Taking Offense

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by watto86, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. watto86

    watto86 Nah brah I'm not gone

    Before I get down to business. I'd just like to explain myself and where i'm coming from, so you can all better understand what i'm getting at and why i'm saying it.

    A year or so back, there was a show on TV here in Australia, where a man went to prominent Christian areas (particularly in the USA), door knocking in a Jehova's Witness or Mormon-esque manner. Only rather than preaching God, Jesus, Salvation, etc. He was promoting atheism, big bang theory, evolution/Charles Darwin, etc. Needless to say, the Christians that he talked to were less than impressed.
    Now although he most likely did this to get a reaction like the one he received. Now that, coupled with other things (evangelism thread on MAP) got me thinking. Pretty much every Christian i've ever talked to about philosophy, beliefs, science, or anything in that realm has been offended by me saying that I am an atheist and disagree with them, after they've asked me questions that got those answers in the first place. It is because of such experiences from myself and other atheist friends of mine that I have the following question.
    Because (at least some) Christians or other relgions even are offended (or at least can be offended) by atheism, especially overt forms of it, subsequently, they may (or will) complain about it. So my question is. Because they are allowed to be openly offended by atheism, are atheists allowed to be openly offended by overt forms of Christianity, including but not limited to Evangelism, talking down/bad mouthing atheism, religious justification, etc?

    But before I get any people thinking that i'm just trolling. I would like you to know that this is genuinely what I think/wonder, and I would like to get peoples opinions on the matter.
  2. dbmasters

    dbmasters Valued Member

    I am a Christian person and am not in the least offended by other religions, or lack of them...I would suggest people that are "offended" by these things are likely on shaky ground with their own beliefs, or, are radical extremists of it.

    That said, it seems to me and my experience, I have seen more people be offended by the meer mention of God or Christianty, even in a non-preaching manner...I have seen soooo often people just say that they are a Christian and they are immediately labelled "bible bangers"...which suggests to me offense is taken.
  3. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Kind of reminds me of this clip.

    Some people take things like religion very seriously, other people less so. Although I don't personally have any religous beliefs, it's important to understand that a lot of people do take it very seriously. Often religion is a strong part of a persons identity, in these cases arguing against their beliefs can be close to personal insult. For those of us who don't identify with religion as much for whatever reason, their reactions can seem over the top, but to them it will be a fair response to a serious attack on their identity. Obviously this is a worst case example, but a lot of people with religous beliefs will feel the same things to a degree. For this reason respecting someones beliefs is important, even if they clash with your own. Disrespect of anothers belief will more often lower other peoples respect for your own beliefs for exactly this reason.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  4. s7il7s

    s7il7s New Member

    Thats a pretty interesting point actually. I'm Christian-Protestant, but i'm not at all offended by you believing, or not in this case, in something different. I guess its the case of actually believing in something vs not believing, rather than atheism just filling the space of "Faith", if you understand.

    Because it isn't actually a religion, persay, more like a school of thought, then atheists (technically) have no reason to be offended by theism because they simply aren't placing themselves on the same level. In the same way, two different religions and its followers might become offended by another religion because obviously they may have different creation stories and different divine entities, but fundamentally, they are both the same kind of mind set, whereas atheism i would say is different and not open to having a problem with other peoples beliefs.
  5. MusashiUeshiba

    MusashiUeshiba Valued Member

    i for one think that there is a big problem with people as a whole being open to other peoples beliefs...and learning from them...i do not believe in one truth when it comes to religion they are all to be studied an respected for what they are...to me christianity (mostly baptist IN MY EXPERIENCE)are not tolerant at all to say a hindu or buddhist...and mock religions that do not worship there lord and god....but i do love all religions and study all very much......no matter how intolerant someone is towards your beliefs you must remain open to theirs because if you do not then ultimatly you become just as close minded as them.....GOD MADE MAN AND MAN MADE RELIGION:)
  6. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I think most people just get tired of internet atheists. :D

    The amount of threads started by atheists are laughable. The do more advertising for Christianity than the religious ones could hope to achieve.

