Tuf 3

Discussion in 'MMA' started by Apotheosis, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. Jester

    Jester I elbow, therefore I am.

    Ed didn't impress me at all in this fight. Maybe it was nerves for something, but if he wants to go farther in the show he is definately going to have to let it all hang out. The only bad decision is indecision when it comes to a fight.

    In other episodes Danny was all about "Hey, we're a team. Let's help each other out. Matt's a good guy, don't mess with him etc, etc..." Then in this episode they only show Danny talking smack, making crazy comments and stupid stories. How everyone is sick of his mouth and such. Ahh... behold the power of editing. :)

    Either way next weeks fight should be good. I wanna see this guy finally go and hopefully his jaw problem is finished so it won't be an issue.
  2. Zentenk

    Zentenk Valued Member

    It's funny how Danny was the most annoying guy but they only had him appear annoying in 1 episode. And about guys who talk crap? Sorry but just about EVERYONE talked crap before their fights. Danny survived, had he not let his arm up like that and made it to the next round he could have gotten some better shots in. Either way, if he had won he would not have won his next matches, I have a hard time believing ED will win his next matches. All he has to work on is his ground game and he could be a very formitable fighter in the UFC.
  3. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    um... this is true of almost all fighters... some do little but this and are successful. this is the most obvious, general, obtuse statment I have read in a while......

    oh, and danny would have to overcome the part about being a ___ssy
    i'd say that would be the bigger challange
  4. Skrom

    Skrom Banned Banned

    yeah, i did think it was kind of funny how they showed so many clips of danny being annoying. they probably just wanted to make everyone hate danny more than ed since ed was gonna win.

    i am curious why so many people weren't impressed by ed's game though. sure, he took a shot in the beginning, but that happens every now and then no matter how good you are. he kept a cool head after that, took him down easily, and then moved from guard to side to mount to back without too much trouble. granted, danny sucks on the ground and was easy prey, but that doesn't change the fact that ed showed a very dominant performance.
  5. LiaoRouxin

    LiaoRouxin Valued Member

    Herman wasn't explosive in that fight, but I don't think he was unimpressive. We obviously didn't see the Ed Herman that beat Glover Teixeira and Dave Menne, but maybe he didn't need to show that level in this fight.

    It's not like her performed badly, he just performed much more methodically than people expected. He didn't really push the fight beyond what he was given, which I think surprises people based on his earlier comments of greatness. I dont think we should jump to any conclusions about a fight against someone who was practically no challenge to him and instead focus on his progression in the semi-finals for an indicator of his talent.
  6. oosh

    oosh Valued Member

    I was impressed with Ed, controlled Danny completely in the clinch and on the ground.
  7. Apotheosis

    Apotheosis Valued Member

    Reasoning for my calling it unimpressive?

    A. Everyone talked Ed up, even opposing fighters/coaches. From all the talk I expected a 1-2 minute fight with Ed just smashing him similar to Diego's first fights on the show.

    B. Danny was horrible on the ground and Ed is supposed to be great on the ground and yet Danny lasted a good 4 minutes.

    C. Ed had so many chances to end the fight, but it took him 4 minutes. He had side control, full mount(not sure about that, if he didn't then thats just another reason since Danny's guard should be no problem). Danny was simply wriggling around, Ed should have been able to pound him but after 4 minutes on the ground I don't think Danny was even bleeding.
  8. NewLearner

    NewLearner Valued Member

    Victory here in Orlando seems to have a really bad reputation.

    But let's not forget, he was good enough to have made it there. How many of us did that? Certainly not me.
  9. Skrom

    Skrom Banned Banned

    so basically all you're saying is that you think the fight should have ended sooner.

    winning quickly doesn't mean it was easy, and winning slowly doesn't mean it was difficult. he did not look like he was having any difficulty at all, and aside from the punch in the beginning, he sustained no damage throughout the fight.

