What does "Chi" feel like for all you internal MA'ists?

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by Richdog, Apr 19, 2005.

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  1. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    and you feel 5 inches is enough? :p
    well work with what you got I suppose :D

    Seriously do you really feel, if this is all true, that getting a warning that something is five inches away from hitting you is of any practical use?
    You say "when you practice qigong your body heats up" er when you perform any form of exercise you body generates heat.
    So how is this heat different?
    I will ask again has this been proven beyond anecdote and myth?

    Can you show any reliable proof that what you say is true or is it just your own opinion?

    You use the term infrasonic. Do you know for sure that this is acutally what is going on?

    If so how do you know?

    Has it been proven to be this?

    How do you know something else isn't going on, something far more mundane.

    What is your reasoning for the above? The way you post makes it all sound very certain therefore I would assume that you have solid reliable evidence, is this the case?

    Please keep in mind that you claimed to be knowledgeable about Ninjutsu yet you not only consistently demonstrated to the whole forum that you know sod all about it but you also couldn’t prove your claims about what you trained in and where you’d trained.

    So you can see why I'm sceptical to about listening to you here?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  2. chof

    chof Valued Member

    i told you what ninjitsu was controlling the spine, i know they run around hiding climbing , is that an art? sat morning cartoon bull! lets get back to qi, when practicing qigong you develop awareness senses increase, hearing seeing, feeling etc.... qi is intelligence along with energy, 5 inches is enough once the field is penetrated the body tightens up, it knows it is going to get struck, the energy that fuels your body, the life force is brought to another level through qigong it emenates outside of you but still connected to you, the heat is electromagnetic then it transfers to vibrationial energy, yes there are many articles on this subject do some research!
  3. chof

    chof Valued Member

    there are many articles on qi and the types of energy it carries and the many things it can do, but i say again you must have it first and it requires time that is why they cal it breath work qigong!
  4. chof

    chof Valued Member

    i have also noticed in this thread that there is indepth knowlege of qi, referring to the transfer of qi to jing, oviously an opened minded advanced M A
  5. chof

    chof Valued Member

    qigong, do you practice it?
  6. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    This individual has consistently shown a dearth of knowledge as regards many of the subjects he has rambled about.Still hasn't answered a simple question on mechanics I asked him in the TC section some time ago.He left that forum as he decided he was way more knowledgeable than any of us.Probably true,as he has stated he has reached the "shen" level of development.

    Dean,unless you're in for the laughs,don't bother.

    Then again,you probably shouldn't heed me-he's already told me I know-as he puts it-"nothinggggg"-or some spelling like that.
  7. chof

    chof Valued Member

    el medico you do not study a martial art what was your question? i remember that one of your associates, said that i was not a village idiot, an advancd artist no doubt, whats the problem here , the questions you ask are in the dark ages, read up on the subject before you make bogus claims!
  8. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    This might look off topic initially but please bear with me I am going somewhere with it.

    Well you said something that had that in it along with a lot of other nonsense about it being a blend of Aikido, Karate etc and guess what you're still wrong.

    Controlling the spine is just an element of affecting balance which as I’m sure you are aware is part of many arts.

    So we don’t derail this thread too much and so people can see what I’m on about here’s where it started:

    Post 37 http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87296&page=3

    Here’s what you said in your first post, there are others: http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10628938&postcount=37

    Here’s my reply: http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10629193&postcount=59

    It continues some after that.

    I’m going to quote now from Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts by Donn F Draeger and Robert W Smith, mainly because it’s to hand for me but as I’m sure you’re aware Mr Draeger’s impact on the dissemination of knowledge about the Japanese arts is well known, let’s just say the guy knew what he was talking about and leave it there.

    “The art of Ninjutsu, which embraces many martial techniques and practices, is most simply defined as a method of protection against danger. But it is also a bugei form which includes various methods of spying upon the enemy, harassing him, confusing him, and eventually gathering intelligence by which to defeat him. In a sense it is a feudal espionage system.”

    And the following from Katori Shinto Ryu Warrior Tradition by Risuke Otake (Shihan of the school):

    “Ninjutsu is the art of surreptitiously entering the enemy’s territory or premises for purposes ranging from information gathering, stealing objects, and planting false information to military activity such as sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and assignation.”

