we would imediately move to another kusushi while striking again. The final throw or technique is much less important that these inital principles. Hope this make sense:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2010
  6. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    I understand and agree completely
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2010

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