    maybe he didn't feel like rushing in with no regard to his safety. sometimes when i'm boxing or kickboxing, i like to take my time and counterpunch...does that mean i suck? i realize that he came off sounding hot-headed and aggressive, and his fighting style did not reflect that, but that doesn't make him less of a fighter. fact is, he completely dominated the fight, and you have no right to criticize his style just because you didn't find it exciting or entertaining.
  10. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    I fell asleep during the endless Ed & Danny talking segments & missed the fight. I am naturally kicking myself now & hope to tape the fight during a replay. Thanks for your commentaries.
  11. kmguy8

    kmguy8 Not Sin Binned

    yeah.. good enough
    casting agents man
    that chump has no record on sherdog
    which means his 2-1 MMA record is amatuer
    and thats worse than my record
    it does CLAIM that he has a 14-1 pro kickboxing career
    i'll try and verify that one
    frankly, I have no idea what he was doing in the program
  12. Skrom

    Skrom Banned Banned

  13. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    Thanks! Looked like an easy win for Ed. We'll have to wait to see if he's as good as he says he is.
  14. Apotheosis

    Apotheosis Valued Member

    I have the right to criticize him, just as everyone else does.

    My main criticism of his fight was the alck of aggression/intensity. He talked a huge game and then backed it up with a low intensity showing. If you talk about fighting Tito after beating your first opponent, you better show an overwhelming dominance. I don't see his performance as dominating, simply controlling. An example of dominating in TUF fights would be the first 2 Diego match-ups, he DOMINATED while Ed simply controlled.
  15. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    The evils of "reality" television, unfortunately - every season has had a few cans thrown in there in the hopes of them taking a serious battering, thus ensuing an exciting couple of minutes of fighting and the voice-of-doom trailer dude getting to say "brutal" over the trailer. It doesn't always work out, but that's pretty much the plan, just like when they put flakes in all those stupid house shows
  16. Skrom

    Skrom Banned Banned

    he said that he would fight tito...he didn't say he would kick tito's ass. i took it to mean that he wouldn't back down from any fight, but that's irrelevant.

    all i'm getting out of your posts is that you weren't entertained, and i don't really care about that. i would rather see a technically interesting match than an all-out brawl, so i guess what it comes down to is a difference of opinion and taste. we will just have to wait and see how he does as the show goes on.
  17. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    I really wanted Danny to win, between Ed's constant arrogant ranting and posing, I wanted to see him get beat up by the guy who teaches Tae Kwon Do to kids. I had several pages of comments on the superiority of TKD and why it works so well in the UFC all written up and ready to go. So, too bad Danny lost and all my work is for naught. :D

    Overall I thought the editors really hyped the fight up in a great way, between the annoying comments by both guys and so on. By the time the fight finally came along, I was sooooo ready to watch it. In the heat of the moment, my initial take was that (1) Ed did not live up to the hype and should have finished earlier (especially if he thinks he can take Tito) and (2) Danny is a pretty tough guy who probably shouldn't have been in the ring but he did it and put on a good show (props to him).

    After reading the other posts and commentary I do wonder if Ed's choice for strategy is actually much more mature than his mouth makes him appear. He comes off as arrogant and impulsive but he fought the fight very steadily and left very little room for error. Yes, he probably could have finished earlier but that would have opened up a little bit more of a chance of taking a lucky punch. Instead he takes longer but guarantees himself a trip to the semi-finals. I'm betting he'll "turn it up a notch" for the path to the finals. Big props to him as well!
  18. Apotheosis

    Apotheosis Valued Member

    It's not that I wasn't entertained during the fight.

    Its that Ed hyped himself up to the point I expected him to dominate Danny(who was **** poor on the ground), I hate to keep bringing up Diego as people hype him up more than is due but he did dominate his first fights on the show. Ed simply controlled him in my opinion which is perfectly acceptable unless you talk about how you are one of the best fighters in the UFC and will dominate your opponent.

    If you go into a fight saying you will dominate and that the fight won't last more than 1-2 minutes and then it ends up lasting four minutes with no sign of domination I will see anything less as a let-down.
  19. Stan O'Kella

    Stan O'Kella Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    It looked to me like Ed gassed early, maybe he struggled with the cutting of the weight, when he left the sauna he looked dead on his feet. He also kept sayin in the show that he didnt wanna get injured so may have been fighting with the rest of the show in mind and not going all out.
  20. Zentenk

    Zentenk Valued Member

    Where was Danny being a __ssy? I didn't see any of it in the octagon. You talking about his back? His injury that he got when he first trained with Ken when Ken had the Middle Weights? That was about the dumbest statement I've seen in awhile.

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