    Mods please note:

    Chof, I have no wish to derail the thread but like I said you claim knowledge about the above and made claims about your training which you couldn’t back up, you couldn’t even provide the most basic information like who with and where. It is because of this and a number of your other posts in different areas that I call into question the information you are presenting in this thread.

    Basically can’t trust anything else you say, as I’ve demonstrated above, so why should I or anyone else trust what you say here? Especially if it turns out again that you cannot back what you say.

    So please forgive me mods for my divergence from the subject matter but it does pertain to the reliability of the information being presented.

    I don’t have to research I’m asking you to back up what you’ve said the burden of proof is on you.

    Please provide links to these articles. If you cannot do that for some reason then please provide the details of when and where they appeared and who wrote them, I hope they are credible and not something some teenage Dragon Ball Z fan has posted from his bedroom.
  9. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    ah sorry too late already in Ninja mode :ninja2:
  10. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    LMAO......pot calling kettle pot calling kettle......

    Dude bogus Ninjutsu claims aside you're the one who posted out of date info in the H&F forum and then moaned when anybody who knew what they were talking about corrected you.
  11. chof

    chof Valued Member

    true ninjitsu is about that, but that is not the art, the art is anatomy knowing how the body is built and how to take it apart, breaking limbs by controlling the head and spine and vital points to hit such as the throat vagus nerve, etc,,,,joint locks and throws, as far as posting links, do your own reserarch this is information gathered by myself and my extensive years of training, also im too lazy to be posting links, lol, i dont care what you believe its ovious you have had no training, but some on here have had training! guess what, if you pull the arm out to the side when performing an irimi or tanken the limb breaks in akido, but that is against the art, the art is not to injure the enemy, but there are variations and ninjitsu breaks limbs! another thing you most likely do not know this but ninjitsu is big on meditation and what does meditaton do, spawns creativity! why dont you get off the p c and actually practice an art!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  12. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Right now you change your story, try to fit in your previous comments and justify your inaccuracies.

    No that would be Jujutsu or as it is also known, kumiuchi, yawara, kogusoku and a number other names it goes by. Attacking the vital points would be atemiwazza something which is in included in many classical Jujutsu systems.

    Please read the post where I quote map member Kogusoku in the thread I listed.


    Is this like your Ninjutsu training? You know the training you can’t provide any details of, the training which has given you all this knowledge on the subject which everyone from your lowly Ninjutsu section forumite to the mighty Draeger says you’re wrong about?

    I will repeat you have made the claims the burden of proof is on you. If you can’t back up what you say you should retract it.

    No I don’t train in CMA I haven’t claimed to, I’m over here because I’m looking in to the Chinese influence on one of the areas of the art I study and need a bit of general back ground info on things but now we come to another one of your tactics. Each time someone disagrees with you then you resort to saying they don’t train or aren’t a martial artist. Give it a rest it’s bloody childish you’re supposed to be a man in his 40’s.

    Is that really the only way you can address your critics? School yard jeers, It’s pathetic.

    Again the mention ofAikido, you’re obsessed dude and not in a good way. Old school Aikido was bloody harsh and not the fluffy bunny stuff you seem to think it is but that’s beside the point. Just what has Aikido got to do with anything here? Are you really trying to link Aikido and Ninjutsu in that way?

    Do you realise how little sense you make?

    Again another childish retort. Rather odd too don’t you think.

    Please explain how the fact I am currently on a PC means I don’t train?

    Does this logic also apply when pointed towards you?

    Here you are go telling someone on the internet to get off the PC and practice an art whilst you are on a PC er not practicing an art hmm didn’t think that one through too well did you.

    I would ask that you cease these childish attempts at point scoring mainly because it does nothing but also because they don’t really work, most of us left that behind when our age entered double figures.
  13. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    Quite an assumption I don't study any martial system(s).On what do you base this?

    My associates?Huh?I dinna ken thy meaning.To my knowledge there is only one individual on MAP I'm acquainted w/personally,and that's from before either he or myself joined MAP.

    Dark ages-which questions,please?(My question on mechanics,which you didn't answer?)

