Thinking of Joining Aikido

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Yan, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Okay, some stats first.

    Name: Yan
    Age: 16
    Kickboxing for: 6 months
    Kickboxing rank: Yellow belt
    Kicks: Good
    Punches: Okay
    Grappling ability: nil

    I want to join a grappling MA, and since I know someone who does Aikido (a kid you might read about in another thread) I thought I'd join up. Judo looks too pussy and there are no ju jitsu clubs in my area. I already know a striking art but I want to be able to chuck people on the floor when I have to.

    What I want to know is:

    How much do Aikido classes/kit cost (in pounds) average?
    How long does it take to see any results from Aikido?
    What exactly is involved: DON'T say joint manipulation because I don't know what it bloody means.
    Would it blend with the kickboxing training I have already done or am I looking at the wrong sport? Or does it matter at all?

    So, I'd appreciate it if someone could answer my questions so I can join up ASAP!
  2. Shaolin Dragon

    Shaolin Dragon Born again martial artist

    Cost is dependant on the club - anywhere upwards of three pounds a lesson, plus the cost of your Gi and insurance, also dependant on the club.

    Like any martial art, you will see results after your first lesson and bigger results depending on how often you go.

    Aikido is all about taking your opponent's force and using it's direction. e.g. someone throws a punch at you, and you use hi momentum to put him into a wrist lock.

    As for blending with kickboxing, if you want to be a better rounded martial artist, definitely. If you are serious about competing in kickboxing, though, you may find that taking up aikido or any grappling martial art interferes with your performance, as most of these techniques are disallowed in a kickboxing match.

    And incidently, refering to other martial arts as "pussy" isn't a good way of going about getting people to help you.
  3. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Well, I wouldn't say it to a Judo blackbelt's face, no

    But the point still stands that Judo is a sport, not a MA as a few people think. I've done some Judo in my time and it was useful, but not what I'm after.

    And don't worry about getting disqualified - I know better than to grapple some of the people in my club. Two of them are Kung Fu experts and one is a seven foot giant purple belt. I think I'll stick to punching.

    Plus it's quite hard to grapple with boxing gloves on. But thanks for the advice mate, I'll check it out.
  4. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    LOL Judo-Pussy! I think not Baby Puppy....

    No Ju Jitsu clubs near you, what part of London are you in?
    There are Ju jitsu clubs everywhere in London...

    How far will you travel to a class and what type (Style and emphasis) of Ju Jitsu are you particularly interested in?

    I personally can't see Aikido fitting in with your Kickboxing, but stranger things have happened at sea.
  5. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    1) The question is void for vagueness.
    2) Don't fight. Blend with the opponent's energy. Take him where his energy is going. And in the process of doing so, you either throw him away from you, or you throw him at your feet and pin him face down on the floor.
    3) Not easily. In kickboxing, you stand toe-to-toe and trade punches. In aikido, you get out of the way of the punches. You would never stand toe-to-toe with someone who is trying to punch you. Hence, they have opposite strategies.
  6. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    Re: Re: Thinking of Joining Aikido

    LOL. Not done much Kickboxing then have you?
    Trust me, the object is not to stand there and get battered/ do the battering.

    You can and really should get out of the way/ evade/ slip whenever you can.

    We are not talking about Spartan Boxing from the first Olympics here, there are some subtleties involved!
  7. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Heh heh! Duh, I know they try to not get hit! Yes, I dabbled in muay thai in my younger days. Fun when you're 20. But kickboxers always come back chest-to-chest, toe-to-toe, whatever. They're not evading the conflict, they're actually engaging the other person in the conflict. They're actually trying to get in there and hit the other guy. Aikido is the opposite of that. Aikido does not engage. The strategy of aikido is quite different from the strategy of kickboxing. For this reason I find it very hard to mix the two.
  8. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

  9. Tomiki Ryu

    Tomiki Ryu New Member

    If you can say Judo is pussy then you've never 'played' with anyone good. A good Judo player will mess you up very quickly.
  10. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    So would a bad one.
  11. Munners

    Munners New Member

    Just try it - that's really the only way to find out what it is like for you!

    From my (limited) experience, Aikido does take a longer time to learn the basics of, compared with my experience of learning Kendo......

    However, that does not mean you will not see results.
  12. Yan

    Yan New Member



    Each lesson? That's pretty steep. Kickboxing only costs five squids a pop.

    (4 or 5 years, minimum, just for the basics)

    Looking forward to it.

    (No-one could describe it to you. Joint manipulation is like saying fishing is to do with bits of string.)

    Bits of string are my speciality. I'll fit right in.

    (Yes it matters. Yes, you are looking at the wrong sport. No, it certainly would not blend with your kickboxing)

    I don't know. I'd just have to remember to keep them seperate when I'm training: don't kick people in aikido class, don't throw people in kickboxing. On the street though, in a fight, I feel I could combine the grappling and striking aspects enough to be a worthy opponent at least.

    (you need to relax a little)

    Because I like martial arts and want to join an aikido club soon? I don't quite see what you're getting at.



    1) The question is void for vagueness.

    If you don't understand the question there's no point in asking it.

    2) Don't fight. Blend with the opponent's energy. Take him where his energy is going. And in the process of doing so, you either throw him away from you, or you throw him at your feet and pin him face down on the floor.

    Sounds great to me.

    3) Not easily. In kickboxing, you stand toe-to-toe and trade punches. In aikido, you get out of the way of the punches. You would never stand toe-to-toe with someone who is trying to punch you. Hence, they have opposite strategies.

