What are your class structures like?

Discussion in 'Kickboxing' started by Pkhamidar2com, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    Hey, strange question this is yes. But i was wondering, what do you guys do during your kickboxing classes?

    Im currently doing TSD. And im wondering, what does a similar sports style do? Like how different is it to the one im currently doing. As in we learn alot of forms and Katas, which im not a big fan of, but then what do they do in kickboxing classes?

    I would appreciate it if you could just give a basic run down of what you do.

    Im just curios.
  2. fastman

    fastman New Member

    i train in a traditional school.. we do an hour of kettle bell/ kickboxing workout, then in class after the workout, we start the first 30 minutes with sparring drills, and then usually do forms (katas/weapons self defence) usually one or the other every class.. but we do the kelltebell/kickboxing workouts mon, wed, fridays, friday is a sparring only day after kettlebell workout, and mon and wed are either forms or self defence.

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