Truly goofy movie

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by JTiedes, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. JTiedes

    JTiedes Wielder of the Wiffle.

  2. Bellator Manus

    Bellator Manus Warrior of the Hand

    It was alright.
  3. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I laughed like a lunatic at the beginning. The ninja in the high school hallway.

    Bravo! :)
  4. Jiraiya

    Jiraiya Valued Member

    Not bad. Keep it up, I'm interested to see what's next. :)
  5. JTiedes

    JTiedes Wielder of the Wiffle.

    some time this year we are going to try to make a sequel return of the shecnk, using the main characters younger sister. yes the begining is my favourite part as well, because i got to trip my instructor, and not get hurt for it w00t!

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