Welcome To Aikido!

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by aikiwolfie, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Welcome to MAP Serena :)
  2. afhuss

    afhuss Valued Member

    Welcome Serena, albeit a bit late. I am just south of Toledo and train up in Windsor sometimes. We also have affiliates in Sterling Heights, Redford, and somewhere else I cant remember (pretty sure all in the Detroit area). All the best!
  3. hkdstl

    hkdstl Banned Banned


    I am a martial art junkie. I have studied hapkido, aikido, and tae kwon do. I have to say that hapkido was my first love. However, as I get older and more broken down I find myself training the Aikido more than the hapkido and tae kwon do.
  4. Gustav Collares

    Gustav Collares Proud Aikidoka


    Now, where are my manners? Of course! First part, the welcome.

    Hi everyone. I´m Brazilian, 29 years old, and lover of all martial arts.
    Workout for eight years, with some interruptions. Then, BJJ + MMA for a full year, then just MMA for another year... Droped it ALL for the Aikido, about three months ago.

    It has been great to learn gently about the body´s center of mass and how easily you can dislocate your oponent´s.

    Somewhere around this forum I read: "I only realized I was on the ground... And had absolutely NO IDEA of how I got there".

    So... Onegaishimasu
  5. ModernPrimitive

    ModernPrimitive New Member

    Suppose a hello is in order.

    I'm 22 with absolutely no experience in martial arts. My brother took Tae Kwon Do when I was very young and tried to teach me a few things. I only remember a couple of strikes and meditation (which was very hard to try when I was 6). Unfortunately that doesn't even begin to constitute experience.

    I am interested in learning Aikido primarily for it's philosophical background (the idea of a martial art without strikes, defensive rather than aggressive) and because it is particularly useful for a 5'3" female such as myself.

    I am very unlearned when it comes to this subject save for what I've gleaned from a few articles here and there but I am very eager to learn. Expect many, many questions from me.


  6. izumizu

    izumizu Banned Banned

    Hi ModernPrimitive, welcome to MAP...I think once you begin training in aikido you will find that it is not exactly what you think it is...philosophy and spirituality, yes. Without strikes, well, strikes are definately permitted and by most accounts advisable (they just have to be used properly, like any martial art), defensive rather than agressive? Well, uke needs to be agressive, and as for nage inside or outside the dojo agressiveness is optional (which means at least part of the time in training you are agressive).

    Aikido can be quite pro active and quite agressive, especially by those who know when and how to be agressive.

    I think that your size and the fact that you are female might make it easier for you to learn aikido, so good luck, and hope you enjoy your training.

  7. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

  8. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Welcome to MAP and the Aikido forum. I think you're about to discover a few things about Aikido on here. Like it actually does have strikes :p :)
  9. ModernPrimitive

    ModernPrimitive New Member

    Thanks guys.
    As far as my statement regarding strikes, I suppose it would have been better to say that striking is not its focus, that the point is to use the force of your opponents attack against them rather than focusing on kicking someone's face in. I was aware that the uke must be the aggressor in training and that strikes, particularly intended to unbalance the opponent from what I gather, are part of Aikido. I meant defensive more in the sense that rather than returning a punch with a punch you are using the attack against the attacker.

    I look forward to studying aikido but I have a good month before I can put money toward it (college fees come first) so in the mean time I am gathering info.

    Thanks for the welcome. =)
  10. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    I would recommend you gather your information from actual experience.
  11. mike.Budo

    mike.Budo Valued Member

    Greetings Each
    I don't actually practice Aikido . I have had a few lessons over the years. I'm just greedy and like to study and steal different techniques to use within my own art lol . As I belong to a Budo society all Japanese arts come into play at some point. In my view it's just a path of gaining knowledge and passing it on when and where possible :)
  12. AikiKate

    AikiKate New Member

    Hi! I'm Kate. I'm seventeen and just started Chendokan Aikido in April. I earned my yellow belt last month. I attended my first seminar yesterday and meet Dr. Chenique, the founder of Chendokan Aikido. He's really nice.

    The dojo's quickly become my second home. I have anxiety problems and it's rare they act up there, even though I'm one of the only females in the class and one of the youngest people in class. I'm there four days a week for class and another day for conditioning (six last week because of the seminar). Within two weeks, I felt completely at home. Everyone gives hugs and we joke around a lot while training. I consider my Grand Master's seven year old son like a little brother and I fight with the youngest Aikidoist (a brown belt a year younger than me) constantly (jokingly). The dojo's owned by two Narcotics detectives and I'm gradually gaining the approval of the female owner (a black belt or brown belt in a few arts, a former bodybuilder, played semi pro football); the male is a blackbelt in Aikido and is a big sweetheart.

    I think I've rambled enough about my dojo.

  13. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Welcome to MAP :)
  14. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Howdy doody Kate :)
  15. ZORA

    ZORA Valued Member

    Hi Kate , Its really great to hear how much you enjoy Aikido .I myself was the only girl for many years in my dojo .
  16. TiaChica

    TiaChica New Member

    another newbie here....

    I did some Aikikai last year, but had to stop training when life hit a wall, lol.... I have since relocated and found a Yoshinkan club. Bit of a culture shock, but I am thoroughly enjoying it. I have only been practising for 2 months though, so still very green behind the ears.

    Looking forward to reading and learning more on this forum.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  17. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Welcome TiaChica

    Where do you train?
  18. TiaChica

    TiaChica New Member

    Thank you for the welcome. I train in Walton/Surrey.
  19. Aikidojomofo

    Aikidojomofo Valued Member

    Under Rod White Sensei by any chance?
  20. TiaChica

    TiaChica New Member

    indeed. :)

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