The Global Warming Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by David Harrison, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    honestly, i welcome death if i don't have to hear another p.c. conservative whine about their feelings being hurt. the whole "i'm not a racist, but i voted for a racist" bit--or the relevant to this thread bit "don't talk down to me you educated elitist".
  2. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    I'm with you all the way until:
    1) the suggestion that the media is impartial. Stop, you're making me spit coffee on my keyboard! :p
    2) the "it should be shamed" part. That's just making an enemy when you could make a friend. You know, "verbal judo."

    But otherwise, I agree with you.

    Yes, exactly. My country is, pretty much, split right down the middle, and the two sides hate each other. It sucks to be an American right now! :mad:
  3. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    I think the media strive for impartiality when in reality it should strive for objectivity. As for the shaming, people who are ignorant I agree with you, those that strive to keep people in ignorance to line their pockets should most certainly be run through the streets naked and have excrement thrown at them.
  4. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    This is interesting to me, because from my perspective it shows how right wing all sides of American politics are.

    Being raised in a 60's-style European socialist household, I believe that people are the products of culture and education, not vice-versa. Just like wealth, these are accidents of birth rather than badges of merit or divine providence.

    So, for me, access to education is the stumbling block and the cure, not resigning yourself to the notion that half of the population are wilfully ignorant.
  5. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Totally agree that it's time the media stop being impartial and start becoming objective. The idea that every viewpoint is equal only serves to sanction ignorance.
  6. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Limiting consumption, or changing how we resource that consumption, I am on board with.

    Regulating breeding I am not okay with, nor am I okay with tearing up the UN Declaration of Human Rights. If you make giving birth illegal, there must be sanctions, i.e. killing children, for anyone to follow the law. You've now made industrialised murder legal. If you have state-enforced sterilisation, you've now made cruel and unusual punishment legal plus created a force of goons who take people from their houses at night, as well as increased public surveillance and an informer culture. I'd rather we were just wiped out.

    If I were god-emperor of the world, I'd dismantle all armies and decommission all nuclear weapons, then put all that money into colonising the solar system.

    Alienation only serves to... well, alienate people.

    What you need is a turn-coat poster boy. Like the Greenpeace guy.

    Maybe time to start showing some cash around the fringes of the fossil fuel industry.

    Clever people who get things done do so in a clever way. Acting like King Canute might make you feel good, but it is a huge waste of time, if not counter-productive.
  7. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    It honestly would not surprise me if we see a second American civil war this century. But it won't be like the first one with regular armies, it will be like the Hutu and Tutsi, where every single city and town tears itself apart.
  8. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    Again, you do realize calling me and others on my side stupid wont win them over..

    I mean, why would any conservative knowingly give a win to the democrats? You have to address the political reality, not what you think is ideal.

    Not one thing about my post was screw you I got mine, that is a blatant misrepresentation. The article I linked backs up what I am saying. You need to tailor the message to their values. Secondly you need to delink it from the DNC, delink it from the notion that supporting reform will give a win to the other side. That is political reality and MUST be dealt with like it or not.

    Calling us stupid is short sighted and quite simply, stupid.
  9. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    And doing so would be devastating to the republicans unless you can convince the base. They will consider them traitors, or RINO.

    You can not ignore the role political partisanship plays here. People do not under any circumstances want the other team to win. You cant ignore political reality.

    Regarding the DNC not being left compared to the world, I don't care what is left for the EU. I only care about a American Politics, and for American politics they are left. Politics in the EU has no effect on me.

    Also the Republicans are not being left behind. Ignoring the presidential election, the republican party swept the election. We own most of the state govenerships and legislatures. Lost maybe a handful of seats in congress, but gained others, and still maintain control.

    We won. We are not being left behind. Not with that sweeping victory. Yes he lost the popular vote, which isn't hard to do when the Dems control California and NY, which is were the population centers are. Look at the county by county break down. Him loosing the popular vote makes sense when you look at the county by county break down.
  10. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    Phil, I honestly thought you and I were having a decent conversation. Yet here you are insulting me. So all the things I have learned in the last few posts. Mean nothing? Still an idiot despite changing on a number of things?

    Honestly, why should anyone on my side of the debate even broach it with you if you just going to insult us?

    You mention that gentle framing wont help when the coal miners/power workers loose their jobs. Ok fine, so what is you suggestion to help those people? Not a lot of job skills crossover from coal mining and fossil fuel power and clean energy.. Your talking about sending hundreds of thousands of people back to college, which is a expensive endeavor.
  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Er, because you they live on the same planet?

    Don't be so sure. I can think of a particular German chancellor and a few Russian premiers who had quite a big effect on America.

    Republicans can win elections, it doesn't mean that they aren't being left behind in terms of scientific fact, social values, international politics etc...

    Do you realise that much of the world looks upon right wing Americans as being politically similar to ISIS? Anti-science, against human rights, religious fundamentalists who believe in literal interpretations of holy scripture, pro-torture, xenophobic, generally regressive etc...

    The biggest problem with the planet is that America holds such sway over global politics.
  12. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    The same planet argument is the rational one, but not inline with political reality David. That is how it is. I have no control over it.
    Why I gods name would I want to be a leftist? I may be coming around on some issues, but voting left(American left) would hurt me in other areas. Namely, I am a HUGE 2A supporter. Voting left, directly hurts my interests in that matter. That is just one issue, but a big one for me.

    Again, what possible benefit is it for me to jump ship and vote for the Dems?
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
  13. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Why, in God's name, would you care so much about a political label?
  14. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    Well, if you don't want us to say not to talk down to us, then you know. Stop talking down to us and just talk to us.

    We can be reached, you just refuse to.
  15. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    I already answered that. Seriously, what kind of question is that? The label matters over here.
  16. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    Yea, I miss typed there. I meant the farmers saw real benefits immediately, not in theory down the road. Now you keep saying that the economy is being hurt now by climate change. Can you cite examples, because I am not seeing it here. Cost of living is down, and my state has a good jobs outlook.
  17. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    No, you didn't. You said that it does matter, not why it matters.

    Why do you feel the need to be aligned to a tribal sect of society, and why do you need to feel the need to vilify anyone who isn't part of that tribe?
  18. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    To your edit:

    I've never heard a Democrat leader say that they are going to repeal the 2nd amendment.
  19. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    YES I did answer it. Go back a few posts, were I laid it out, supported by a nice link and everything..

    Because if you were over here and a citizen you would be a democrat, just judging on your posts. They best align with your beliefs. So you would be aligning with a tribal sect.

    Now were did you get this vilify nonsense? I just said I didn't want to be a leftist..
  20. Kframe

    Kframe Valued Member

    Orin hatch for one. Secondly, I didn't say anything about repeal. Much can be done to hurt 2A supporters and not go anywhere near repeal.

    Thankfully, I don't own any hicaps, as they are expensive to feed.

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