Warrior spirit - what is it?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Keljian, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. Keljian

    Keljian New Member

    As the topic says, what do you think warrior spirit is?
    I'll give my opinion after a few posts, rather see others views first.
  2. uki

    uki Banned Banned

    i am a tiger, hear me roar.

    :) :) the warrior spirit is the fearless spirit of courage and bravery. it is the will to survive and to protect life from harm. it is getting up and brushing the dust off and not quitting. it is like the thunder of a storm cloud, the movement of a mountain stream. it is a tiger lounging in the shade. it is the eternal spirit of creation and expression. it is noble and honorable, daring to speak out when others are quiet. it is daring to say what you mean, even if you are alone against the world. the warrior spirit is being strong, honest, and true to yourself and others... :)
  3. Myopic Rex

    Myopic Rex New Member

    Simply put: Devotion to Duty and responsibility above all else. Either at war or at work, or at home.
  4. Krazy5051

    Krazy5051 Valued Member


    The warrior spirit in my eyes has three main precious attributes;

    Swordsmanship that can work with anyone or anything at any given time. Furthermore it works without using a sword at all.

    Mirror of the Mind, through which everything becomes clear.

    Good pure spirit that brightens people around him and makes sure he lives long in people hearts even after his death.

    Of course devotion to his duty and others to protect and work within the laws of righteousness.

    Yours in martial arts,

  5. IronBridge

    IronBridge New Member

    Read the book of five rings or any of musashis' literature.
  6. MDN

    MDN Banned Banned

    It is having the will to endure. Fighting not for yourself, but for the important people in your life.
  7. Vanir

    Vanir lost my sidhe

    All the things you know are wrong? Don't do them.
    All the things you know are right? Choose those.
    Don't violate others.
    Stand up for your human rights.
    Stick up for people when needed.
    Seek to clarify rather than confuse.
    Always do your best.
    And don't be too hard on yourself.

    One word: H O N O U R.
  8. Kurokawa

    Kurokawa New Member

    A warriors spirit, one who trains to die, a man who trains to die must not be afraid of death, so each day must be enjoyed as if not ever seen before, and all quarrels must be seen as an insignificant problem that is quite temporary to your own life. but not to say you must be a samurai of any sort to posses this, anyone who feels that "people" are rude, irrational and stumble through life taking what they want without any sort of composure can take on this attitude(my own personal reason)
  9. Martial One

    Martial One Martial Way student

    combat inclination and aptitude.
  10. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    a Resiliant spirit.
    an agressive mindset
    willingness to adapt and evolve
    willingness to do so in the light of improvement
    desire to be the best

    fast hands quick legs
    and a good ground game. don't hurt either.
  11. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    You're all correct, and so far off the mark.

    Have any of you actually been in combat. Anyone ever killed another human being defending yourself, another, or simply because it's what you've been trained to do? Ever have to get up knowing you'll most likely have to pull the trigger on a man today and kill him? A woman or child? Thought not.
  12. Visage

    Visage Banned Banned

    Like so many things, I would say its individual to each person.

    The ability to keep going through incredibly adversity is a definate must, though. Anyone who overcomes serious illness or trauma is worthy of "warrior spirit" in my books.
  13. ZenPolice

    ZenPolice New Member

    What exactly is your point?
  14. Stxsas

    Stxsas Keep on Flowing..

    Warrior Spirit eh?


    I would take a tincker at,

    The Heart to go on even when things are at there worst, whether taking punches or fighing cancer!

    And as some one said before, Honour, Doing what is right! And never lying to oneself! And always show compassion as best you can!

    Raw Survival Instinct, The natural ability to go on living!
  15. Kurokawa

    Kurokawa New Member

    To answer the question of weather or not I have been in combat, no of course not but if a man threatens my life or anyone elses I can safley say a pull of the trigger may be easier to deal with than always knowing you could of stopped a tragety,mind you this is up to interpritation
  16. Hyo

    Hyo New Member

    Warrior Spirit...plain and simple is the drive inside to do right. without that drive, one can never be a warrior.
  17. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    I guess it means very different things to different people.

    Which means that it doesn't mean anything. Unless anyone can point out some consistency in the explanations.

    I've always interpreted it in the context were I've seen it used most, mainly on film and TV. The last offering I saw on it was "The Last Samurai". Those sort of potrayals put me off looking into it any further as I've always been a big fan of staying away from situations that are likely to kill me, and thats not something I want to change about myself.
  18. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    To me, as someone who has never been on an active battlefield, it means never giving up in the face of any type of adversity or challenge. Or to phrase it another way "I enjoy a challenge".
  19. TXKukSoolBB

    TXKukSoolBB Valued Member

    I would say Bushido. As I understand it: rectitude, bravery, universal love/compassion for all, loyality, right actions/courtesy, sincerety/truthfulness and honor/glory.
  20. Cuchulain82

    Cuchulain82 Custodia Legis

    Not to overstate the obvious, but isn't warrior spirit summed up well by saying "Don't get killed/beaten"?

    Codes of chivalry or condut are well and good, but warriors are immoral jerks as often as they are good people.

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