    Exactly! I'm not interested in tournemants, competitions or anything else that may cause problems with the merging of the two arts. I go purely for defence and training, so in a real fight I will be able to use both effectively. I can mix-and-match, so to speak, between striking, dodging and grappling. Kickboxing teaches you the first two, now all I need is to know how to throw someone on the floor when they grab me.

    Thanks to all who answered my questions and sorry for taking so long to reply (been very busy lately)

  13. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    The martial arts (and in this case, aikido) yields multiple "results." These results include better posture, increased strength and stamina, inner confidence, improved coordination, improved concentration, an increasing desire for peace in the world, more empathy for other people, and (drum roll) the ability to physically defend yourself in a fist-fight. Each of these benefits, and those I left off the list, has an independent timeline that no person can predict. And you should not compare your own progress to that of another person anyway.

    Keep that attitude and you will be able to mix aikido and muay thai! But remember also that 1) aikido is about not fighting (repeat that to yourself before every class), and 2) aikido takes a lot, lot longer to learn than does muay thai. A lot longer. So do not compare your progress in the two classes.
  14. Jordan

    Jordan Valued Member

    aikido and kickboxing

    It seems to me and correct me if wrong, your in kickboxing as a sport more than a martial art. I'm saying this because kickboxing is a sport/ martial art , Aikido is about defence unlike kickboxing which is both. Let me give you some tips,
    1. get of the line of attack
    this is an Aikido method that will help in Kickboxing. Step around him and kick him.
    2. It sounds to me that the sport that might fit you is vale tudo or summission fighting, because grappling is illegal in kickboxing.
    If you have any more questions e-mail me or post it on the page
  15. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Thanks for the tips Jordan, but the thing is the only real choices of martial arts I have for my local area are aikido, kickboxing, thai boxing or kung fu.

    I think my two chosen martial arts will compliment eachother nicely, with a balance of striking and grappling - just have to remember not to mix the two while training.

    Also I take my kickboxing seriously as a martial art, as well of course for fitness and focus.
  16. Amakasashi

    Amakasashi New Member


    a few things about aikido and your post, aikido is not a grappling MA its hard to explain. Also its not a sport like most other martial arts so please don't confuse it with one, it is a budo, not a game. As far as money for aikido it does depend on the place, not sure about pounds exactly but the figure stated above sounds correct, though aikdo lessons do cost money I will quote o'sensei "Fool, do you think that the understanding of aikido can be bought at any price!" Also the reason you feel like taking aikido because you want to chuck people around isn't a good mind set for starting aikido, with that mind set you won't even be able to grasp the begining techniques at all, at least truely, you can mimic the actions and maybe see a weak result, but the heart of aikido is not an ego or to kick someones ass or chuck them around the mat, it is love. If you want to know the philosophy or the spiritual aspect, or even to grow as a human being thats one thing, but if you just want to learn a few moves don't waste your time or the sensei's. As for judo being pussy i don't think that it is personally, that is a discrase to call an art pussy because it doesn't seem to fit with what you want. Basically my point of this responce is you should really re think why you want to join aikido, look into the philosophy a bit, see if you enjoy it. If you want to talk about it im me on aim or email me.
  17. Amakasashi

    Amakasashi New Member

    also about aikido being purely defensive isn't necesarily true, you sprial into their center and send their ki out, so even though you don't do anything until you are pretty much attacked, when you are you attacked you don't just defend you also attack. from what i can see at least.
  18. Yan

    Yan New Member

    Amakasashi : the sole reasons for my taking martial arts are fitness and self-defence. I am not interested in philosophy, internal energies and all the rest of it. If I was in feudal China, with all the time in the world, I would dedicate my life to philisophy, thought and life.

    But I'm not, so it is purely physical. Yes, I'm joining Aikido so I can throw people out, and if you asked the people going to the local club, 90% would say the same thing.

    And it is not discraceful to call an art 'pussy'. Tis merely how I talk, pussy is a very mild word in my language, although of course others may interpret it as an insult or attack.

    To elaborate - I did Judo for a year, did great on the mats and stuff, then tried it in real life and got my **** kicked. In effect: I, meaning me, myself, think that Judo is pussy. Not to say this is a solid fact, but merely an opinion, so don't worry about it so much.

    Hope that clears it up. Thankyou for the continuing advice anyhoo.
  19. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    You'll never be good at anything till you fix your egotistical mind.

    Any teacher (from any art) reading your comments about Judo would laugh at you.

    Do you really think you can become proficient in a Martial Art in a year?

    You need to lose another 500 or so fights mate.
  20. Amakasashi

    Amakasashi New Member

    i agree dexter, and pussy i don't care what language is offensive if you call their art pussy. One year and you were surprised you got your ass kicked, kid wake up, its not something that you can learn in a year, to get really skilled it takes a life time and if you don't believe in any philosophy or spiritual aspect of the martial arts you will never amount to being anything but someone who knows some technique and it won't be that effective either. Also about your aikido comment, maybe thats how it is over there, but man in the 3 dojos about 150 students total train in them ALL and I mean ALL believe in the philosophy and truely put their heart into it. those that want to learn to toss people about won't get it even if they taike the moves if they don't want to try and understand ki. The thoughts you have about aikido would be a dissrespectful to the sensei who teaches you thinking you actually believe in it. Its very deceptive of you, and I hope you won't waste his/her time. I don't know how you british people train over there honestly, never trained over there. But i know how your british aikido board or whatever works and that is a complete utter discrace (reference to poole) to anyone who is a practicioner of aikido so I wouldn't be surprised to see that attitude of yours all over england, and here too. It is really depressing that martial arts have become such a game to people.

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