UK--First 5 Months Earnings go to Government

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Liquid Steel, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Liquid Steel

    Liquid Steel Valued Member

  2. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    So emigrate then.
  3. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    One of those educated, healthy peasants with an 80-year life-expectancy?
  4. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    And social security.

    And the NHS for them and their children.

    And services to remove all their waste and rubbish.

    And services to keep their roads repaired.

    And oh, do you know, I can't be bothered?

  5. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    But what did the Romans ever do for us?
  6. Cuong Nhu

    Cuong Nhu Valued Member

    The UK has nothing to be upset about, considering everything.

  7. Liquid Steel

    Liquid Steel Valued Member

    You know the services provided are nowhere near as much as the tax money that is taken? People are right now refusing to pay council taxes in some boroughs because even small local companies can provide a better service for a quarter of the cost.

    Many services are now becoming "authorities". Have you noticed the change in language? You understand we pay for our own chains? The surveillance, the militarisation of the police, the mass murder abroad, the subsidies to the weapons industry, EU bureaucracy, civil servants churning out soviet type policies, social services kidnapping children, 900 billion to the private bankers.... we're the mugs financing it all. Yet some want to say this money is being taken from us for our benefit? What planet are you on? Seriously.

    Slavery was, and still is, a huge issue around the globe. By the reasoning presented by some in this thread, the fact that in 1810 this occurred nearly everywhere would have meant those slaves in America (that were well treated in comparison to slaves in the middle east for example) should have been grateful!

    I hear the rationalisations of moral cowards.
  8. Cuong Nhu

    Cuong Nhu Valued Member

    Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve - Shaw.

    In other words, it's your own damn fault that your government cann't get anything done. Stop blaming the politicians for doing what you expect them to do (which, incase you didn't know it, is to spend most of their time cross-biting).
  9. Liquid Steel

    Liquid Steel Valued Member

    I agree but it's also not that simple when sciences like psychological warfare, economics and the like are arranged against the public.

    I mean you quote shaw, but he was a member of the Fabian society and a complete elitist, he knows as well as any that the fight is hardly fair.

    You're point is complete nonsense anyway because democracy is the tyranny of the majority. The majority have always been ignorant moral cowards... historically speaking.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  10. Cuong Nhu

    Cuong Nhu Valued Member

    Actually, let me rephrase the question: Left or Right Wing Anarchist?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  11. Late for dinner

    Late for dinner Valued Member


    Just a perspective.. you present that chart which really only reflects part of how a state takes money from it's citizens. Last time I looked the equivalent of VAT in Canada was 7% so you might reconsider how much is being taken if you added VAT payments to the income taxes etc.. not saying that the Canadian system is better (we are more socialist than you are here in some ways as in we have NO private medicine and as such no TWO tier system of health care where only the rich get prompt care) but simple numbers lead to simple conclusions and they are not always accurate.

    I think our tax freedom day was calculated to be somewhere around 6 months into the year but with a high standard of health care, good schools etc it wasn't too much of a burden. I guess what I am saying is to a degree you get what you pay for and if the British get a reasonable deal for their 5 months labour then who cares. Just make sure you see how much is ''really'' being paid. The costs are always there, it is not always that clear in any society who pays what (seem to remember that Regans cleaning lady paid more in tax than the top 10 CEO's in the USA).

  12. Cuong Nhu

    Cuong Nhu Valued Member

    My point was simply that the UK has no where near the worst tax rates in the world, so complaining about tax rates in pure numbers (which this is) is pretty stupid. Especially if you're not going to even try to present any economic reasons why it's a bad thing. Hell, Sweden has almost a 55% income tax and their GDP per Capita is quite a bit higher then that of the UK.
  13. Haakon

    Haakon Valued Member

    Don't you still have some bridges they built?
  14. The Wiseman

    The Wiseman Valued Member

    Bloody politics. Sorry I know that's a cuss word in your country.
  15. Thelistmaker

    Thelistmaker bats!


    All your tax money is going to fund the leisure time of me and my class. We are smarter than you cattle; that is why we are on top. We do more productive things with our sleep than the cattle do in their whole lives. We deserve your money.

    Who else deserves power if not people smart enough to get to the top?

    Obey your pack alphas people!

    Here is a pretty sexy picture to keep the lesser ones among us amused:

    Attached Files:

  16. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    So... Liquid Steel aside from rants on a Martial Arts website... what are you doing to bring about a change to this system? Just curious. Because you have quite the reputation now for being someone who does nothing but moan about the evils of society, governance, everyone who's not watching the same YouTube doco's as you and everything in between.... you also have the reputation for doing little more than posting up 'read/watch this!!!' as your little fingers post copious amounts of conspiracy laden links or 'OMFG you're all so ignorant' and then storming out of the sandbox with streaming hot tears when someone actually begins to question your opinion or doesn't fall in line with your 'logic'.

    So seriously... if this becomes one more of those threads... then let me know and we'll just merge all this nonsense into one big fat thread and you can have a nice little party of 1 where you can get off with your smug YouTube acquired knowledge and the rest of us can go about a martial arts website in relative peace.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  17. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Just another point about high taxes, they sound bad because most people want to get more stuff but pay less for it.

    The OECDs survey of 'life satisfaction' in countries around the world listed the 3 happiest countries, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands. One of the biggest common denominators in these countries was high taxes. While I'm not naive enough to suggest that taxes correlate exactly with happiness or that increasing taxes will always make a country a better place, I would suggest that demonizing tax itself as a negative aspect of life could be flawed.
  18. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    They also gave us the A5 - my favourite road in the country.
  19. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I'm pretty ignorant about this stuff so can someone explain to me why anyone bothered to find out this "tax free month" stuff? I mean generally speaking people aren't going to suddenly find themselves living in a ditch because of it so what was the point of calculating it in the first place?
  20. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    No one likes paying taxes, but people would like the cessation of all public services even less.

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