What Do You Think Of This?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Korpy, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works


    Do you think this is a McDojo.

    It was being advertised on a website.

    They say they do "Real Aikido"

    They say that they do a ultimate self defence.A

    Also that their founder has a 10th dan in Real Aikido, and Jujutsu.

    I'll hold my opinion on it, until I see what others ahve to say.
  2. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    I think it belongs in the Aikido forum....
  3. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    I guess so.

    The thing that is telling me that it could be a McDojo, is that they seem to worry about image way too much,
  4. nickh

    nickh Valued Member

    a 10th dan professor huh?
  5. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    lol, I guess so.

    And it seems they love to boast about how they were in the Russian or Seriben military.
  6. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    It's better to show a bit more backbone when posting a thread - especially one where you're quick to call McDojo - even though you have no experience in the MA you're on about. Post you're opinion straight up instead of waiting for the consensus. :D

    Korp as well, how long have you been studying MA's and you're already devoting time to digging out McDojo's. :bang:

    I find it funny that you have absolutely zero background in Aikido but you're quick to jump on these guys for being McDojo... Hmm... seems there is a better use of time no? :confused:

    You can hardly blame them for being concerned about image... that doesn't necessarily make them Mc Dojo... that just show they are in tune with the reality of running a dojo in the western world. Image sells and dojo's make money from having students attend.

    Ok, enough of sounding like your parents... let's see... tne thing I do have some question about is this:

    I would be curious to know what style of AikiJujitsu he holds that in... and who he studied under. Recently when I was looking for a dojo that offered Daito Ryu AikiJujitsu it was near impossible to find as there just were not that many places outside of Japan that had the approval to be able to teach from the Daito Ryu headquarters.

    The headquarters website is here:


    There are not even very many texts out there on the subject. I found a single book that cover primarily the history/lineage and offers scant little in regard to technique.

    Perhaps he has studied a different style?

    This one I wasn't sure of... I've never heard of it... though that doesn't mean much... but the spelling of 'Bujicu' seems a bit off maybe... perhaps a Serbian version of Bujitsu? I dunno... :confused:

    In general pro fighters from the Eastern Bloc countries are tough nuts... and the Serbs definitley have no shortage of tough nuts.

    The site certainly does cover a lot of ground and they do post a lot of vids.
    Perhaps someone with a stronger background in Aikido can post some more relevant info.


    This is neither here nor there. Usually anyone in MA's will list their military service. Serbia in not exactly a calm and quiet spot... so I don't know that listing his military background is a bad thing... especially given some of the LEO market they appear to be after.

    Really this criticism could be leveled at just about any MA or instructor...
    examples that come readily to mind: Sambo, Systema, Judo, Aikido, Combato (LOL!) TKD, etc. etc. etc.

    Mr. Croatian cop is one that plays that up big... guess who that is?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2005
  7. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    Don't get mad at me. I just saw it and thought that it could be a McDojo. When it said Real Aikido. I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't they have called it Russian Aikido, Seribien Aikido? But they had to call it Real Aikido.

    Also you're right.

    Alot of Wushu places want to have a good and cool image. But sometimes the image goes over the top.

    I would like someone with a good Aikido background to comment on it though too.
  8. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Not mad at you... LOL! :D
    I just find it a bit silly that you're on the McDojo witch hunt when you're a total n00b yourself. :D

    Besides former Soviet Union military guys have to do something... lord knows they can't expect to live off a Russian Military retirement. Look at the state of the countries he lists... Zimbabwe?!? Libya?! It's almost a who's who of American cold war political bedfellows (ask your dad what I mean). I'm surprised they let the guy in the country. :eek:
  9. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    Just trying to help with the witch hunt, I got a whole bunch of carosine and torches, :D

    Lol, maybe he's not the deadly for the steet, so they let him in the country. :D

    TM Edit: There is no need to use mobile phone style abreviations here on MAP. We support the full range of characters in the English alphabet all the way from "A" and "a" to "z" and "Z". :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2005
  10. SamuraiWarrior

    SamuraiWarrior Valued Member

    I have been learning and teaching aikido for about 7 of my 10 years of martial arts practice. Just a brief glance, but their Aiki looks pretty good, I have seen much worse. I would have to worry about their "Real Aiki" bragging, but it looks ok. I wonder if they have permission to use that drawing in their symbol/badge? It's a picture of a MA fighting 3 opponents, one with a knife. I am pretty sure that, that is a copywrited illustration by Oscar Ratti, illustrator and co-author of "Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere" and also "Secrets of the Samurai."
  11. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    So your opinion is not a McDojo, but nothing special.

