Tricking in London?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Chi-Wai, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Chi-Wai

    Chi-Wai New Member

    Does anyone know any clubs or gym in London where i could start tricking? I'm already training in TKD but there's not really enough facility or space to try wild out tricks.

    Thanks :)
  2. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    What is 'tricking'? :confused:
  3. Chi-Wai

    Chi-Wai New Member

    sorry I should have explained it better. According to Tricks Tutorials' Jon "Tricking can be described as an aesthetic blend of flips, kicks, and twists.

    Basically wild out kicks and flips, not really pratical as a martial art, but a lot of fun.
  4. leon_x

    leon_x Dai Low

    there is a lion dance training class in china town... heard its quite good, was thinking of joining when i get more flexible
  5. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Is this school lion dance only or is it part of a kung fu school? My school does lion dancing but only the most senior students get to do it as it uses all your kung fu stances and a lot of stamina. We, like many other kung fu schools, turn away people who show up expecting to learn the lion dance only.
  6. leon_x

    leon_x Dai Low

    its part of a kung fu school, NamYang MA. of course any person cant go there and learn lion dance but i was assuming that since he was looking for "tricks" he must kno some sort of kung fu.

    are you learning lion dance? where u from?
  7. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    I dont really associate 'tricking' with Lion Dancing.
    Most of what we do in Lion Dancing is stand on a guys shoulders to get to the lettuce hanging up high.
    Although some groups (mainly in Hong Kong) jump from platform to platform or single poles.

    I'm thinking the thread starter wants something of more like Parkour?

    Theres a group called Flo-Motion in Elephant and Castle (saw them once on TV) but otherwise no idea. I think you may have to look out for gymnastic classes and see if theres are any 'free-running' training groups.
  8. Topher

    Topher allo!

    Try They do Parkour, which i'd guess is similar, and i believe they hold weekly classes in a gym (with a padded floor wtc).
  9. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    I was thinking he meant more along the wushu/XMA lines than parkour.
  10. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    all depends on where you live; south london = bromley valley gymnastics club (friday night), europa gymnastics club (monday and wednasday night) east london =east london gymnastics club (tuesday? and friday night) north london = harrow gymnastics club (tuesday night).
    if you need anymore help just ask.
  11. Chi-Wai

    Chi-Wai New Member

    i don't think Lion dance is what i was really looking for. Parkour is closer and I'm interested but I was hoping for more Wushu/xma stuff. Never the less thanks alot everyone. :eek:

    psbn matt, have you trained/seen any of those clubs yourself, are beginners welcomed and is it a class or just a training area? I work in central london so don't really mind which club but east london might be just a little easier. Thanks Dude :)
  12. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    i train at bromley valley (st pauls cray, orpington) and at europa (erith), i have also trained at ladywell gymnastics club (bellingham), harrow and east london (becton).
    all of these clubs have an adult night and beginers are welcome, all adult gym clubs have a differant feel to them depending on what type of people are training there.

    bromley is a mix of gymnastics, tricking and some break dance

    europa has a lot of parkour, break dance and tricking

    ladywell is mainly gymnastics

    east london i haven't been to for quite a while so can't say

    harrow is mainly tricking and gymnastics not much parkour there.

    most adult gymnastic classes are a cross between a class and a training area, where the coaches will help you to understand the basics of fliping and twisting in a fairly safe enviroment, and indivduals in the clubs will help you out with no gymnastic moves, but leave you to get on with it once you understand the basics, as repitition is the only way to learn theses skills.

    imo, you should try and check out all the clubs and see which one offers the best mix of what you want.
  13. Ziro

    Ziro Valued Member

  14. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    I thought the Harrow one was stopped?

    Gonna check it out again, there were a lot of capoeritistas there when i last went (which was about 6 years ago)
  15. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

  16. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    I hope not, I was planning on visiting later this year.
  17. Topher

    Topher allo!

    I believe Europa is where the run classes.
  18. Martial Alex

    Martial Alex Valued Member

    you should all do tricking like me [​IMG]
  19. Chi-Wai

    Chi-Wai New Member

    I'd love to do moves like that, but I can't, thats why i'm asking for places to train :)

    Once my ankle recovers (from yet another sprain) I'll be visitng a few of these clubs. Thanks guys! Much appreicated.
    Any chance of seeing some of your guys there?
  20. Pobeli

    Pobeli Valued Member

    Most people learn to trick on their own, but lots of people have backgrounds in gymnastics, a kicks-oriented martial art, or both.

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