
Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Liamtkd, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. Liamtkd

    Liamtkd New Member

    Hi all, heres a quick query for you people:

    i noticed that the romanisation for "Thailand" is "T'ae-Guk", does this bear any corelation to the collection of 8 WTF forms, or is this mearly happenstance?

  2. Alexander

    Alexander Possibly insane.

    At a guess it probably is coincidence. If Thailand is considered a place of universal harmony and balance I'd think it would only be my the Thais. I doubt the Koreans would consider it such a place - they'd consider Korea that place.

    Also the Romanisation from what language? If it is Thai then dispite the similarity in pronounciation to the Korean 'Tae Guk' they are still two different languages and thus two different meanings. Its probably just coincidence that the Thai for Thailand sounds like the Korean Tae Guk.

    Just my 50p... I could be wrong, as I said, I'm just guessing.
  3. Liamtkd

    Liamtkd New Member

    Well, it's romanised from Hangul, so the modern Korean written language. I figured it would *probably* be coincidence, but i was bored and wanted to start a new thread ;)
  4. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo


    Thailand in Korean is "Tae Gook" (the second character with a long "ooooh" sound).

    The forms are "Tae Guk" (the second character with a short "uh" sound)

    Different words completely. Keep in mind that many Korean words are the same, but may be represented by different Chinese characters to tell the difference.
  5. Liamtkd

    Liamtkd New Member

    nice one thomas, i thought you would be the one to enlighten me ;)

    does 'Gook' mean country? i've noticed a fair few places finish with that syllable... and ALSO... does the 'il' in 'tok-il' for germany refer to a united germany, or is it again coincidence?
  6. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    It normally means "nation or people" if you use that Chinese character (as found in the Thailand word)... with a different character it can mean "soup" as well... just another reason why Korean is easy to learn but many of the meanings of the words you have to use context or a knowledge of the chinese characeters behind them.

    So like:
    Han (traditional) Gook = South Korea (or Tae Han Min Gook)
    Mee (beautiful) Gook = America
    Yong Gook = England

    but some countries just get "Korean-ized"
    Ka Na Da = Canada

    I don't know... without looking up the chinese characters, it'd be hard to tell... and my (Koreanized) Chinese Characters isn't that strong. I never got into the more obscure stuff.
  7. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    The southern Chinese dialect spoken in Hong Kong and Guandong is Cantonese... but has many similarities with Mandarin... Though Mandarin speakers generally use the 'simplified' Chinese characters, but in Hong Kong we still use the traditional Chinese characters.

    Here are some translations of countries and they are romanized using the Yale system. I am not sure what system you are using for you romanization but it can make a difference in the way the western minds perceives the sound of the word.

    Thailaind = Taiigwok

    America = Meihgwok

    France = Faatgwok

    England = Yinggwok

    Germany = Dukgwok

    Note that there are countries names that don't follow this similarity at all...

    Africa = Fei Jau

    Canada = Ganahdaaih

    (note that in the Yale system these romanizations have diacriticals and punctuation... but I won't bother to put them as it'd take forever searching on my keyboard to get the right ones)

    Whether or not the Chinese word for Thailand is similar to the Korean name for a series of forms... err.. that may be a long shot. I would first off doubt that they are pronounced the same. If you had a Korean person pronounce the word for the TKD forms as they would in native Korean and you had a speaker of Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) pronounce the word for Thailand in Chinese... you'd probably find there is a massive difference.

    As well... based on the way you've romanized the word I would suspect that it doesn't sound the same. What system is that romanized using? There are only about four romanization systems currently in use today for romanizing Chinese characters and sounds.

    The systems are:

    Yale, IPA, Sidney Lau and Meyer-Wempe.

    I am not sure if it is the same for Korean or not.

    The only thing that I could think of that may draw some link would be that China was trading etc. with Korea even before the Japanese... somewhere about 300 B.C. if we are to look at remnants of Bronze culture that spread southward from China into Korea. Most of what ended up in Japan was transmitted via Korea.

    Anyhow.. I digress... but I doubt there is much similarity between the two words - first off is the issue of pronunciationan, second is the issue of what romanization system you used to arrive at your approximate pronunciation of that word and third... I don't think there are any relevant links between Thai and Korean culture - at least not far back enough to be able to draw any satisfactory conclusions on word like this.

    It's appears to be conicidence and some lack of proper romanization.

    (FWIW - I've lived in Asia about 15 years now... Thailand and China... with long stints in other countries.. I speak Cantonese, Thai and Mandarin. My written Chinese though is very basic... however my Thai is passable at a highschool level. English and Spanish are my native languages. While I can pick Korean out a mile off... I don't speak a lick of it.. lol.) :D
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2005
  8. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    Nice post! :)
    I used the current Romanization system. You are right in that they are not related. They are two different words, spelled differently in Korean and represented by different Chinese characters. (Normally Koreans use Hangeul to write their words... but with many similar words out there, they sometimes use Chinese characters stuck in the middle of the sentence for clarity.)

    Here's the latest Romanization system:
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2005
  9. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    interesting - thanks for the post of the link.
  10. Liamtkd

    Liamtkd New Member

    Thomas, Slipthejab, thanks to both for your help.
    you both display an air of knowledge and willingness to share with others, IMO the perfect attitude for a true MAist


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