western knife arts

Discussion in 'Western Martial Arts' started by max Chouinard, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. max Chouinard

    max Chouinard Valued Member

    To complete the picture of martial arts with some living lineage in the western world, here is the knife part:

    Sicilian knife:

    Baratero - Spanish navaja (seems to include some stick):

    Scottish dirk dance (would be curious to see the actual dance (wink at Louie ;)):
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7maMlwC3P2w"]Dirk and Cudgels - YouTube[/ame]

    That's about it.
  2. lklawson

    lklawson Valued Member

    James Loriega and his crew. James knows his stuff, sure 'nuff. The vid., ims, was made to showcase the WMA stuff he does at his school so it includes the navaja, baston, etc.

    Peace favor your sword,
  3. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Got a stir seeing Bannockburn at the start of the Scots clip. How much of a buzz being able to train there, plus Scotland with no rain and no midges :D
  4. Louie

    Louie STUNT DAD Supporter

    Hi Max

    Been getting a growing number of requests regarding producing an instructional book and/or DVD on the dirk dance. With a new class up and running it's something I'm looking into...

    Hi adouglasmhor

    Toward castle in the singlestick clip (see western stick arts) was the home of the Lamont Clan who were attacked and massacred by the Campbells, it hasn't been occupied since - Fantastic, atmospheric place to train! :cool:


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