Thinking of Joining Aikido

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Yan, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Oh dear oh dear, it looks like people are taking things a little personally.

    I'm just being honest with you guys. Would you rather I lied to a training sensei and said I would follow the philosophy when I actually didn't? How is it disrespectful to speak one's mind?

    And I also believe you are wrong. A person who trains in kickboxing for one year can (on average) reach green belt status, and kick a few heads in. If an art has no effect after one whole year then you've been wasting your money for that year in my opinion.

    Of course you obviously think otherwise so let's just agree to disagree. I've found a good tae kwon do class anyway so that's discussion over
  2. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    You write that down mate. Keep it safe. Read it again in 10 years. Then slap yourself for me :)
  3. Yan

    Yan New Member

    This is my last post in this forum. Please do not reply

    I see what you're saying mate, but if I wasn't able to throw a single punch, kick or throw at the end of a YEAR I would be seriously disapointed in my art. I said if you learned nothing. Even after six months of kickboxing I could run, kick, punch, block and dodge faster than I could before.

    Anyway, end of discussion. Please. Thank you.

  4. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    Re: This is my last post in this forum. Please do not reply

    Hell I can do that after I've been to the toilet.
  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    90% of the people at this Aikido club go there to throw people around? ..... Oh dear sounds like Yan has found a McDojo .... if you're not interested in phylosophy in the least you won't get very far in Aikido. The phylosophy is the core to all Aikido techniques. It's the root of the art.

    Out of curiousity what style does this dojo teach?
  6. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Eek! Enough!

    It doesn't matter anymore! Please stop posting!
    Thank you
  7. brown belt

    brown belt New Member

    JUDO IS WHAT!...... hey a little advice if ur looking for a grapeling MA then judo is the best, yes it may not include as many wrist locks etc but judo is alot more physical and a judo player would easily mess u up very fast. i have done a little aikido and no offece to any aikedo players of course but it seemed a little far feched and it rellied on uke to keep hold of you and if he let go the technique would not work. judo lets you fight as hard as you want and with only minimal damage at the end. so my advce would be to do judo for your grappeling art.
  8. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    An Aikido 'player'? You realy must have done very little Aikido, it's not a sport.
  9. brown belt

    brown belt New Member

    yes your right i aint i have done a few hours and i didnt really like it so i didnt get into all the philosophy and all that stuff im sorry if i got it wrong
  10. Tintin

    Tintin Cats: All your base...

    'Player' is as good a definition as any. I'd consider myself a player when in competitive randori shiai, as I don't like to think of myself as a 'fighter'. The emphasis is on improving, not win at all costs, although this idea often gets lost somewhere along the way.)
    Outside of shiai, simply 'aikiodoka' seems more appropriate.

    I'd like to keep this away from the stage of everyone running for their dictionaries and thesaurus (thesauri? :confused: ), but you could term it a sport. Whether you are competing against an opponent, or competing against yourself in relation to your own limitations, or previous performance.

    As a whole I would never call Aikido a sport. It isn't. As a complete entity it is a martial art, but it contains the potential for sport.

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