    And I have a problem with their bragging as well.

    Also that is interesting, I wonder if they have the copyrights for the badge as you pointed out.
  12. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    One of my favorite overall books on Aikido. The book that got me to walk into an Aikido dojo and sign up years ago. Nice catch... I missed that.

    Great illustrations in that book by the way. I also really thought there explanations were the most accessable for the average or layperson on some of the principles of Aikido.

    Haven't seen Secrets of the Samurai... hmm... dials up Amazon right now. :D
  13. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    Get you dad to drive you over there... rock up and challenge them on all the issues you have with them... in fact call them out and tell them to put up or shut up!!!

    Jesus! :bang:
  14. Korpy

    Korpy Whatever Works

    Dude, don't freak out, just call down. I thought it would be interesting to talk about it, and see what everybody thinks about: if it's a McDojo or not.

    I have no intention for calling them.
  15. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    I've seen the Real Aikido web site before and some of there videos clips. Before anybody brands anything a McDojo based on a web site I think you should ask your self how much experience of the training that web site is really giving you.

    So is real Aikido a McDojo. I honestly couldn't say. I've never been involved in their training. Aikido does however range from ultra soft to brutaly violent. So because what's shown in their videos doesn't fit with what people are used to seeing as Aikido doesn't mean it's not Aikido.

    Personally I have more to do with my time than jump on the witch hunt band wagon again. Been there, seen it, done it and I got nothing from it. All it does is make people bitter. I'd rather not be bitter. :)
  16. kiaiki

    kiaiki Valued Member

    just to salvage a bit of sanity: here's another credible source of Daito Ryu:

    I've met Okabayashi Sensei and his technique is very powerful IMHO, backed by what looks like a good lineage. there are dojos in the US and I know he does travel to the UK occasionally. :)
  17. nickh

    nickh Valued Member

    Yes, Okabayashi Sensei is genuine.

    Aikijujutsu seems to be one of the arts that is a favourite with the frauds. Unfortunately for them though, it is also one of the easiest ones to verify because the genuine lines are pretty well documented.

    My opinion is that aikijujutsu is picked on by the frauds because it is the easiest one to try to reverse-engineer (using aikido as a template).

    Another common one is Tenjin Shinyo-ryu jujutsu -- several fakes have tried to reconstruct this school by starting with Kodokan judo. Their logic probably being that TSR was one of the sources of judo and so they can work backwards and try to pass off their creation as the real thing.

    Anyone (newbie or not) should be wary of frauds. Statistically speaking, the chances of ending up in a fake school are much higher than ending up in a genuine classical one. I'd be very impressed to hear of anyone in the west who got it right on their first try.

    Better to find out sooner rather than later; prevention is better than cure.
  18. scorpiousmac

    scorpiousmac Valued Member

    Looks like Aiki-jujitsu but cant be sure.Aint fond of these masters starting their own style and immediatly gaining grandmaster and 10th Dan status,surely they need to develop it over time?
  19. Kogusoku

    Kogusoku 髭また伸びた! Supporter

    Tenjin Shinyo-ryu requires no reconstruction. The ryuha is still extant and is still very active. There are two lines still extant in eastern Japan. There is even a branch school in the United Kingdom.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2005
  20. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Thank you for the post. Your's and the rest on this page are very interesting in regards to the subject of people trying to claim that they teach Daito Ryu etc.
    I've found the Daito Ryu truly one of the harder MA's to find much info on.

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