    What claims have I made?Other than my observation,which others I'm sure would agree,that you generally exhibit a dearth of knowledge in the subjects upon which you post.

    See if you can answer the first, and the last two.
  14. chof

    chof Valued Member

    what mechanics i will answer anything as long as its not a ignorant question and ninjitsu is not a mix no? so when they chop you in the throat with a ridge hand thats not karate?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  15. chof

    chof Valued Member

    well if you study kung fu, you must be aware of the internal heat one carries?what mechanics would you like to know of, M T, KARATE, AKIDO, KUNG FU, JKD,LONGFIST, CHOY LAY FUT, WHAT?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  16. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    So now every art which uses shuto is Karate?

    You really don't understand what you are commenting on do you.

    No that is not Karate. Karate is Karate! It is a distinct art in its own right.

    Just because arts share similarities in their techniques that doesn't mean they are interchangeable. Heck my style of Taijutsu uses fudoken i.e. a closed fist hmm now so does boxing does that make them the same? No they are different animals created in different times with different backgrounds.

    They both share that use of the hand because there's only so much you can do with four fingers and a thumb.

    Classical Japanese arts where taught in ryu. Organisations if you will which not only taught martial arts, but also were political in nature that's neither here nor there though.

    Anyway these ryu teach disciplines. Some ryu are comprehensive systems and teach wide range covering kenjutsu, jujustsu, naginatajutsu, yarijutsu and yes ninjutsu.

    I will quote Kogosuko again :

    “Ninjutsu was a separate discipline or area of study where certain specific skill sets were learned and applied (e.g. stealth, cover & concealment, espionage, survival skills, escape & evasion methods, scouting methods, surveillance, etc.) These skills were taught in koryu bujutsu ryuha alongside other more familiar disciplines……… ………..It is a modern misconception to think that ninjutsu is a multli-discipline art containing sword, spear, unarmed combat, etc. This phenomenon has come about due to certain organizations like the Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan & Myofu-an teaching a large curriculum, comprised of teachings from several different ryuha”

    Do you understand the above?

    Do you appreciate how the classical arts are transmitted?

    Do you understand the difference between a ryu and its disciplines?

    Do you understand that Ninjutsu is, for want of a between term, espionage and that and that any unarmed techniques used would be those of something like Jujutsu and atemi?

    Take Togakure ryu Ninjutsu. It has techniques for concealment and evasion etc but it also uses swordsmanship and its unarmed techniques come from koshijutsu and kopojutsu schools with which it shares a relationship with.

    Now this school may have a specific strategic approach it uses which is influenced by Ninjutsu theory, for example some of the kata focus on disengaging and getting out of there because the “agent” could well be carrying something of value i.e info but that doesn’t automatically make its unarmed techniques Ninjustu and it doesn’t mean Ninjutsu is a mix of Karate.

    Do you see the difference?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  17. chof

    chof Valued Member

    yes that is what i said it is equivalent to jujitsu, no argument there and the esoteric aspects and techniques as well
  18. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    You know what chof I think you are one of two things.

    You are either a troll just causing trouble or you are someone who has had very little actual training in martial arts specifically Japanese ones, as you seem to have a complete and utter lack of knowledge and understanding about them.

    Your statements appear to be those of someone who has only experienced such things by reading the odd online article and dodgy books and the thing is I’m not the only one who thinks this.

    EDIT: riiiiight now you agree :rolleyes: but that's still wrong. It is not the equivalent to jujutsu anymore than it's the equivalent to Kenjutsu.
    They are separate but inter related disciplines due to the fashion in which they were transmitted and their purpose.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  19. chof

    chof Valued Member

    well if you met me and i broke your neck with a spinning hook kick, i think your mind would change! no i only kick boxed for 5 years, another thing is on this site no matter what somone says, somebody will argue with them in technical terms, not empirical technical, meaning you can talk about, but you dont know it!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  20. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Right rather big assumption there.

    You know nothing about my phsyical capabilities yet you automatically assume victory over me in a confrontation. Again that sort of comment is very childish and I would imagine you are making it to give your bruised ego a rub and make yourself feel better.

    Very imature IMO and it makes you sound like you have very little understanding of real life violence and confrontation.
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