The Rant Column!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Andy Murray, Jul 3, 2002.

  1. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Pants hanging below the butt crack.

    God DAMN I hate that.
  2. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Saw that on a girl the other day. That wasn't so bad:)
  3. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    I meant I hate it because the pants are obscuring my view of the girl's ****.
  4. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    It's as if what made me tick has ceased to tick. Everything is the same, I can't take pleasure in the things I usually enjoy. The colour is still there, but it's not as bright. And yet I keep on living.
  5. Microlamia

    Microlamia Banned Banned

    Crappity crap. That's called depression dude.

    If you'd like to talk, feel free to shoot me a PM.
  6. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    OK I will, actually if that's cool.
  7. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Knight_Errant, I can give Yah-Yah a call if you like? S/he can be around to your house in minutes and s/he knows plenty of *ahem* "uplifting" tricks. Just ask Mitch :D

    Seriously though, hope you get through it. Like CV said, we're all just a PM away if you need to vent/talk/plan. :)
  8. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Thanks, man. I'll be good, I'm always good in the end. Give me a month or so and I'll be in the running around frame of mind again.
    I think yah-yah is mentioning stuff like 'restraining orders'.
  9. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    Ok, here we go. I am a technical writer by trade. In other words, I'm the man responsible for the manual that accompanies your new toaster or what have you.... so, yes, I'm also responsible for telling you to insert peg A into hole B when there is no hole B to be seen, lol. And again yes, we do that on purpose.

    The way my job works is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) identifies an area wherein technical documentation is necessary to either A) outline a procedure that does not currently exist or B) expand upon an existing procedure to provide clarification.

    Today is the 4th time in two weeks that I've started a job only to discover the SME isnt prepared either in terms of research or parts availability. I've WASTED almost 60 hours of time on things that are now, essentially worthless and it all could have been avoided if these window-lickin morons just paid the slightest hint of attention to their lousy jobs BEFORE getting me involved.

    Is it wrong to beat a man with his own stapler? Is it really THAT wrong??
  10. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    It's only wrong if you get caught. ;)

    Today's rant: hypochondriacs. People who panic at the slightest ache or pain, or who BS health conditions for attention. Like the fat bird at my wife's workplace who has the crappiest attendance record in history, but can never produce a valid sick not or hospital appointment letter; who is dying one moment because she can't breathe and is seeing bright lights, and is jumping for joy when lunchtime comes around; who today demanded an ambulance be called even though the workplace occupational health nurse said there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. Yeah, I hate attention seeking morons like that.
  11. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    You can have the stapler as soon as I'm done...
  12. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    I was thinking more nail gun...
  13. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    A nail gun is rather brutish... it lacks a certain comedic flair that I look for in a quality kill... like beating someone into unconsiousness with a loaf of marble rye... that just screams genius to me...
  14. Sentnl

    Sentnl Valued Member

    My boss, Janet, keeps sexually harassing me. I'M &$*$ING SICK OF IT. I'll probably lose my job if I file a complaint, and I like my jobP)IRH()@T*BG@(UBT@BO
  15. Blade96

    Blade96 shotokan karateka

    Rant @ People who told me (after speaking to them for just one minute) "Oh you're just like my son who has autism!" I'm like Wtf, you don't know me, and you're calling me names?! I hate it when people do that, yes, people do that to me, yes I'm different yes I been called every name in the book even by doctors, and what kind of people are you to say that to my face??

    Hahah! I am sitting here ROFLMAO at your words you use when you're ranting! Girl, your rants crack me right up! LOL LOL. :hat:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  16. SpikeD

    SpikeD At the Frankenstein Place

    People who feel the need to expand on a rant by ending with a complex quantum equation.
  17. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    S=k log W :p
    I swear I'm sorry...
  18. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    Saying someone has autism isnt calling them a name. And you say you've been called every name in the book even by doctors??? What the hell kind of doctors are you seeing that cuss at you? You mean you've been in the office and the doctor has looked at you and said You F-bombing B......" .... Im sorry but I have a hard time with that one Blade... jus sayin...
  19. Blade96

    Blade96 shotokan karateka

    LOL! not like that. I been diagnosed with everything from cri du chat syndrome to a psychiatrist saying I should be committed to autism to mental retardation to people saying I must have fetal alcohol syndrome.
  20. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    OOOHHHHH.... well in THAT case, carry on :)

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