The Glasgow Duellists prepare for battle

Discussion in 'Western Martial Arts' started by Polar Bear, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    Well since its my birthday I decided to give you all a treat so you can see the results of Sunday practice tourney at the GCoD.

    Exhibit #1: Bear Vs. Italian Stallion


    lesson learned - DON'T duck when the bear chops at your head. Luckily I managed to pull the blow in time before the Italian stallion became the horses head in the Godfather.

    Exhibit #2: Bear Vs. Rabid Hamster


    lesson learned - pommels are bad especially when they have a bear behind them. Also caused the sewing kit to come out for the Hamsters gambeson.

    Exhibit #3: Bear Vs. Rabid Hamster


    lesson learned : Hamster + bloody great sword = ouch! The one at the top REALLY hurt. straight thrust that bounced off my armour up my sleeve and into my bicep. Thank goodness for blunt swords.

    Hope you enjoy! Apologies for the blurry pictures but it seems Hamsters hands were shaking too much in a couple.

    The Bear.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    A good day's work then? :D
  3. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Ouch ! :D Men playing with swords = some blood shed!

    Wanna see my mat burn??? :D

    Happy Birthday btw :)
  4. RAbid Hamster

    RAbid Hamster Herr Trubelmacher

    hamsters hands were indeed shaking somewhat.

    Lou, would love to see your mat burn ... and in return I could show you the results when Bear blocked my grappling knee to his ribs with a sharp downward motion of his sword. :eek:
  5. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    Sure was, the fights were all really good. the Italian Stallion and Rabid Hamsters fight could have been in a movie.

    The Bear.
  6. Louie

    Louie STUNT DAD Supporter

    I find your post to be downright shameful. You clearly showed a major lack of control and safety while working with your fellow scholars. Moreover, your post actually reads as if bragging about it. I strongly suggest some self-reflection and a lot more training with a focus on safety and control.

    Louie (bruise-free):cool:
  7. RAbid Hamster

    RAbid Hamster Herr Trubelmacher

    I must admit I went home and reflected on control and safety at length while doing my pagan chants. And thus did I resolve to rededicated my focus and training to shoving my sword up Bears other sleeve (and perhaps a trouser leg as well). :p
  8. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    ha ha ha ha ha.

    The Bear.

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