Steven Seagal... why does it seem everyone is so down on the guy?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Saved_in_Blood, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. afhuss

    afhuss Valued Member

    Her fights have been some of the most exciting, by far, in the UFC. I don't know if you've ever tried judo, but the consistent throws she gets, with no gi, are impressive. Obviously she is just way above her competition in the early stages of female MMA in the UFC, like Mark Coleman was back in the day, and others will eventually catch up…but for now she's simply dominating, but will have to step up her game as her opponents do. McMan should be a good test of her jujitsu training with the Gracies and striking with her coach.

    Hell, last fight she landed something like 134 strikes to Tate's 28, 40 significant to Tates 24, six flipping takedowns to Tates 1 (a sweet one, though), and was in control for 7:17 to Tates 1:54. Seems pretty solid to me. I liked seeing her be more patient this match. She didn't necessarily bull rush in, she realized Tate had been training to counter aggressive entries.

    Also, complaining about her winning by arm bar is like complaining about Tyson nocking someone out. It makes it more exciting because her opponents are specifically training against jujigatame and she is still hitting them clean.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
  2. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    By skill

    Was Chuck Liddell boring because he knocked everyone out with a punch?

    Saying "all she does is an armbar" shows a gross lack of knowledge about teh skill required to land that.

    Anyone can land a lucky punch; no such thing as a lucky submission
  3. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    I'm sure Matt Damon said in an interview that he did Krav Maga whilst filming to prepare for the fight scenes and that he continued training after.
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    From IMDB -

    "The type of martial arts used by Jason Bourne is a combination of Filpino Kali along with Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Krav Maga is widely mistaken as being used in this film. It is not, as Matt Damon was trained by Kali/Jeet Kune Do expert Jeff Imada. The film's uncredited fight coordinators are Damon Caro and Jonathan Eusebio. Both are trained in Kali and Jeet Kune Do and neither are trained in the Krav Maga."

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  5. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I think Hannibal just covered it. But if you go on YouTube, there's behind-the-scenes clips from the Bourne DVDs discussing the fight choreography. That's not to say that Damon doesn't study krav maga. I have no idea. But the choreographer responsible for the entire Bourne series does not.
  6. Saved_in_Blood

    Saved_in_Blood Valued Member

    Thank you for your long explanation. I don't really look at all of the nuances of MMA most of the time... I can tell you most of them are horrible at boxing, which makes their striking... well interesting. The leg kicks etc are more interesting to me. I can appreciate their ground skill, and while if I trained in it, I might enjoy it more... but as I said... to me it's boring.
  7. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    I could have gotten it wrong, I just remember seeing an junket interview where he said what he studied and Krav Maga is what I recall.
  8. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    In fairness it is not impossible he trains personally in Krav, but it certainly was not in the films
  9. Saved_in_Blood

    Saved_in_Blood Valued Member

    If he does, at least he would have better instructors than around here. I don't recall any of the local Krav Maga instructors getting very good reviews. I prefer my CHKD over that atm and then hopefully the guy who I may train in muay thai with is in the process of moving his dojo, so they are trying to find a place to train their private students.

    Back on topic... I'd train in Aikido too if it were a little bit closer.
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Krav is very patchy quality wise. I have seen lots that underwhelms me, but then i also know guys like John Riddle - someone who I rate exceptionally highly - and he does Krav.

    Mind you he also has many other strings to his bow and is the sort of guy who could study flower arranging and still be dangerous
  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Krav must have very good marketing guys. As well as the Bourne films, they managed to get loads of people thinking the Keysi stuff from Batman was Krav too.
  12. Unreal Combat

    Unreal Combat Valued Member

    The only media I remember featuring Krav Maga was the TV series Alias with Jennifer Garner. I remember reading an article about it long ago when it was first aired. Not sure if she trains in it explicitly or if it was just used for the show though.
  13. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Krav Maga is sought after because the name sounds strange and newbes cannot really pronounce it at first
  14. afhuss

    afhuss Valued Member

    Krav got really popular so it expanded faster than quality could keep up. Martial arts tend to have fads, which result in unsustainable expansion. This happened in aikido, TKD, MMA, BJJ, etc…all in their own decade more or less.

    Particularly anything tied with movies seem to succumb to this.

    I love the new MMA craze where regular "TMA" dojo that do one or two martial arts will hasty throw MMA signage in the window and have brand new, barely used, pads and bags laying in the corner.
  15. EdScissorhands

    EdScissorhands New Member

    I liked Krav Maga.
  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Who was your teacher and what branch was it?
  17. Saved_in_Blood

    Saved_in_Blood Valued Member

    That's one thing about one of my 2 of my instructors. One is my Sensei who is out for a little while longer, but one of the instructors who has worked with me also has the Ninjitsu, Chin-na (sp?) kickboxing, etc experience and has done MA's for I believe a little over 30 years. He's sneaky though. My higher ranking CHKD guy is very good with his form and at watching my footwork and he has basically studied only the CHKD which he is working on getting his 1st Dan in, then there is always a head person there who is a girl that is a 3rd Dan in CHKD and very high up in TKD.. don't know how high honestly. I do like the multiple attacks and ways each person can instruct me on footwork or a certain lock or whatever. They got away from the ranking being everything a long time ago because as we know, there are green belts that would embarrass a black one.

    Anyway, my point is the older guy is definitely sneaky and you can see how the multiple arts he has studied have given him a different perspective on how he chooses his attacks, locks, approaches.. everything.
  18. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    Seagal would be easy to no rules beat. Just jog away from him for a bit until he was winded from chasing you and then punch him in the throat.

    I used to do it for money, my teammates, or someone I was protecting. Of course I'm probably mad as a hatter.
  19. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    I think he has a nice collection of swords, guitars, and tsuba
  20. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Down Hannibal, down!!!

    So what you're saying is you should hit him in the tsuba? :confused:

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