    I rarely if ever have run across Christians who are as obnoxious and arrogant as many of the atheists that I see posting on forums and I certainly haven't run across any that are 'offended' by atheists... unless you're referring to the bad reaction to the obnoxious style that so many atheists seem to have. :p

    Some people take their religion seriously... if so leave them be... I've never see any atheist even come close to converting a Christian... so in essence all they're doing is jizzing in their own pockets with all the attempts. ;)
  7. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    I think anyone has the right to get offended, if, something offensive is said. Goes without saying really. I don't mind talking about this stuff on forums, but, I "refuse" to talk about it with friends, relatives or instructors. I have actually quit a school in my home town before; he wouldn't leave me alone about it, even after I told him that I didn't want to discuss it.

    I avoid these conversation like the plague. I just think it's to easy to become offensive, even without meaning to, on either end. So, I just try not to do it......
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  8. kickgirl

    kickgirl New Member

    What is it with schools and professors feeling the need to push their personal agendas?? In an english 101 class i had to butt heads on a professor who constantly pontificated her personal beliefs on God constantly, and I'm a christian!!! However, even though I am christian I respect that not all people are interested in christianity, and I very bluntly made the point to this woman out loud in class that we were there for english 101 not theology and not everyone in the class wants to be preached to every day. It's like she was trying to use her class as her personal podium to push her agendas and I have no respect for that.
  9. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    I don't know why people do it. But, it's definitely uncalled for......
  10. MusashiUeshiba

    MusashiUeshiba Valued Member

    just love thy neighbor which i think people of all beliefs in general have a problem with.....dont judge a whole belief structure based on a few of there followers extremism...atheist,muslim,hindu,christian judge live an love eachother....i think that the most important thing that anyone of any faith can understand is that there is no one truth when it comes to religion,people should be judge on the actions that they show in everyday life an how they treat other people and the positivity they offer to our society (the world)....religions are all trying to teach the samre thing it just comes out in many differnt forms that is why it is great cause if you dont learn what you need to learn from judeism then you got biddhism or christianity.....i believe that god put all religion here to be worshipped and there is not 1 right or wrong.....RESPECT it is not just religious people who have a problem with that
  11. greenlantern

    greenlantern New Member

    You're kidding right?

    As far as converting people in to an atheist goes it's not necessary the smart one's eventually evolve into atheist.

    It goes to reason with all the different religions in the world, past and present, everyone can't be right but everyone can be wrong.
  12. MusashiUeshiba

    MusashiUeshiba Valued Member

    it is true athiest have converted many religious people there have been cathlics of the highest rank in the vatican that admitted on their death bed they were atheist there whole life.that was amazing when i read acounts of that
  13. kickgirl

    kickgirl New Member

    My 160 IQ begs to differ, I'm still christian :)
  14. Dragon Brush

    Dragon Brush Valued Member

    I'm a Christian, but I find that most people of my religion like to perpetuate the stereotype of the "typical Christian" by pushing their beliefs on others. My mother is like that, hardcore. :eek:
  15. kickgirl

    kickgirl New Member

    It's crazy how narrow people can be isn't it, take for instance another hot topic for many fundamentalist christians....reincarnation <----that's the devil according to alot of folks even though Jesus says that John the baptist had the spirit of the prophet Elijah :cool:
  16. WatchfulAbyss

    WatchfulAbyss Active Member

    Respect, or shoud I say "a lack there of" is a in general type problem.........

    As a weak atheist myself. I can say, that, not only is this not "true" but there are alot of "dumb" as well as "ignorant"; self-righteous, egotistical self surving slime, that go by atheist. Just like there is intelligence on both sides. It's not all about the title. The cretins hang out in any group they can.......(IMHO)

    Depends on how broad you take the terms........ :D
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  17. greenlantern

    greenlantern New Member

    160 IQ should allow you to evolve eventually.
  18. kickgirl

    kickgirl New Member

    When I evolve I'll be way cooler than an Atheist, I'll be cat woman!!! :p
  19. greenlantern

    greenlantern New Member

    :D In the tight leather suit? hopefully.
  20. kickgirl

    kickgirl New Member

    I must have tiger stripes for my suit...that's taking a while

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